Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The old wheel has turned and it's time for you to go, get rid of that green pantsuit too...

A_J, they lost my green pantsuit...

Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’
She’s feeling the heat.


Trey Sanchez

There is rumbling within the Democratic Party that it may be time for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to go since the party can’t seem to win elections. However, the senior congresswoman feels totally confident in her abilities to effectively lead the party.

During her daily press briefing, a reporter pushed back against Pelosi blowing off those within her own party who feel her time is up and a newer generation needs to take over. Pelosi was more than happy to tout her resume:


Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’


The old wheel has turned and it's time for you to go, get rid of that green pantsuit too...

A_J, they lost my green pantsuit...

Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’
She’s feeling the heat.


Trey Sanchez

There is rumbling within the Democratic Party that it may be time for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to go since the party can’t seem to win elections. However, the senior congresswoman feels totally confident in her abilities to effectively lead the party.

During her daily press briefing, a reporter pushed back against Pelosi blowing off those within her own party who feel her time is up and a newer generation needs to take over. Pelosi was more than happy to tout her resume:


Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’



Odd, you love Trump, who touts himself always.
I saw that performance by Pelosi.

I would call it pre-dementia....meaning we can probably drop the "pre" in another 6 months to a time for the 2018 elections anyway.

Of course, in the Democratic Party, that condition may make her a super-star.
I saw that performance by Pelosi.

I would call it pre-dementia....meaning we can probably drop the "pre" in another 6 months to a time for the 2018 elections anyway.

Of course, in the Democratic Party, that condition may make her a super-star.
Yes. The woman likely has health problems on top of being a very rich lying opportunist.
Pelosi has accomplished more legislatively than all the republicans combined, that is why she is disliked by power and dark money. The stupid democrats who think she is the problem are a joke, if they were to assume power, dark money will go after them. Dems haven't figured it out yet, the right has, feed the idiots slogans and nonsense à la Trump à la Joseph Goebbels and the puppets cheer. Time the dems learned people do not think, they emote and react. Give them an enemy and they cheer a fool.

Required reading: Dark Money

"In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia." George Orwell

"The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation." Baruch Spinoza
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The old wheel has turned and it's time for you to go, get rid of that green pantsuit too...

A_J, they lost my green pantsuit...

Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’
She’s feeling the heat.


Trey Sanchez

There is rumbling within the Democratic Party that it may be time for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to go since the party can’t seem to win elections. However, the senior congresswoman feels totally confident in her abilities to effectively lead the party.

During her daily press briefing, a reporter pushed back against Pelosi blowing off those within her own party who feel her time is up and a newer generation needs to take over. Pelosi was more than happy to tout her resume:


Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’



Well lets be honest, who wans to go to nursing home................
The old wheel has turned and it's time for you to go, get rid of that green pantsuit too...

A_J, they lost my green pantsuit...

Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’
She’s feeling the heat.


Trey Sanchez

There is rumbling within the Democratic Party that it may be time for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to go since the party can’t seem to win elections. However, the senior congresswoman feels totally confident in her abilities to effectively lead the party.

During her daily press briefing, a reporter pushed back against Pelosi blowing off those within her own party who feel her time is up and a newer generation needs to take over. Pelosi was more than happy to tout her resume:


Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’



Well lets be honest, who wans to go to nursing home................

Nancy is one of the wealthiest women in the world, all while being a lowly paid politician and condemning the wealthy whenever she is given the chance. She sure duped many to gain power and wealth.

Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Sinking Democratic Brand

by JONATHAN S. TOBIN June 26, 2017

Her open threats to rivals epitomize the old-school gutter politics that are integral to her party’s problems.

A lack of self-confidence is not one of House minority leader Nancy Pelosi’s problems. But Pelosi’s unabashed use of open threats and her death grip on power are a very big problem for her party.

Pelosi’s performance at her press conference on Thursday was epic in its demonstration of both her enormous self-regard and her complete confidence that nothing and no one will remove her from her powerful perch. While no one really expected that comments from a few stray dissident members of the House caucus would cause her to resign, her contempt for those critics and her willingness to threaten them publicly takes your breath away. She didn’t just mock them for “having fun on TV.” She pointedly reminded them that “every action has a reaction . . . every attack provokes a massive reaction.”

Pelosi’s honesty here is a refreshing spectacle, if not a particularly edifying one. It reminds one more of President Trump than of any Democrat. Not every politician — let alone one who operates on a national stage, like Pelosi — is willing to brandish her brass knuckles in public with a smirk, confident that she wouldn’t suffer from doing so. Nor would even the greatest egotists working with her in a Capitol overflowing with egomaniacs be able to keep as straight a face as she managed in her presser when she praised herself publicly as a “master legislator” and an “astute leader.”


Read more at: Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Sinking Democratic Brand

Nancy Pelosi: Washington’s Latest Wicked Witch



The wicked witch is back. This time, her name is Nancy Pelosi.

The House minority leader was the prime punching bag for Republicans during the Georgia race Jon Ossoff just lost, targeted in a series of ads painting him as her puppet and the epitome of the reviled Washington liberal establishment. Now a rump group in her own party has chimed in, blaming her for a loss that could as easily be credited to a weak candidate who had shallow roots in the district. Nevertheless, the group is calling on her to step down, insisting she’s a liability for the party.

Ms. Pelosi is just the latest in a long line of female politicians — on the left and the right — who have proved rich and resonant targets. Hillary Clinton. Sarah Palin. Michele Bachmann, the former House member from Minnesota. Then Hillary Clinton once more.

In each case, gender wasn’t the only issue. There were plenty of self-inflicted wounds, as well as genuine ideological opposition. Yet each woman was attacked in ways that play off sometimes subliminal, often indignantly denied, biases about women shared by men and women alike.


Opinion | Nancy Pelosi: Washington’s Latest Wicked Witch
The old wheel has turned and it's time for you to go, get rid of that green pantsuit too...

A_J, they lost my green pantsuit...

Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’
She’s feeling the heat.


Trey Sanchez

There is rumbling within the Democratic Party that it may be time for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to go since the party can’t seem to win elections. However, the senior congresswoman feels totally confident in her abilities to effectively lead the party.

During her daily press briefing, a reporter pushed back against Pelosi blowing off those within her own party who feel her time is up and a newer generation needs to take over. Pelosi was more than happy to tout her resume:


Pelosi Begs to Stay: ‘I’m Worth the Trouble’



Even after what Pelosi has put him through, he is still doesn't want her to leave.....

Pelosi has accomplished more legislatively than all the republicans combined, that is why she is disliked by power and dark money. The stupid democrats who think she is the problem are a joke, if they were to assume power, dark money will go after them. Dems haven't figured it out yet, the right has, feed the idiots slogans and nonsense à la Trump à la Joseph Goebbels and the puppets cheer. Time the dems learned people do not think, they emote and react. Give them an enemy and they cheer a fool.

Required reading: Dark Money

"In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia." George Orwell

"The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation." Baruch Spinoza

I'll bite. What are her specific accomplishments and what are the specific accomplishments of all Republicans combined?

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