Pelosi warns republican senators allow witnesses in impeachment trail or pay a price

Where does she come off threatening the Senate?
Does she believe she is the queen of the land.
Pelosi is from San Francisco. It's the epicenter of far left politics. She knows her reelection is a given and she's safe to bully other Democrats who aren't from solid Democratic districts. The people that will pay the price for the farce that's taking place right now are moderates from both parties. What Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and Schumer are doing right now is hanging Democrats from battleground States out to dry. Those are the ones who will pay the price!
Quite frankly, if I were a Senator, even a democrat, I'd be ticked off at Pelosi's blatant attempts to control what the Senate does and how it does it.

I would be disposed to do the opposite of her demands.
Quite frankly, if I were a Senator, even a democrat, I'd be ticked off at Pelosi's blatant attempts to control what the Senate does and how it does it.
God forbid that she does not want a cover up.
Wonder what she plans to do? Shoot those who don't comply? She can campaign against those that don't follow her rules but then you get into the realm of who really thinks they run the country.
Well, after all, they do need a poop map . This will be a need anywhere sanctuary cities will exist sooner or later it all turnns to chit. Oh annd look most are DEMOCRATS not REPUBLICANS. I do hate to break it to you all thoughg manny rep. aren't any better RHINOS fake RHINOS

Someone Made an Interactive San Francisco Poop Map
She can't even keep imbeciles like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in line. How does she think she has any influence at all over the Senate? This hag is asinine.
Quite frankly, if I were a Senator, even a democrat, I'd be ticked off at Pelosi's blatant attempts to control what the Senate does and how it does it.
God forbid that she does not want a cover up.
It's not her call to demand the Senate deal with the impeachment in any way other than the Senate wishes to do so. There is no cover-up because the House's case is supposedly air tight, incontrovertible, a slam dunk. Therefore, there should be no need for anything further, so obviously the demand for more is an admission that the House blew it, big time and doesn't have a strong case.
Quite frankly, if I were a Senator, even a democrat, I'd be ticked off at Pelosi's blatant attempts to control what the Senate does and how it does it.
God forbid that she does not want a cover up.

Cover up for what? Her lack of evidence? Her rushing to judgement with little or no real facts. Maybe she should have thought about that before she moved ahead with the impeachment?
What is it with democrats that they have to threaten people? Why can't they rely on the will of the voters?
Quite frankly, if I were a Senator, even a democrat, I'd be ticked off at Pelosi's blatant attempts to control what the Senate does and how it does it.

Right, but you aren't ticked off that the leader of the Senate is trying to help with the cover up.
Quite frankly, if I were a Senator, even a democrat, I'd be ticked off at Pelosi's blatant attempts to control what the Senate does and how it does it.

Right, but you aren't ticked off that the leader of the Senate is trying to help with the cover up.

Cover-up of what? If you know about something, it's not being covered up. If there's something the democrats in the House didn't get, it's on them for rushing their vote through then sitting on it for a month. It's out of Pelosi's hands now, but she's acting like she thinks she's actually in charge.
Pelosi Warns Republican Senators: Allow Witnesses in Impeachment Trial Or "Pay a Price" (VIDEO)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fired off a warning shot to Republican senators on Sunday: allow witnesses in the impeachment trial or “pay a price.”

Oh stf up you old demonic b***h!
I would let them testify in the hearing. But under one condition. That they will have to take a series of lie detector tests. And if they don't pass. That they will allow the Republican Senators to give them an old fashion blanket party.


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