Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

Electrical charges possibly originating in the ship’s combat systems apparently sparked the electrolysis.

This statement presents another problem. Some electronics are grounded by design and are used on Navy Ships, especially in Combat systems areas.................Which cause current to go in to the hull in an environment that shouldn't have any current to the hull from any electrical systems other than Cathotic protection.

We had that problem while I served primarily with ground detection systems from electronic components from combat systems and electronic spaces. We were forced to put in filters to the ground detection systems to eliminate these grounds from electronic equipment.

You would have to take a very close look at the grounding on electronic equipment to find alternatives to this problem. I've been there and done that.

Cheaper............Faster..............less crew..............and would serve the purpose of coastal patrol functions............

I'd rather have the blue water Navy ships over these aluminum puddle jumpers. If we want something fast for coastal that packs a punch, we had them in the past.
We need to get rid of all these civilian contractors who are making double and triple what soldiers are making for doing the same jobs "ie cook, maintenance, logistics" If they let the Army do it's job and not civilians we would be more cost efficient and tactically proficient.
We don't need armed forces.

Everybody in the world loves us.

It's been that way since January, 2009.

Hasn't it?

I have seen this same EXACT thing happen several times in my 69 years on this planet. Some liberal democrat decides that we should cut military spending and we lose all of our experienced NCO's and Officers. We lose the best and the brightest and we lose our readiness.

Then, a republican is elected (because America understands that well armed is well defended) and the process begins all over again - rebuild the mess that the damned democrats left behind.

I said when Hagel became SOD that he was a clown and he is proving himself as such, God damn him and every liberal democrat in the United States.
There are tons of areas that the DoD can trim the fat from without touching warfighting capabilities. Appropriations for the various services just pisses away money on stupid projects like developing a dozen different uniforms that serve no other point than keeping up with the Joneses. Beyond that, the way the budgetary process is laid out, if a commander doesn't use their entire budget for the year they lose money for the next year, so it is in their interest to spend and throw away all kinds of money just to keep money coming in. We have more admirals than we have ships and more paper pusher types than trigger pullers. Surely some of them can be cut. And then there are the do nothing jobs on the civilian side of the DoD that can be cut. Retired E9s that get a job built specifically for them and then just sit around drinking coffee all day.
It will be for the best. The fight is really at home. Afterall, they managed to take two planes within our own country and take them into the towers. There is much more, but this colors the reality enough.

It has always been at home. Now for the people to become wise enough to demand this attention from their leaders.
The Transformation is almost compete....God help us all


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As the Obama Decline brings American prosperity and might to ever-lower depths, we now hear that the administration has decided to reduce the size of U.S. armed forces to pre-World War II levels.

If was, of course, precisely those levels that led to World War II.

The great lesson of that horrific war – that American weakness leads to global instability – has either been forgotten or is being replicated. In the name of cutting budgets, an administration that has doubled our national debt chooses now to endanger both our national security and the world order.

The same White House that expands welfare spending and unilaterally increases wages on federal contracts has said that “the Pentagon” must face new spending cuts. Free cheese for the entitled masses, but no national defense for the homeland whose sapped prosperity is picking up the tab for that cheese.

An administration whose domestic security agencies have ordered more than 700 million rounds of non-military ammunition cannot find the money to adequately fund the military which points its guns outward at our enemies instead of inward toward our citizenry.

And now we hear of pre-World War II levels, and a generation only recently in its grave groans that its grandchildren could be duped into ignoring a lesson so dearly learned. In the wake of that global war, the takeaway was that a too-small American military encouraged and invited the growth of evil regimes in Japan, German and Italy.

Our weakness invited attack, and millions died as a result, on far-flung battlefields and in hellish camps. Pearl Harbor happened not just because the Japanese were evil and aggressive, but because the Americans were weak and unprepared.

Hitler marched not just because of a rising Reich, but because of a declining West.

In the vacuum of world power, tyrants and butchers invariably rise.

And Obama is declaring the end of the Pax Americana. For almost 70 year, general peace has prevailed in the world not because of the harmony of man, but because of the strength of America. For two generations, the blood thirsty impulse to empire and conquest has been suppressed by the fear of American might.

And just as Russia is newly resurgent and China is militaristically ambitious – and the world wonders about the reach of murderous Islam – the White House has decided to further gut the armed forces of the United States of America.

Armed forces, by the way, which this same White House has spent the last five years underfunding and overextending. We have broken our military by deploying it and redeploying it into the fool’s errand of Obama-rules-of-engagement Afghanistan. These five years have created America’s longest war and left us with a barely functional military.

We retreated from Iraq and we are about to retreat from Afghanistan. We have accomplished nothing on the ground and we have weakened security back at home. We have demonstrated that we are a paper tiger.

We have acquiesced to an Iranian nuclear program, we have reduced our own strategic weapons and capabilities, we are played like fools by a mental defective in North Korea.

And in response, we are going to cut our military by 20 percent.

To the lowest levels in 74 years.

ALL of it here
bob lonsberry dot com
We need to refocus more towards r@D and keeping our lead in tech. This is what makes us stand out on this planet military wise.

please......, it's R&D !! not "AT" (@)

what we really need is some way to curb the libertraitors from forcing our country to slip into their utopia of COMMUNISM !!
Here are some areas they could probably cut, but these would not appeal to the retarded libtard constituency. So, instead of making cuts that would not weaken our country in a significant way, they instead placate the morons on the left.

You morons on the left can still claim that military cut backs were not a significant contributor to 911. Hell, we all know that 99% of you are still truthers and have Fahrenheit 911 in your video library. Now, go ahead and pat yourselves on your stupid liberal heads and remind yourselves how smart you are.

Now, here are some areas that could be cut, but it would not make the left wing morons happy.

$76 Million To Round Up Wild Horses - $76,000,000
The Department of Interior spends $76 million each year rounding up wild-horses that roam on public land. The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) wild horse program reportedly captured 40,000 horses over the past four years. Half of the program’s budget is being spent to maintain more than 46,000 horses and burros in temporary corrals and privately owned pastures. As a result of this program, more wild horses are living in captivity than in the wild.

Source: U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, “Letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell,” Office of Senator Tom Coburn, 4/30/13

$7.8 Million On Department Of Interior Conferences - $7,800,000
In 2012, the Department spent about $7.8 million hosting or sending participants to 32 conferences, each of which cost more than $100,000.

Source: U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, “Letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell,” Office of Senator Tom Coburn, 4/30/13

$11 Million On Luxury Private Jets For DOJ Political Appointees - $11,000,000
Political appointees at the DOJ also use millions of taxpayer dollars for personal travel. According to the Government Accountability Office, both the attorney general and FBI director spent more than $11 million on luxury private jets for nonmission trips from 2007 through 2011. The attorney general took more than 28 percent of these flights for personal reasons.

Source: Chairman Bob Goodlatte, “Excessive waste at Department of Justice,” Politico, 4/10/13

$165 Million Unused Prison - $165,000,000
Despite the clear disapproval from Congress last year, the DOJ purchased an unused prison in Illinois. The department spent $165 million to purchase this prison, even though the Bureau of Prisons already had four brand-new federal prisons sitting empty and waiting to be put to use.

Source: Chairman Bob Goodlatte, “Excessive waste at Department of Justice,” Politico, 4/10/13

Oil and Natural Gas Sector: New Source Performance Standards, EPA - $1,500,100,000

This action announces how the EPA proposes to address the reviews of the new source performance standards for volatile organic compound and sulfur dioxide emissions from natural gas processing plants. We are proposing to add to the source category list any oil and gas operation not covered by the current listing. This action also includes proposed amendments to the existing new source performance standards for volatile organic compounds from natural gas processing plants and proposed standards for operations that are not covered by the existing new source performance standards. In addition, this action proposes how the EPA will address the residual risk and technology review conducted for the oil and natural gas production and natural gas transmission and storage national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants. This action further proposes standards for emission sources within these two source categories that are not currently addressed, as well as amendments to improve aspects of these national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants related to applicability and implementation. Finally, this action addresses provisions in these new source performance standards and national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants related to emissions during periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction.

Source: Federal Register

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The morons on the left sure love that one..........

Black liquor tax loophole - $268,000,000
Pulp and paper companies could reap a $268 million tax break by asserting an industrial waste byproduct of the wood-pulping process – referred to as “black liquor” – is actually an alternative fuel.

Source: Wastebook 2012, Office of Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)

If you want more of the list of places they could cut spending, here is the list.

2013 Waste List

This Saul Alinsky disciple is taking the country into a nosedive in order to utterly destroy all remnants of capitalism. Destroy the middle class, and the fed gets all of the power. Of course placate the lower class by buying them off with their free rations.

To these piles of steaming commie shit, the ends always justify the means.........

From Saul Alinsky

Of Means and Ends [Forget moral or ethical considerations]

"The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody." p.24

"The means-and-ends moralists, constantly obsessed with the ethics of the means used by the Have-Nots against the Haves, should search themselves as to their real political position. In fact, they are passive — but real — allies of the Haves…. The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means... The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be...." pp.25-26

"The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...." p.29

"The seventh rule... is that generally success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics...." p.34

"The tenth rule... is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.... It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time... Who, and how many will support the action?... If weapons are needed, then are appropriate d weapons available? Availability of means determines whether you will be underground or above ground; whether you will move quickly or slowly..." p.36

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

We are in trouble folks. They own almost all aspects of education and streams of information, or disinformation.

The media, entertainment, education, etc etc etc.

Half of them, even when they know they are wrong, are too gutless to go against their peers.

We, the ones who see and know what is happening, are marginalized and looked at as buffoons.
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There is a lot of waste in the military.

Cut It!

Hagel (under Obama's orders) doesn't want to just cut it, he wants to GUT it!
The Statists haven't learned a damned thing from history. What has happened every time we have cut back forces? WE are always left with our pants down around our ankles when the shit hits the fan. Hagel is playing a dangerous game...AGAIN.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the U.S. military is not bloated by the same waste and corruption that infects every other government department?

This is EXACTLY why we will never get any serious spending cuts. People whine for cuts and then whine when cuts are proposed.

Defense contractors get MORE budgeted than they ask for. Pensions for grunts get cut. WHY? Because defense contractors kickback a hefty part of what they get into campaign contributions.

But you all just keep on frothing and foaming your hyper-partisan rhetoric - you virtually guarantee that nothing meaningful will EVER happen. I am disgusted by the ignorance of the hyper-partisans. When the U.S. goes belly up - we will all have YOU to thank.
Gore is probably a pretty miserable excuse for a human being, but here it is some 15 years down the road, and we're debating cutting conventional forces that could defeat a conventional army and stage a military occupation, so that we could spend our resources on technology, and maintain a massive retaliatory response capability, and train special forces to target specific hostile groups.
Are you seriously trying to argue that the U.S. military is not bloated by the same waste and corruption that infects every other government department?

Yet, interestingly enough, you left wingers never chant for cuts in other government departments.



Now, why don't you give us some areas other than military that should/could be cut that would not threaten the democratic voting base, considering this is a very important election year.

You do not think they are appeasing their voting base?

Does any liberal have any ounce of an ability to think for themselves?
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Yet, interestingly enough, you left wingers never chant for cuts in other government departments.

Get up to speed there - I've called for cuts in EVERY government department and make proposals yesterday to curtail SNAP fraud.

So go ahead and invent an imaginary person to argue with - cause this REAL guy has already kicked your ass.
Yet, interestingly enough, you left wingers never chant for cuts in other government departments.

Get up to speed there - I've called for cuts in EVERY government department and make proposals yesterday to curtail SNAP fraud.

So go ahead and invent an imaginary person to argue with - cause this REAL guy has already kicked your ass.

Oh, so you are that unusual liberal that thinks we should cut back on welfare benefits like food stamps?

Sorry if I missed that one.

A lot of that going around your liberal friends in this election year?

Or, are you denying that there is a problem with this? Can you guess why the democrats are not touching this? Hint: election year.
Yet, interestingly enough, you left wingers never chant for cuts in other government departments.

Get up to speed there - I've called for cuts in EVERY government department and make proposals yesterday to curtail SNAP fraud.

So go ahead and invent an imaginary person to argue with - cause this REAL guy has already kicked your ass.

Oh, so you are that unusual liberal that thinks we should cut back on welfare benefits like food stamps?

Sorry if I missed that one.

A lot of that going around your liberal friends in this election year?

Or, are you denying that there is a problem with this? Can you guess why the democrats are not touching this? Hint: election year.

I posted yesterday - on this same thread (nice attention span there) that showering the community with benefits in the hopes that enough of that money will eventually reach the people who really need it is irresponsible and must stop.

I hold some positions that might be considered liberal and I hold some positions that may be considered conservative - just like the vast majority of Americans.

Not addicted to any one flavor of kool-aid like so many here.

So if you want to talk about issues seriously, I'm game. If you just want to hurl labels at people that you obviously know nothing about - knock yourself out - I'll pass.
Get up to speed there - I've called for cuts in EVERY government department and make proposals yesterday to curtail SNAP fraud.

So go ahead and invent an imaginary person to argue with - cause this REAL guy has already kicked your ass.

Oh, so you are that unusual liberal that thinks we should cut back on welfare benefits like food stamps?

Sorry if I missed that one.

A lot of that going around your liberal friends in this election year?

Or, are you denying that there is a problem with this? Can you guess why the democrats are not touching this? Hint: election year.

I posted yesterday - on this same thread (nice attention span there) that showering the community with benefits in the hopes that enough of that money will eventually reach the people who really need it is irresponsible and must stop.

I hold some positions that might be considered liberal and I hold some positions that may be considered conservative - just like the vast majority of Americans.

Not addicted to any one flavor of kool-aid like so many here.

So if you want to talk about issues seriously, I'm game. If you just want to hurl labels at people that you obviously know nothing about - knock yourself out - I'll pass.

Are you still denying that democrats (politicians) placate their base with public announcements about cutting military spending. Not just cutting, but announcing that they will be bringing it back to pre WWII levels?

Yes, I will label certain people and I will label those that make up that base.

You do not think any politician (establishment republicans or democrats) would ever come out and say there is way too much being spent on these entitlement type programs like food stamps do you?

Why do you suppose that is?

Here are the facts in regards to that. Not including the list of utter wasteful spending I provided.


You really think cutting the military in such a way in this day and age is really smart? Now are there areas that can be cut? Sure. Just like everywhere.

However, they will not budge on those other areas of overt spending. Most of which are paying off various lobbyists.

This will never change.

This has been mentioned in this thread but a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words
they say.

Does the U.S. have to continually re-mortgage the country to remain the World's cop?

a picture is a picture. it doesn't mean the information is accurate. China and Russia both spend a hell of a lot more than is represente there.
Are you still denying that democrats (politicians) placate their base with public announcements about cutting military spending. Not just cutting, but announcing that they will be bringing it back to pre WWII levels?

I've never made a single comment on that at all.
So why would you lie and say "are you STILL...." when I've never done it a single time.

This has been mentioned in this thread but a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words
they say.

Does the U.S. have to continually re-mortgage the country to remain the World's cop?

a picture is a picture. it doesn't mean the information is accurate. China and Russia both spend a hell of a lot more than is represente there.

Based on which study?

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