Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

If they are going to do this, then they should be forced to use the money not spent on the security of your children and grandchildren, on paying down the debt.

Not a dime should go to any other program.
a possible large scale world war

The oceans are no longer barriers, we should be prepared at all times, rather than, once again, play catch up.

With whom?

Where is our threat?

are you pulling my chain or do you really not know?
He really doesn't. He thinks security and peace comes from speaking nice words and not offending people but supports taking guns way from every day citizens because they're crazy and can't be trusted.
If they are going to do this, then they should be forced to use the money not spent on the security of your children and grandchildren, on paying down the debt.

Not a dime should go to any other program.

I'm good with that

We could quickly knock a couple trillion off the debt
With whom?

Where is our threat?

are you pulling my chain or do you really not know?

Actually, I don't

Who are the bad guys and why are we going to fight them?

Global Firepower - 2014 World Military Strength Ranking

USA, active duty 1.4 mill
reserves 851k
Russia, active duty 766k
reserves 2.5 mill
China, active duty 2.3 mill
reserves 2.3 mill

If you think that neither of those countries would never war with us, you're as gullible as the people pre-WW2.
We don't need armed forces.

Everybody in the world loves us.

It's been that way since January, 2009.

Hasn't it?

Ladies and Gents: You might want to bookmark this post because it can be used as proof that Rush Limbaugh is a gifted political analyst who was able to accurately predict Obama's intent even before he was elected in 2008. Your opponents will have to recognize the strength of Rush's opinions and judgments.

This is what Obama wants to do. Folks, in his distorted, perverted mind, Obama doesn't want to just equalize the United States. It's not just about spreading the wealth domestically. This guy has, I fear, as his number one desire to tear down the greatness of this country so that we are not better than any other nation. I think that is his aim.

Rush Limbaugh Show
November 3, 2012

The Day Before Election Day
Last edited:
It goes beyond incompetence. Some random quotes;

"Late last year Time’s Battlefield blog commented, “The Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is not only staggeringly overpriced and chronically unreliable but — even if it were to work perfectly — cannot match the combat power of similar sized foreign warships costing only a fraction as much.”

"Gilmore’s new report stands by the 2011 assessment, though it sands down the rough edges. “LCS is not expected to be survivable,” it finds, “in that it is not expected to maintain mission capability after taking a significant hit in a hostile combat environment.” Additionally, Gilmore discloses that the Navy has “knowledge gaps related to the vulnerability of an aluminum ship structure to weapon-induced blast and fire damage,” but that it won’t conduct tests for those vulnerabilities until later this year or next year."

"the Navy will be deploying the USS Freedom before knowing if the so-called Littoral Combat Ship can survive, um, combat. And what the Navy does know about the ship isn’t encouraging: Among other problems, its guns don’t work right"

".If the LCS in its maximum configuration ran into even a Skjold-class patrol boat in the littorals or open sea it wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in Hades".

Don't the sailors deserve better from Navy planners? The more I look into this the more maddening it becomes. Talk about "bureaucratic" boondoggles. Yet the Navy seems resigned to redefining the platforms mission to match its capabilities. This defies all design-build logic, stands it on it's head actually.

"Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert cited the Littoral Combat Ship... as (a) critical new ship program... essential to the service’s future surface warfare strategy.

“We’ve got to integrate and embrace these new ships that are coming in and make them work and make them part of the scheme of the equation,”

Funny if this was samsung letting go of workers due to technology making things more streamlined the people here would praise free market sighting tough shit for those workers...The military isn't a welfare system.
Evidently the Obama Administration Has Not Learned From History

A weak military sends a signal that emboldens our enemies as well as telling our allies we won't be able help them.
A strong Standing Military sends a strong message to the World.

When ever we have reduced the size our Armed Forces, we have had to hurriedly build it up again.
With a budget pushing close to a trillion dollars per year, the US military is the most advanced, most destructive fighting force in history. And some guys in caves have fought us to a standstill.

If the US cuts the DoD budget in half, the US would still spend more on its military than Russia and China combined.
Evidently the Obama Administration Has Not Learned From History

A weak military sends a signal that emboldens our enemies as well as telling our allies we won't be able help them.
A strong Standing Military sends a strong message to the World.

When ever we have reduced the size our Armed Forces, we have had to hurriedly build it up again.

We have a military stronger than the next ten nations combined. How is it weak if we are only as strong as the next eight?
We are not under any kind of existential threat such as we were during the Cold War.

-China's starting to pick fights with it's neighbors while boosting it's military capability
-The midget of North Korea issues threats of war every other week
-Al-Queda-linked groups are still causing chaos everywhere while conntinuing to plot attacks on the US

But hey...don't worry be happy, right?
are you pulling my chain or do you really not know?

Actually, I don't

Who are the bad guys and why are we going to fight them?

Global Firepower - 2014 World Military Strength Ranking

USA, active duty 1.4 mill
reserves 851k
Russia, active duty 766k
reserves 2.5 mill
China, active duty 2.3 mill
reserves 2.3 mill

If you think that neither of those countries would never war with us, you're as gullible as the people pre-WW2.

Counting bodies is so 20th century. They are just targets unless you can put them exactly where you need them. We are not going to invade either China or Russia and they are not going to invade us
That's OK Samson because you can't comprehend an objective argument.

13 years of war have not brought peace.

We need to stand the generals and admirals and the industries down, so we don't waste anymore of our treasure.

We can easily defend our interests at 50% of what we are spending with an effective naval and air power that can shield America and project power and punishment anywhere in the word, as well as an exceptional ground force.

Well, I can certainly see you've expended an impressive volume of your existing mental resources considering the subject.

No Doubt Secretary Hagel will be calling you any minute.

Sam, I get you don't like the idea. So what?

Hagel gave the reasons: I support them.

You can't rebut them other than "I don't like it."

No, I can simply read them, something you apparently have yet to accomplish: Hagel says nothing about us being able to, "defend our interests at 50% of what we are spending."

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