Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

Close 2/3rds of the bases
Cut the military by 150k troops
and use more drones that are overall cheaper to do the job.

= winning.

It was clearly shown in 2011 that you could take about 30 SEALs and a couple of helicopters in the middle of the night in Abbottabad and get rid of a problem that Bush and Cheney knew about but instead they chose to invade two countries and spend $3,000,000,000,000 in taxpayer money for fucking nothing except self-enrichment through their ties to the contractors who extracted their booty.

Bush and Cheney knew where OBL was the entire time. A good friend of mine was stuck in a hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan during 9/11. The hotel was filled with National Security Council people and "others" from our federal government. They were stuck in that hotel for two weeks after the attacks for security lockdown. People talk. OBL could have been found and killed immediately.

What worked was not troops on the ground, but cutting off the money flow in and out of the major Al Queda cells. It's always about money. Follow the money.
another ignorant left-wing loser making a fool of himself

liberal APPEASEMENT leads to wars; and no not just from American Presidents; it is the cause of WWII.
Long view ignorance of history also leads to wars, it led to WWII.

No. That would have been the Versailles Treaty, but then a knowledge of history is not necessary to rewrite it, it helps, but not necessary.
No US participation or taking sides in WWI would have lead to a different outcome, no Versailles, unlikely Bolshevik victory in Russia, and the guy with the funny mustache retires as a house painter.
Better to be feared than loved....Obama is niether

That sounds good. Righties are good at superfluous talking points, blather and pablum.

But the fact is we are neither. We are hated. And for good reason. A bunch of Marines shoots up your town enough times and word gets around.
Long view ignorance of history also leads to wars, it led to WWII.

No. That would have been the Versailles Treaty, but then a knowledge of history is not necessary to rewrite it, it helps, but not necessary.
No US participation or taking sides in WWI would have lead to a different outcome, no Versailles, unlikely Bolshevik victory in Russia, and the guy with the funny mustache retires as a house painter.

Off topic but OK. The Treaty of Versailles basically stated Germany was was completely responsible for WW I and Germany should therefor pay everyone else for damages. Some kind of like some super, extreme version of sanctions and other hardships were placed upon Germany. The poverty and resentment that grew in Germany was the primordial ooze from which Hitler came to the the most feared man is just about the whole world. Moral of the story? Poverty and resentment can be powerful motivators.

World War I Ended With the Treaty of Versailles
World War I Ended With the Treaty of Versailles
June 28, 1919
World War I (1914-1918) was finally over. This first global conflict had claimed from 9 million to 13 million lives and caused unprecedented damage. Germany had formally surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated. On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allied Nations (including Britain, France, Italy and Russia) signed the Treaty of Versailles, formally ending the war. (Versailles is a city in France, 10 miles outside of Paris.) The United States did not sign the treaty, however, because it objected to its terms, specifically, the high price that Germany was to pay for its role as aggressor. Instead, the U.S. negotiated its own settlement with Germany in 1921.
Better to be feared than loved....Obama is niether

That sounds good. Righties are good at superfluous talking points, blather and pablum.

But the fact is we are neither. We are hated. And for good reason. A bunch of Marines shoots up your town enough times and word gets around.

Yep we're hated by some but not feared anymore. Thanks to Obama we're a joke and that's very dangerous:eusa_eh:
Obama's utopia...

The military cutbacks have been a central feature of Obama’s policies since 2009. According to former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in his recently published book Duty, since entering office, the president has worked to cut U.S. defenses in order to use the funds for domestic programs.

Hagel said the defense reductions will pose new national security risks for the United States in the future. They also have forced the Pentagon to face the prospect of losing America’s position as the most dominant military power in the world.

The force reductions when combined with the spread of advanced weapons around the world signal “we are entering an era where American dominance on the seas, in the skies, and in space can no longer be taken for granted,” the defense secretary said.

End of American Military Dominance | Washington Free Beacon
Close 2/3rds of the bases
Cut the military by 150k troops
and use more drones that are overall cheaper to do the job.

= winning.

It was clearly shown in 2011 that you could take about 30 SEALs and a couple of helicopters in the middle of the night in Abbottabad and get rid of a problem that Bush and Cheney knew about but instead they chose to invade two countries and spend $3,000,000,000,000 in taxpayer money for fucking nothing except self-enrichment through their ties to the contractors who extracted their booty.

Bush and Cheney knew where OBL was the entire time. A good friend of mine was stuck in a hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan during 9/11. The hotel was filled with National Security Council people and "others" from our federal government. They were stuck in that hotel for two weeks after the attacks for security lockdown. People talk. OBL could have been found and killed immediately.

What worked was not troops on the ground, but cutting off the money flow in and out of the major Al Queda cells. It's always about money. Follow the money.

Well, well well, a truther.

What is pathetic about an asshole like you and rightwinger who liked your childish bullshit is you are clueless about diplomacy. It is not always about crossing borders and just killing him, it is about keeping a fragile coalition in tact.

There are all sorts of factors that are involved that you and people like you never consider. What I do notice is pieces of shit like you and rightwinger is you do not seem to really fucking care about this commie in the white house killing the mythical terrorists with countless drone strikes. All of us could only imagine if BOOOOOSH was doing that to the brown people in those countries.

Hey, Gitmo is still open. Oh, that is right. You do not give one flying fuck about your lying piece of shit and chief promising he was going to close that in first year during his 2008 campaign. Oh, but you dickbags sure clapped when he said it.

[ame=]Obama's Promise to immediately close Guantanamo - YouTube[/ame]

You stupid ass hypocrites. It is also pretty clear you do not hold Clinton to account for passing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs in Iraq. That was before BOOOOOOSH.

You and people like you are worthless to debate. None of you stand for anything. You simply lick your shit covered fingers, and stick it in the air and find out where the political wind is blowing. You all then get worked up into a frenzy about any bullshit topic like gay marriage (as though any of you fucktards really give one shit about that) and hold rallies.

You just sit there and blame Bush and Cheney.....probably for destroying the dinosaurs for oil. Oh, I will bet we could make some case for that. After all your liberal socialist hero Hugo Chavez once blamed capitalism for no civilization on Mars.

Go ahead and keep on believing there are no logistical considerations for the bases we have around the world. You should all be use to showing everyone how fucking ignorant you are. It is no wonder why it is so easy for the commie administration to appeal to your pathetic simple minds in this ELECTION YEAR to rally the retarded liberal base by attacking those things the retarded liberal base hates.

liberal reaction


Last week when Lirch, better known as John Kerry blamed "Big Oil" on the new made global warming (climate change)......
liberal reaction.....


Yeah, they would never rally the retarded liberal base by casting blame on the liberals favorite boogie men.

Tea Party, Big Oil, BOOOOSH, Cheney, "Faux News", right wing talk show hosts etc etc etc.

It should not be that hard, considering how fucking dumb every left wing hack is.
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Better to be feared than loved....Obama is niether

That sounds good. Righties are good at superfluous talking points, blather and pablum.

But the fact is we are neither. We are hated. And for good reason. A bunch of Marines shoots up your town enough times and word gets around.

You obviously love those talking points....... How many other things are you clueless about? There's a reason we're hated by some and it has little to do with your myopic partisan projection. But hey, don't let that stop your spinning. :thup:

And you other morons on the right love your spin just as much so think twice about thanking me for this post...... :cool:
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How big a military do we need?

Do we need a Military that is larger than the next ten forces combined? Do we need a Navy that protects the world? Has new technology made many of the ground pounders obsolete? Same goes with our aircraft

That powerful army sure has a problem with guerrilla fighters. A smaller, well trained army does not necessarily mean a weaker army. l
How big a military do we need?

Do we need a Military that is larger than the next ten forces combined? Do we need a Navy that protects the world? Has new technology made many of the ground pounders obsolete? Same goes with our aircraft

That powerful army sure has a problem with guerrilla fighters. A smaller, well trained army does not necessarily mean a weaker army. l

You build an Army based on the existing threat. Right now there is not threat of a major power engaging our Army. Existing threats are Civil Wars and terrorism that are best handled by the US supporting our allies in the fight
How does a nation get its moneys worth out of a large army? The nation has to use it.
My problem with the whole process is politicians generally can't see past the next election. Traditionally the Dems focus on cutting the military and the Pubs focus on cutting social services, almost always for political capital to use in their campaigns. Neither side seems willing to address the waste that occurs across the board in all areas of government. After the end of the "Cold War" both Bush I then Clinton started and accelerated the intel and military cuts that left us relying on our allies, a very short sighted approach that had dire and expensive consequences.
Yes, I agree that spending has to be curtailed but I know (been dealing with the government for decades) that if the true waste across the board is addressed the cuts could be just as great. Of course that will also create some short term economic/employment issues but it could strengthen all of the governments activities in everything they do in the long run. Don't think that will ever happen, partisan politics won't allow it.
We don't have any "allies" we can count on. They all learned better from Iraq. They all count on us for foreign aid. We buy the only friends we have. Even the United Nations counts on us for 75% of its funds. The U.N. doesn't protect other countries, they expect us to do it. The U.S. is the biggest chump in the world.


Keep swingin' Sparky. :thup:

Really? Sand box banter is all you got? Oh, and stop being a bigot with your avatar, you insult my people.
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Close 2/3rds of the bases
Cut the military by 150k troops
and use more drones that are overall cheaper to do the job.

= winning.

It was clearly shown in 2011 that you could take about 30 SEALs and a couple of helicopters in the middle of the night in Abbottabad and get rid of a problem that Bush and Cheney knew about but instead they chose to invade two countries and spend $3,000,000,000,000 in taxpayer money for fucking nothing except self-enrichment through their ties to the contractors who extracted their booty.

Bush and Cheney knew where OBL was the entire time. A good friend of mine was stuck in a hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan during 9/11. The hotel was filled with National Security Council people and "others" from our federal government. They were stuck in that hotel for two weeks after the attacks for security lockdown. People talk. OBL could have been found and killed immediately.

What worked was not troops on the ground, but cutting off the money flow in and out of the major Al Queda cells. It's always about money. Follow the money.

Well, well well, a truther.

What is pathetic about an asshole like you and rightwinger who liked your childish bullshit is you are clueless about diplomacy. It is not always about crossing borders and just killing him, it is about keeping a fragile coalition in tact.

There are all sorts of factors that are involved that you and people like you never consider. What I do notice is pieces of shit like you and rightwinger is you do not seem to really fucking care about this commie in the white house killing the mythical terrorists with countless drone strikes. All of us could only imagine if BOOOOOSH was doing that to the brown people in those countries.

Hey, Gitmo is still open. Oh, that is right. You do not give one flying fuck about your lying piece of shit and chief promising he was going to close that in first year during his 2008 campaign. Oh, but you dickbags sure clapped when he said it.

[ame=]Obama's Promise to immediately close Guantanamo - YouTube[/ame]

You stupid ass hypocrites. It is also pretty clear you do not hold Clinton to account for passing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs in Iraq. That was before BOOOOOOSH.

You and people like you are worthless to debate. None of you stand for anything. You simply lick your shit covered fingers, and stick it in the air and find out where the political wind is blowing. You all then get worked up into a frenzy about any bullshit topic like gay marriage (as though any of you fucktards really give one shit about that) and hold rallies.

You just sit there and blame Bush and Cheney.....probably for destroying the dinosaurs for oil. Oh, I will bet we could make some case for that. After all your liberal socialist hero Hugo Chavez once blamed capitalism for no civilization on Mars.

Go ahead and keep on believing there are no logistical considerations for the bases we have around the world. You should all be use to showing everyone how fucking ignorant you are. It is no wonder why it is so easy for the commie administration to appeal to your pathetic simple minds in this ELECTION YEAR to rally the retarded liberal base by attacking those things the retarded liberal base hates.

liberal reaction


Last week when Lirch, better known as John Kerry blamed "Big Oil" on the new made global warming (climate change)......
liberal reaction.....


Yeah, they would never rally the retarded liberal base by casting blame on the liberals favorite boogie men.

Tea Party, Big Oil, BOOOOSH, Cheney, "Faux News", right wing talk show hosts etc etc etc.

It should not be that hard, considering how fucking dumb every left wing hack is.

BWAH HA HA! I see you're already enjoying the dems celebration of their kicking the cons asses in the election this year.

And your con rhetoric just makes it that much easier for them to win. Here's a clue, the voters are looking for more than sand box banter. Childish insults is not what they're going to vote for this year.

The GOP is only 33% of the electorate, and you can't win with that small of a percentage. The republicans are not going to get any libs or independents to vote for small minded blab. You really need a more adult message.
You idiots on here who are saying a smaller trained army is more effective are completely off of your rockers. Special forces groups get to act with anonymity and destroy the targets. If our conventional forces were told to go into either Iraq or Afghanistan and kill everything that looked like a threat there would be no resistance after the first year.

The problem is people trying to play politics and play war. Politics get you into war. Once there war must be fought with minimal political restraint. Until you libs get the fact that war means people are going to die we will keep weakening the military and waiting to be attacked. And to you right wingers my father and I have 8 deployments between us. Let us win or let us go the hell home. Also to you voters who vote on non issues like abortion and gay marriage, get informed, you got your black president now it's time for real change.
You idiots on here who are saying a smaller trained army is more effective are completely off of your rockers. Special forces groups get to act with anonymity and destroy the targets. If our conventional forces were told to go into either Iraq or Afghanistan and kill everything that looked like a threat there would be no resistance after the first year.

The problem is people trying to play politics and play war. Politics get you into war. Once there war must be fought with minimal political restraint. Until you libs get the fact that war means people are going to die we will keep weakening the military and waiting to be attacked. And to you right wingers my father and I have 8 deployments between us. Let us win or let us go the hell home. Also to you voters who vote on non issues like abortion and gay marriage, get informed, you got your black president now it's time for real change.

It takes the next twenty most powerful governments military spending added together to equal what the U.S. spends every year. There is NO WAY IN HELL to justify that, unless you like the idea of being the world dictator. And to learn the lesson of WWII, trying that puts the bulls eye on this country. The rest of the world won't let it happen. Nobody likes a bully.
You idiots on here who are saying a smaller trained army is more effective are completely off of your rockers. Special forces groups get to act with anonymity and destroy the targets. If our conventional forces were told to go into either Iraq or Afghanistan and kill everything that looked like a threat there would be no resistance after the first year.

The problem is people trying to play politics and play war. Politics get you into war. Once there war must be fought with minimal political restraint. Until you libs get the fact that war means people are going to die we will keep weakening the military and waiting to be attacked. And to you right wingers my father and I have 8 deployments between us. Let us win or let us go the hell home. Also to you voters who vote on non issues like abortion and gay marriage, get informed, you got your black president now it's time for real change.

1) No they don't.
2) Are you freakin' insane?!
Whine about cutting spending, when whine when spending is cut, then whine when your war mongering is exposed. Poor baby.

This is what I mean. What do you get out of being such a mindless hack? Anything? Do you get some thrill out of lying about my position as long as you can feel 'left' enough? Actually thinking can be fun too, you know. You should try it sometime.

Regarding your lies: I have never advocated cutting military spending. It is a very, very bad idea and our economic woes cannot be resolved that way in any case. "War mongering" is obviously empty hyperbole that you may feel free to shove back up your ass from whence you pulled it.

Well duh. Cons only want to cut spending for the elderly(SS), the EPA, education, and health care. Military spending is YOUR sacred cow, war monger.

Kid, being a mindless fucking partisan drone is no way to go through life.
This is what I mean. What do you get out of being such a mindless hack? Anything? Do you get some thrill out of lying about my position as long as you can feel 'left' enough? Actually thinking can be fun too, you know. You should try it sometime.

Regarding your lies: I have never advocated cutting military spending. It is a very, very bad idea and our economic woes cannot be resolved that way in any case. "War mongering" is obviously empty hyperbole that you may feel free to shove back up your ass from whence you pulled it.

Well duh. Cons only want to cut spending for the elderly(SS), the EPA, education, and health care. Military spending is YOUR sacred cow, war monger.

Kid, being a mindless fucking partisan drone is no way to go through life.
Then stop being a mindless fucking partisan punk. So far, all you have posted is childish taunting. Here's a hint. Your juvenile indignity shows you have no credibility.
"Peace through strength"...People test you when you're weak. a lot less likely when you're powerful. American weakness means war is more likely not less

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