Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

A pre WWII Army is a completely different animal from todays modernized force. A 1940 Army was labor intensive and relied heavily on infantry.
Todays Army is highly mechanized and computerized. Makes it much more efficient. To assume that if we have the same manpower as 1940 we have the same military strength is ridiculous.
We have to look at the proposed mission of a Modern Army and how many troops we need to execute that mission

Indeed, but otherwise how will we find federal employment for thousands of undereducated minority dykes?


They cannot all be mail carriers, you know.

That's for a whole separate thread.


I thought we were discussing the mission of the Modern Army, and troops needed?
As a nation, we have to examine our priorities

Do we need a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined when eight of those nations are already our allies? What is our threat?

Would we be better off by:

Paying down $17 Trillion in debt
Investing in infrastructure...At Home
Ensuring basic healthcare
Making secondary education more affordable
Military spending is the job of the federal government idiot. All this social spending isnt

I thought Proecting the Nation was the job of the Federal Government.


Now I understand: "Military Spending" is actually the goal here.........:eusa_whistle:

No, that is totally, conceptually and factually wrong.

It is PRECISELY what the Founding Fathers feared the most.... An overwhelmingly burdensome centralized government that used the excuse of 'protection'.

The only Constitutionally mandated job of the Federal Government is to protect us from Foreign Invasion.


As a nation, we have to examine our priorities

Do we need a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined when eight of those nations are already our allies? What is our threat?

Would we be better off by:

Paying down $17 Trillion in debt
Investing in infrastructure...At Home
Ensuring basic healthcare
Making secondary education more affordable

I see you've decided that employing thousands of undereducated minority dykes is no longer a priority.

As a nation, we have to examine our priorities

Do we need a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined when eight of those nations are already our allies? What is our threat?

Would we be better off by:

Paying down $17 Trillion in debt
Investing in infrastructure...At Home
Ensuring basic healthcare
Making secondary education more affordable

I see you've decided that employing thousands of undereducated minority dykes is no longer a priority.


That's inferred from reality.
The question is...what's the Mission Statement?
A-10s are among the better attack/ground support aircraft in our inventory, unless they're being replaced with something to fill that void, given how cheap they are and effective, it sounds ill-advised.

Shrinking the Army though is a good idea. Future wars dont rely on massive armies or fleets but electronic/cyber warfare. And given our poor-performance is Iraq and Afganistan if tightening our belts and putting money where it actually does us some good, I'm all for it.

Should drastically cut-back our nuclear forces too. If nuclear weapons aren't ever going to be used since future nuclear aggressors are more likely to be rogue states and terrorists, the need for ICBMs and bomber delivery systems has come and gone. Submarine-launched remains the best possible nuclear deterrent.

Should redirect those nuclear funds into planetary defense research for deflecting/destroying incoming asteroids. As well as set some aside for planetary defense against 'other/unknown threats.' May never encounter aliens, but if we do, and if they're hostile (like we are) a little forethought might go a long way.
I thought Proecting the Nation was the job of the Federal Government.


Now I understand: "Military Spending" is actually the goal here.........:eusa_whistle:

No, that is totally, conceptually and factually wrong.

It is PRECISELY what the Founding Fathers feared the most.... An overwhelmingly burdensome centralized government that used the excuse of 'protection'.

The only Constitutionally mandated job of the Federal Government is to protect us from Foreign Invasion.




Never mind :eusa_shhh:
As a nation, we have to examine our priorities

Do we need a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined when eight of those nations are already our allies? What is our threat?

Would we be better off by:

Paying down $17 Trillion in debt
Investing in infrastructure...At Home
Ensuring basic healthcare
Making secondary education more affordable

I see you've decided that employing thousands of undereducated minority dykes is no longer a priority.


That's inferred from reality.
The question is...what's the Mission Statement?

US Military Objective is to now rebuild, using undereducated minority dyke labor, civilian population centers that have suffered destruction at the hands of man and/or nature.

Happy now?

Oh wait, and these rebuilt centers will help protect the US from being invaded...
As well as set some aside for planetary defense against 'other/unknown threats.' May never encounter aliens, but if we do, and if they're hostile (like we are) a little forethought might go a long way.



Always good to hear a word from the Planetary Defense against Alien Invasion section of the audience.

I see you've decided that employing thousands of undereducated minority dykes is no longer a priority.


That's inferred from reality.
The question is...what's the Mission Statement?

US Military Objective is to now rebuild, using undereducated minority dyke labor, civilian population centers that have suffered destruction at the hands of man and/or nature.

Happy now?

Oh wait, and these rebuilt centers will help protect the US from being invaded...

This is the third time you have tried that "minority dyke" troll. Nobody seems to be biting. Time to stop beating a dead horse?
Hagel just said that the entire fleet of attack jets and helicopters will be scrapped.
Pulling the fangs and emptying the venom of the neo-cons is good for America.

Less than 1/2 of the budget now will provide for an excellent naval and air shield that can project our power throughout the world as well as provide an outstanding ground force.

If the Jrocs oppose it, you know the policy is the right thing.
Whine and bitch about spending, then when it's cut whine and bitch. See cons don't want less spending, they just want to fuck the poor and elderly.

Military spending is the job of the federal government idiot. All this social spending isnt

For fascist war mongers, the war machine is what it's all about. But for a civilized society, we take care of our people.
Pulling the fangs and emptying the venom of the neo-cons is good for America.

Less than 1/2 of the budget now will provide for an excellent naval and air shield that can project our power throughout the world as well as provide an outstanding ground force.

If the Jrocs oppose it, you know the policy is the right thing.

We can move military spending to other sectors....Energy, medical research, infrastructure

The jobs will still be there
Hagel just announced the A-10 got the ax.

The ugly old gal served well, long and hard.
" By the time Hagel is done, horses and bayonets will be all that’s left. "


"This is Obama’s America being carried out under the supervision of Iran’s Secretary of Defense."


"Here is the magic liberal formula in all its tawdry glory; smash the military, expand the welfare state. No guns, just food stamps. No jets, just Green Energy windmills. No soldiers, just welfare cases."

It's all too sad and revolting!:puke:

Hagel to Call for Shrinking Army to Smallest Size in 75 Years | FrontPage Magazine
That's inferred from reality.
The question is...what's the Mission Statement?

US Military Objective is to now rebuild, using undereducated minority dyke labor, civilian population centers that have suffered destruction at the hands of man and/or nature.

Happy now?

Oh wait, and these rebuilt centers will help protect the US from being invaded...

This is the third time you have tried that "minority dyke" troll. Nobody seems to be biting. Time to stop beating a dead horse?

Are you calling Minority Dykes dead horses?

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