Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

We don't have any "allies" we can count on. They all learned better from Iraq. They all count on us for foreign aid. We buy the only friends we have. Even the United Nations counts on us for 75% of its funds. The U.N. doesn't protect other countries, they expect us to do it. The U.S. is the biggest chump in the world.


Keep swingin' Sparky. :thup:

Really? Sand box banter is all you got? Oh, and stop being a bigot with your avatar, you insult my people.

Really? Far left-wing talking point's is all you've got? And stop being a bigot period and insulting our people.
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"Peace through strength"...People test you when you're weak. a lot less likely when you're powerful. American weakness means war is more likely not less

You reach a point of diminishing returns with your military strength
Basically ....enough is enough
Do you want American soldiers to occupy foreign countries where they are constantly a target?

There is no plan to occupy Afghanistan, only to maintain a small force to assist in training the countries military and assisting, when requested, in putting down a serious attack on the existing government.

The resurgence of Al queda in retaking major cities in Iraq should have taught the present administration a lesson, but it is rather apparent they are not capable of learning. I expect theTaliban will do the same in Aghanistan without some US support to prevent it.

We have had troops and military bases in Japan and Germany since the end of WWII in 1945 and in South Korea since the end of the Korean War in 1953.
"Peace through strength"...People test you when you're weak. a lot less likely when you're powerful. American weakness means war is more likely not less

You reach a point of diminishing returns with your military strength
Basically ....enough is enough
"The idea the administration has of slashing the Army because we want to make sure we don't have the capability to do long-term occupations, that is like canceling your fire insurance to prevent a fire. It makes no sense,
How long do they think it takes to develop a quality officer, battalion commander, or a quality platoon leader, or platoon sergeant? The military, ultimately, our military is and has to be about people," he said.

The United States has 520,000 troops, which would reduce to about 420,000 under President Obama's plan. By comparison, China has 2.2 million active duty members; North Korea, 1.2 million; Russia, 800,000; and Turkey has 510,000

[ame=]Former VP Cheney Blasts Planned Pentagon Budget Cuts As Dangerous - Lt Col Ralph Peters - YouTube[/ame]
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The progressive wet dream is for all soldiers or as they call them jack booted baby killers to die or be jailed because they are jealous and hate knowing real men and women sacrifice so they can act the elite

tapatalk post
The progressive wet dream is for all soldiers or as they call them jack booted baby killers to die or be jailed because they are jealous and hate knowing real men and women sacrifice so they can act the elite

tapatalk post

Actually not quite. The "progressive" wet dream is for the jack booted thugs to kill every conservative in the United States by whatever means possible (ala Nazi Germany); that's right - I equate the left with Nazis. Probably why the military is now being infused with women, fags and mexicans, while young white and black men are being kicked out.
I say, "Prepare for war".
When someone proposes defence cuts, someone thinks of a great reason to go to war.

Dick Cheney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Korea and Vietnam are a very long way from the United states but it was deemed essential to go to war to protect America.
In Vietnam, for whatever reason, you lost but there was absolutely no danger to the U.S. mainland.
The reasons were invalid.


So, why did America go to war?

Easy, major defence contracts.
Take a look at the wars and who made the cash from them - yes - the very rich and well connected U.S. defence industry.


Every time the American military looks like it's about to be cut, something happens to build it back up.
That's one of the main reasons I'm so suspicious about the 9/11 attacks.
Before you start on the tin foil hat jobs, take a look at the history of defence contracts and spending.
Before each and every threat to America, there was a downsizing and spending cutbacks then, as if by magic, a reason for war - usually a crap one.

beware of people ranting paranoid delusions about the Defense industry who can't even spell defense correctly

Are you even American?

English, old chap.
That's how I can spell 'defence' correctly.

I'm sorry your education was so poor, you only know the incorrect American spelling.
Liberaltopia downsizing our military? Chuck Hagel is simply Obama's stodge

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will reportedly propose a Pentagon budget that will shrink the U.S. Army to its smallest number since 1940
and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets.

The New York Times reported late Sunday that Hagel's proposal, which will be released to lawmakers and the public on Monday, will call for a reduction in size of the military that will leave it capable of waging war, but unable to carry out protracted occupations of foreign territory, as in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Under Hagel's plan, the number of troops in the Army will drop to between 440,000 and 450,000, a reduction of at least 120,000 soldiers from its post-Sept.11 peak.

Officials told the Times that Hagel's plan has been endorsed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and protects funding for Special Operations forces and cyberwarfare. It also calls for the Navy to maintain all eleven of its aircraft carriers currently in operation. However, the budget proposal mandates the elimination of the entire fleet of Air Force A-10 attack aircraft,

Proposed budget will reportedly shrink Army to pre-WWII numbers | Fox News

I'll eventually get to reading this whole thread but I say good.

The DoD is terribly inefficient and since we've won the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now it's time to downsize. Hopefully we'll be more efficient at weapons systems procurement the next time a big war has to be waged.
Do you want American soldiers to occupy foreign countries where they are constantly a target?

No I want to be the most powerful military in the world always..understand?

Why should that even be a concern? I don't understand the whole idea behind having the worlds strongest military force, having a sufficient one that can protect our own land should be our main priority, we need to solve the current crisis we have at homeland first, not swinging it out with larger nations. This isn't a time for us to have a massive military, this is a time to restructure our nations economy.
Whine and bitch about spending, then when it's cut whine and bitch. See cons don't want less spending, they just want to fuck the poor and elderly.

Military spending is the job of the federal government idiot. All this social spending isnt

In order to pay for the social spending they have to cut the other.

Correct. However, the left is hell bent on destroying this country by any means possible. I have often wondered what their optimal number of slugs draining the economy is - 75 million? 100 million? 200 million? Hell, 300 million?

I used to think that AMERICANS would stand up and put an end to this crap - however, I have lost hope of even that happening. I am so ashamed of this country and the direction it is headed. My God - what has happened to us........
Military spending is the job of the federal government idiot. All this social spending isnt

In order to pay for the social spending they have to cut the other.

Correct. However, the left is hell bent on destroying this country by any means possible. I have often wondered what their optimal number of slugs draining the economy is - 75 million? 100 million? 200 million? Hell, 300 million?

I used to think that AMERICANS would stand up and put an end to this crap - however, I have lost hope of even that happening. I am so ashamed of this country and the direction it is headed. My God - what has happened to us ........

You found a heart for the homeless, unemployed, poor, and starving.
Better to be feared than loved....Obama is niether

That sounds good. Righties are good at superfluous talking points, blather and pablum.

But the fact is we are neither. We are hated. And for good reason. A bunch of Marines shoots up your town enough times and word gets around.

[ame=]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Enough said.
another ignorant left-wing loser making a fool of himself

liberal APPEASEMENT leads to wars; and no not just from American Presidents; it is the cause of WWII.

Those who pretend to understand politics but are really sheep, following whoever promises them the most, tend to assume everyone who disagrees with their idiocy to be the politically opposite of their psudo-position.

In fact, I'm a proud Thatcherite but you're probably too stupid to know what that is so you'll have to google.

You don't have to be a left winger to see the blindingly obvious.

However, I do have some good news for you.
Zombies (I'm assured) eat brains so, in the event of a zombie attack, you'll be safe.
Do you want American soldiers to occupy foreign countries where they are constantly a target?

No I want to be the most powerful military in the world always..understand?

Why should that even be a concern? I don't understand the whole idea behind having the worlds strongest military force, having a sufficient one that can protect our own land should be our main priority, we need to solve the current crisis we have at homeland first, not swinging it out with larger nations. This isn't a time for us to have a massive military, this is a time to restructure our nations economy.

It has to do with people and those people who control/influence groups of people and nations. There is always the push-pull for power/resources on a global scale and throw in the added sociopolitical and religious complexities. Due to human nature/desires and motivations someone always has to be the top dog (No, we can't all just get along-just watch the news or read about all the conflict in the world) and I prefer it be us instead of China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran.......
Eventually we will go the way of all "empires" and someone will take our place, isolationism will only hasten that process to a great extent.
Better to be feared than loved....Obama is niether

That sounds good. Righties are good at superfluous talking points, blather and pablum.

But the fact is we are neither. We are hated. And for good reason. A bunch of Marines shoots up your town enough times and word gets around.

[ame=]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Enough said.

if it were up to people like you we'd all be speaking German. Weakness and appeasement lead to war. Hitler could have easily been defeated early on.... 55 million dead. You people are joke. And you Obama lovers are even more of a pathetic joke:cuckoo:

[ame=]Neville Chamberlain - Peace in our Time - YouTube[/ame]
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I believe I've mentioned in other threads - think happy thoughts that Obama is in office.
If Romney had managed, you would have been at war with Iran and your embassy in Israel would have been in their new capital, Jerusalem, probably leading to a major middle east conflict or a serious escalation of violence in the region.
That also probably meaning more dead Americans and definitely a lot more of your tax money being given to Israel.
Anyway, moving on.

Have a map of world conflicts in 2013. None of these were any danger to America.
(Note - In some cases, whole countries are noted when a tiny part of that country has a problem)


I wonder how many of these places were subject to American interference or American aid in the form of arms sales.

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