Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

I believe I've mentioned in other threads - think happy thoughts that Obama is in office.
If Romney had managed, you would have been at war with Iran and your embassy in Israel would have been in their new capital, Jerusalem, probably leading to a major middle east conflict or a serious escalation of violence in the region.
That also probably meaning more dead Americans and definitely a lot more of your tax money being given to Israel.
Anyway, moving on.

Have a map of world conflicts in 2013. None of these were any danger to America.
(Note - In some cases, whole countries are noted when a tiny part of that country has a problem)


I wonder how many of these places were subject to American interference or American aid in the form of arms sales.

Thank you for the Indonesian opinion:cuckoo:
I believe I've mentioned in other threads - think happy thoughts that Obama is in office.
If Romney had managed, you would have been at war with Iran and your embassy in Israel would have been in their new capital, Jerusalem, probably leading to a major middle east conflict or a serious escalation of violence in the region.
That also probably meaning more dead Americans and definitely a lot more of your tax money being given to Israel.
Anyway, moving on.

Have a map of world conflicts in 2013. None of these were any danger to America.
(Note - In some cases, whole countries are noted when a tiny part of that country has a problem)


I wonder how many of these places were subject to American interference or American aid in the form of arms sales.

Wasn't the Obama administration pushing to bomb Syria.....for WMDs? Has anyone actually declared for a fact where Syria had those chemical weapons? No? Yes?

Oh never mind. You just unzipped your fly and revealed your tiny liberal dick. Meaning, it is obvious you are anti-Israel and have little to no clue about the situation. Probably have this little soft spot about the myth of the Palestinian people and their plight.

You can deny it and pretend you are smarter than everyone around you by claiming to be all neutral (like any typical typical know it all delusional left winger).

I am not sure if you even really know the basics on what caused the League of Nations to dissolve. Appeasement made the League of Nations totally irrelevant. The main lessons of the great appeasement was you do not appease tyrants. Iran, has publicly, and repeatedly said they want Israel wiped off the map. I know, to you that may very well be a great day. However, when one makes those claims unapologetically, the world cannot afford to take those words lightly. Considering that some psychotic may very well launch a missile (or 10 missiles) into Israel armed with nuclear tips, I am not sure what attitude you think is proper for Israel to have. Also, considering the sheer restraint Israel has shown towards it's enemies, should also appeal to you soft hearted liberals. It doesn't.

BTW, Israel granted full citizenship to all of the Palestinian Arabs who fell within its borders after the War of Independence. Arabic is an official language in Israel. Israel remains to this day one of the few countries in the Middle East where Arabs can legitimately vote--and it is the only one where women can vote. Not that you or a dickbag like rightwinger give two shits.
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I believe I've mentioned in other threads - think happy thoughts that Obama is in office.
If Romney had managed, you would have been at war with Iran and your embassy in Israel would have been in their new capital, Jerusalem, probably leading to a major middle east conflict or a serious escalation of violence in the region.
That also probably meaning more dead Americans and definitely a lot more of your tax money being given to Israel.
Anyway, moving on.

Have a map of world conflicts in 2013. None of these were any danger to America.
(Note - In some cases, whole countries are noted when a tiny part of that country has a problem)


I wonder how many of these places were subject to American interference or American aid in the form of arms sales.

Thank you for the Indonesian opinion:cuckoo:

I'm British, dear chap.
Oh never mind. You just unzipped your fly and revealed your tiny liberal dick.

I answered that a little earlier. Let me repeat it for you.

Those who pretend to understand politics but are really sheep, following whoever promises them the most, tend to assume everyone who disagrees with their idiocy to be the politically opposite of their psudo-position.

In fact, I'm a proud Thatcherite but you're probably too stupid to know what that is so you'll have to google.

You don't have to be a left winger to see the blindingly obvious.

However, I do have some good news for you.
Zombies (I'm assured) eat brains so, in the event of a zombie attack, you'll be safe.
I believe I've mentioned in other threads - think happy thoughts that Obama is in office.
If Romney had managed, you would have been at war with Iran and your embassy in Israel would have been in their new capital, Jerusalem, probably leading to a major middle east conflict or a serious escalation of violence in the region.
That also probably meaning more dead Americans and definitely a lot more of your tax money being given to Israel.
Anyway, moving on.

Have a map of world conflicts in 2013. None of these were any danger to America.
(Note - In some cases, whole countries are noted when a tiny part of that country has a problem)


I wonder how many of these places were subject to American interference or American aid in the form of arms sales.

Thank you for the Indonesian opinion:cuckoo:

I'm British, dear chap.

Yeah? What is that suppose to mean to us? That you proudly brag about being a subject still and pay taxation with out representation? Keep that obnoxious stiff lip, stiff.

The problem with most of you know it all subjects to the crown, is you have no England anymore, but you really do not know it is as dead as here.

[ame=]Kinks - Living on a Thin Line - YouTube[/ame]
Oh never mind. You just unzipped your fly and revealed your tiny liberal dick.

I answered that a little earlier. Let me repeat it for you.

Those who pretend to understand politics but are really sheep, following whoever promises them the most, tend to assume everyone who disagrees with their idiocy to be the politically opposite of their psudo-position.

In fact, I'm a proud Thatcherite but you're probably too stupid to know what that is so you'll have to google.

You don't have to be a left winger to see the blindingly obvious.

However, I do have some good news for you.
Zombies (I'm assured) eat brains so, in the event of a zombie attack, you'll be safe.

Yeah, you keep on thinking you get it. Like the tea sucking cigarette you are. What you have revealed is your pathetic left wing biased point of view.

I know, to you....your point of view is a fact.

Funny stuff from the dick who used to be our veep, that Obama would rather spend on food stamps and that cutting the military by 5.4% would weaken us.

Fact is, millions of food stamp dollars are spent by military families and that same dick cut the military by more than 25% back when he was in power.

He also failed to mention that the cuts will leave us with the biggest military on the planet.
Funny stuff from the dick who used to be our veep, that Obama would rather spend on food stamps and that cutting the military by 5.4% would weaken us.

Fact is, millions of food stamp dollars are spent by military families and that same dick cut the military by more than 25% back when he was in power.

He also failed to mention that the cuts will leave us with the biggest military on the planet.

Hard to imagine that he opposes feeding the hungry in the US while his bloated military acts like policeman for the world

Twisted priorities
this is great news. nobody has to die for that half breed bastard. last year i talked 14 vets out of re-enlisting. gonna double that this year. we don't need a military. you've all been sold down the river. and you earned it
Funny stuff from the dick who used to be our veep, that Obama would rather spend on food stamps and that cutting the military by 5.4% would weaken us.

Fact is, millions of food stamp dollars are spent by military families and that same dick cut the military by more than 25% back when he was in power.

He also failed to mention that the cuts will leave us with the biggest military on the planet.
That Dick also wanted to reduce the military by 25% in 1991 when he was defense secretary. Cons have such a short memory.
Liberaltopia downsizing our military? Chuck Hagel is simply Obama's stodge

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will reportedly propose a Pentagon budget that will shrink the U.S. Army to its smallest number since 1940
and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets.

The New York Times reported late Sunday that Hagel's proposal, which will be released to lawmakers and the public on Monday, will call for a reduction in size of the military that will leave it capable of waging war, but unable to carry out protracted occupations of foreign territory, as in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Under Hagel's plan, the number of troops in the Army will drop to between 440,000 and 450,000, a reduction of at least 120,000 soldiers from its post-Sept.11 peak.

Officials told the Times that Hagel's plan has been endorsed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and protects funding for Special Operations forces and cyberwarfare. It also calls for the Navy to maintain all eleven of its aircraft carriers currently in operation. However, the budget proposal mandates the elimination of the entire fleet of Air Force A-10 attack aircraft,

Proposed budget will reportedly shrink Army to pre-WWII numbers | Fox News

The sad day will come when we will be able to say, 'I told you so.' It does not bode well for the future of our children.
Funny stuff from the dick who used to be our veep, that Obama would rather spend on food stamps and that cutting the military by 5.4% would weaken us.

Fact is, millions of food stamp dollars are spent by military families and that same dick cut the military by more than 25% back when he was in power.

He also failed to mention that the cuts will leave us with the biggest military on the planet.

Hard to imagine that he opposes feeding the hungry in the US while his bloated military acts like policeman for the world

Twisted priorities

Yep, for the right, its all about money. Let kids starve in the street but give more money to the war profiteers.

And, boy do they hate President Obama for fighting for the middle class and the poor.
Yeah? What is that suppose to mean to us? That you proudly brag about being a subject still and pay taxation with out representation? Keep that obnoxious stiff lip, stiff.

The problem with most of you know it all subjects to the crown, is you have no England anymore, but you really do not know it is as dead as here.

Kinks - Living on a Thin Line - YouTube

Their Constitution allows the monarch to dissolve Parliament and take over. And they think they are free! LMAO. What a bunch of clueless little subjects they are.

The British Constitution

We enjoy some features of a democracy, but our constitution is profoundly undemocratic. It is "not worth the paper it's not written on" according to one MP. Professor Stephen Haseler once described it as "whatever the government wants it to be".

The constitutional powers of the monarch
The Queen herself retains four key constitutional powers. Only the Queen herself may exercise these powers. No minister or advisor may exercise these powers on her behalf.
The power to appoint the Prime Minister

Legally, the Queen has the power to appoint whomever she wishes to be the Prime Minister. Equally, if she so decided, she could appoint nobody to the office and could keep it vacant. There is no legal requirement even that the person appointed as Prime Minister be a Member of Parliament. Conventionally, however, the Prime Minister is the leader of the party with an overall majority of seats in the House of Commons. As long as there is such a majority, and as long as the party concerned has a clear leader, the Queen will have no real choice. But these things are not always so clear.

In 1957, when the Conservative party was in office, it was not clear who should succeed Eden as leader of the party and Prime Minister. The Queen effectively chose Macmillan over Butler. In 1963, when Macmillan was too ill to continue, the Queen, in the words of her biographer, allowed herself to be 'duped by' Macmillan into once again ensuring that Butler did not become Prime Minister, inviting Sir Alec Douglas Home to form a Government. The Queen's biographer describes this as 'the biggest political misjudgement of her reign'. Finally, in 1974 when there was a Hung Parliament no one party commanded a majority of seats in the Commons. This time the party leaders acted wisely, effectively keeping the Queen out of it until it had become clear that Harold Wilson should be invited to form a minority administration. Shockingly, there is no guarantee that this would necessarily happen again.

The power to dissolve Parliament

A dissolution of Parliament is the device that triggers a General Election. Only the Queen can dissolve Parliament and she has the power so to act at any time, for any reason, or for none. Normally the Queen will dissolve Parliament only on the advice of the Prime Minister. But Edward VII insisted on a dissolution in 1910 before he would agree to act on certain policies preferred by the Prime Minister of the day (Asquith). A full constitutional crisis was prevented only by the King's death and his replacement by George V.

In 1974 Prime Minister Harold Wilson called a second election following a very narrow victory over his Conservative opponents a few months earlier. It has been made clear since that the Queen was under no obligation to grant this request for an election. The Queen had the power to tell Wilson that the people had only recently been asked to vote and that their decision should be respected, that it was up to him to find a way to make his minority government work. In the event she granted his wish and he was returned with a small majority.

In 1990, when Margaret Thatcher was going through her prolonged removal from office at the hands of her parliamentary colleagues, there were real fears that she would out-maneuver them by calling an election. The Queen would have been within her 'rights' to deny such a request on the grounds that it was self-serving, and not in the interests of the country.

The power to dismiss the Government

Legally, the Queen has the power to dismiss the Government at any time and for any reason or for none. No exercise of this power could be struck down by any court of law. This power was last exercised in the United Kingdom by William IV in 1834, but it remains in place. It was exercised with devastating effect in 1975 in Australia.

The power to withhold royal assent to legislation passed by the Houses of Parliament

No Bill can become a legally binding Act of Parliament unless and until it receives the royal assent. This means that the Queen has a veto on all legislation passed by Parliament. She has the power to withhold her assent to any legislation for any reason or for none. Were she to exercise this power no court could hold it illegal. This is an astonishing power. It was last exercised in the United Kingdom by Queen Anne in 1708 but has been threatened to be exercised several times in the twentieth century, not least, it is reported, by the current heir to the throne, Prince Charles.

Republic | The British Constitution

So much for their being a 'free people.' Doesn't it just make you to LOL when you read their stupid shit on here!
"Peace through strength"...People test you when you're weak. a lot less likely when you're powerful. American weakness means war is more likely not less

You reach a point of diminishing returns with your military strength
Basically ....enough is enough
"The idea the administration has of slashing the Army because we want to make sure we don't have the capability to do long-term occupations, that is like canceling your fire insurance to prevent a fire. It makes no sense,
How long do they think it takes to develop a quality officer, battalion commander, or a quality platoon leader, or platoon sergeant? The military, ultimately, our military is and has to be about people," he said.

The United States has 520,000 troops, which would reduce to about 420,000 under President Obama's plan. By comparison, China has 2.2 million active duty members; North Korea, 1.2 million; Russia, 800,000; and Turkey has 510,000

[ame=""]Former VP Cheney Blasts Planned Pentagon Budget Cuts As Dangerous - Lt Col Ralph Peters - YouTube[/ame]

Jon Stewart's researchers find clips of Cheney back when he wanted military cuts, shows he's a total hypocrite:

The Empire Cuts Back - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 02/26/14 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

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I again ask the libs their position on cutting the Commissary budget by a Billion.............

It is a basic service for our troops. It will remain a basic service after the cuts to the military.........

Over an over again they claim they are for the little people. How they care.............Why have they been silent on this very issue.........................

Why on Tri-Care..................

Why on BAH cuts...............

And why on cost of living increases to Retired or disabled Vets....................

Why.............Step up to the plate against your current Administration for these cuts................You are for the little people................Right.....................
Obama and his fellow goons want to bring the US to its knees....this is one piece of the plan.

How does cutting our army forces by less than 20%, bring us to our knees?

Its selfish fools like you that want to cut spending on the poor and weakest among us, but pour wasteful dollars towards military programs that not even the Generals want.

Its asses like you that want our military to act as a front line for a Pax Americana.
Again, I will ask about the Waste Reports that our Gov't refuses to do anything about............

Why aren't we cutting there................Duplicate programs being handled by several agencies........
Why should we keep them..........................

Finally, to my last post............I believe I heard that the Admin is talking about giving a BILLION to Ukraine in aid...........................

Too dang bad that he will not even do it for our own troops.

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