Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

You reach a point of diminishing returns with your military strength
Basically ....enough is enough
"The idea the administration has of slashing the Army because we want to make sure we don't have the capability to do long-term occupations, that is like canceling your fire insurance to prevent a fire. It makes no sense,
How long do they think it takes to develop a quality officer, battalion commander, or a quality platoon leader, or platoon sergeant? The military, ultimately, our military is and has to be about people," he said.

The United States has 520,000 troops, which would reduce to about 420,000 under President Obama's plan. By comparison, China has 2.2 million active duty members; North Korea, 1.2 million; Russia, 800,000; and Turkey has 510,000

[ame=""]Former VP Cheney Blasts Planned Pentagon Budget Cuts As Dangerous - Lt Col Ralph Peters - YouTube[/ame]

Jon Stewart's researchers find clips of Cheney back when he wanted military cuts, shows he's a total hypocrite:

The Empire Cuts Back - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 02/26/14 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

actually I was quoting Ralph Peters watch the vid clown
"Peace through strength"...People test you when you're weak. a lot less likely when you're powerful. Hitler must have had that philosophy. American weakness means war is more likely not less
The only wars we've been in since WWII, were ones we started by sticking out world dictator nose in other countries. And we lost them all.
Learning is not in your vocabulary.

You don't edit other member's posts punk...You can be banned for that
The headline of OP itself is deliberately misleading, but one expects that when FOX is the source.

Prior to WWII, the Air Force was part of the Army, and the Marines were a fraction of their current size. In terms of projected Army/Air Force/Marines combined troop numbers, the USA will still be way above the prior-to-WWII numbers.
The headline of OP itself is deliberately misleading, but one expects that when FOX is the source.

Prior to WWII, the Air Force was part of the Army, and the Marines were a fraction of their current size. In terms of projected Army/Air Force/Marines combined troop numbers, the USA will still be way above the prior-to-WWII numbers.

it takes more people to run today's military genus.we have high-tech equipment computers ststems this isn't pre WWII:cuckoo:

Terror threats were nothing until you stuck your fat noses into middle east politics.

What are you going to do about Putin? He has nukes that could easily destroy major American cities. Don't you know, America never starts wars against a country that can hit back. Playground bully, but bigger.

Ah, NK, yes, you can start a war there. They have sod all to hit America with. Hang on, if they're no threat to you, why do you want a war?

There is no Iranian nuke. It's a story Israelis tell their kids so they'll hate Muslims when they grow up. They also tell this story to their bitch, The U.S. of A., in order to get more American tax payer supplied, free gifts.

Not a single war America has been involved in since 1945 has been to protect the United states.
If I'm wrong - name one and give reasons why it protected the U.S. from a threat.

Terror threats were nothing until you stuck your fat noses into middle east politics.

What are you going to do about Putin? He has nukes that could easily destroy major American cities. Don't you know, America never starts wars against a country that can hit back. Playground bully, but bigger.

Ah, NK, yes, you can start a war there. They have sod all to hit America with. Hang on, if they're no threat to you, why do you want a war?

There is no Iranian nuke. It's a story Israelis tell their kids so they'll hate Muslims when they grow up. They also tell this story to their bitch, The U.S. of A., in order to get more American tax payer supplied, free gifts.

Not a single war America has been involved in since 1945 has been to protect the United states.
If I'm wrong - name one and give reasons why it protected the U.S. from a threat.

Fuck off terrorist loving ass monkey

tapatalk post
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Terror threats were nothing until you stuck your fat noses into middle east politics.

What are you going to do about Putin? He has nukes that could easily destroy major American cities. Don't you know, America never starts wars against a country that can hit back. Playground bully, but bigger.

Ah, NK, yes, you can start a war there. They have sod all to hit America with. Hang on, if they're no threat to you, why do you want a war?

There is no Iranian nuke. It's a story Israelis tell their kids so they'll hate Muslims when they grow up. They also tell this story to their bitch, The U.S. of A., in order to get more American tax payer supplied, free gifts.

Not a single war America has been involved in since 1945 has been to protect the United states.
If I'm wrong - name one and give reasons why it protected the U.S. from a threat.

Fuck off terrorist loving ass monkey

tapatalk post

I see your intelligence is rather limited.
Totally unable to argue a point, you simply spout shit.
Perhaps you could name of of the military actions that were undertaken to defend America.
The bombing of Indonesia, maybe?
Terror threats were nothing until you stuck your fat noses into middle east politics.

What are you going to do about Putin? He has nukes that could easily destroy major American cities. Don't you know, America never starts wars against a country that can hit back. Playground bully, but bigger.

Ah, NK, yes, you can start a war there. They have sod all to hit America with. Hang on, if they're no threat to you, why do you want a war?

There is no Iranian nuke. It's a story Israelis tell their kids so they'll hate Muslims when they grow up. They also tell this story to their bitch, The U.S. of A., in order to get more American tax payer supplied, free gifts.

Not a single war America has been involved in since 1945 has been to protect the United states.
If I'm wrong - name one and give reasons why it protected the U.S. from a threat.

Fuck off terrorist loving ass monkey

tapatalk post

I see your intelligence is rather limited.
Totally unable to argue a point, you simply spout shit.
Perhaps you could name of of the military actions that were undertaken to defend America.
The bombing of Indonesia, maybe?

Well, you gotta cut him a little slack, as you said, his intelligence is limited and his world view is shaped by slacking off behind his store counter reading the Enquirer and People.
Republicans, "Cut spending, cut spending, cut spending! OMG! Not the military, that's our sacred cow!"

Republicans, "Cut the deficit, cut the deficit, cut the deficit! OMG! You can't do that by making the rich pay taxes! Destroy Social Security and Medicare, and throw grandma out in the street instead."
republicans, "cut spending, cut spending, cut spending! Omg! Not the military, that's our sacred cow!"

republicans, "cut the deficit, cut the deficit, cut the deficit! Omg! You can't do that by making the rich pay taxes! Destroy social security and medicare, and throw grandma out in the street instead."

****left wing propaganda alert****
republicans, "cut spending, cut spending, cut spending! Omg! Not the military, that's our sacred cow!"

republicans, "cut the deficit, cut the deficit, cut the deficit! Omg! You can't do that by making the rich pay taxes! Destroy social security and medicare, and throw grandma out in the street instead."

****left wing propaganda alert****

Actually, it's accurate, if a little over dramatic, as far as American republicans go.
Sadly, the political left go exactly the other way and try to spend their way of of debt.
The latter applies to all left wing parties, regardless of country.

What you guys need is a Thatcher. Come to think of it, every country should have one.
How is human cloning technology coming along?
I again ask the libs their position on cutting the Commissary budget by a Billion.............

It is a basic service for our troops. It will remain a basic service after the cuts to the military.........

Over an over again they claim they are for the little people. How they care.............Why have they been silent on this very issue.........................

Why on Tri-Care..................

Why on BAH cuts...............

And why on cost of living increases to Retired or disabled Vets....................

Why.............Step up to the plate against your current Administration for these cuts................You are for the little people................Right.....................
Why are you in favor of government, subsidized cheese?
You posted:

Former VP Cheney Former VP Cheney Blasts Planned Pentagon Budget Cuts As Dangerous - Lt Col Ralph Peters - YouTube

I commented on Dick Cheney's hypocrisy and flip-flopping.
The headline of OP itself is deliberately misleading, but one expects that when FOX is the source.

Prior to WWII, the Air Force was part of the Army, and the Marines were a fraction of their current size. In terms of projected Army/Air Force/Marines combined troop numbers, the USA will still be way above the prior-to-WWII numbers.

I doubt that. You do the math, and I didn't incude the Navy or the Marine Corp.

On 17 June 1941 the Army was expanded to 280,000 men and nine days later to 375,000. On 16 September the National Guard units were absorbed into the Army and Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass the Selective Service Act; by July 1941, 606,915 men were inducted into the Army.

In June 1941 the United States Army Air Corps became the Army Air Force and was commanded by Major-General Henry H. Arnold. At that time its strength was only a small force of 9,078 officers and 143,563 enlisted men. Within six months its strength had risen to 22,524 officers (including cadets) and 274,579 men. The numbers of aircraft had risen from 6,102 to 10,329 in the same period.
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The day after Hagel and Obama talked about $75B in extra cuts to the military to "save money" they unveiled a plan to blow $300B on bridges, roads, etc...aka union scams.

It is quite clear they have no intention of saving any money from stealing from the DoD budget which is mandated by the Constitution.
Shut the fuck up.

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