Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

We need just as many soldiers as neccessary for the security of the USA and our interests. Not one more.

The military isn't a jobs program.
Liberaltopia downsizing our military? Chuck Hagel is simply Obama's stodge

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will reportedly propose a Pentagon budget that will shrink the U.S. Army to its smallest number since 1940
and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets.

The New York Times reported late Sunday that Hagel's proposal, which will be released to lawmakers and the public on Monday, will call for a reduction in size of the military that will leave it capable of waging war, but unable to carry out protracted occupations of foreign territory, as in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Under Hagel's plan, the number of troops in the Army will drop to between 440,000 and 450,000, a reduction of at least 120,000 soldiers from its post-Sept.11 peak.

Officials told the Times that Hagel's plan has been endorsed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and protects funding for Special Operations forces and cyberwarfare. It also calls for the Navy to maintain all eleven of its aircraft carriers currently in operation. However, the budget proposal mandates the elimination of the entire fleet of Air Force A-10 attack aircraft,

Proposed budget will reportedly shrink Army to pre-WWII numbers | Fox News


It's past time to cut the size of the military, but these aren't the best cuts.

no A-10s? That seems ignorant, since they are anti-tank/bunker jet that we have.
"We are repositioning to focus on the strategic challenges and opportunities that will define our future: new technologies, new centers of power, and a world that is growing more volatile, more unpredictable, and in some instances more threatening to the United States," Hagel said at a press conference at the Pentagon.

This is a man that knows his history. He knows we were not ready for WW2, so he plans on making us unready, even when he clearly knows it's a bad idea, based on what he said there
Other characteristics of the budget will likely draw further ire from veterans groups and members of Congress. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Hagel would recommend a limit on military pay raises, higher fees for health-care benefits, less generous housing allowances, and a one-year freeze on raises for top military brass.

all while congress gets an automatic raise every year.

mmm, reminds me why I hated dems while I served
Does anyone know if they plan on closing foreign bases?

protecting other countries costs us a LOT
I don't know, I think our Military needs more people. The people I know that are still in the Military are extremely over worked.

The only way we were ever fully manned was to take riders with us. even with them, we were still port and starboard with drill tossed in just for kicks
'Bout fucking time. Pull the troops out of, but not limited to: South Korea, Germany, Japan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and then cut the army down to a proper size.
To obama, from his point of view, the world loves us. He has pacified Iran with his honeyed words and he has President Putin hiding under the bed.

We don't need a military with obama, the lions bow to his name.
This has been Obamas plan from the beginning. He hates the military and he has not been afraid to say it.. HE wants our POLICE to be the military here .. This is very dangerous for him to cut our troops.. This makes us very vulnerable .. Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Another article Obama wanting to militarize the Police

7 Ways The Obama Administration Has Accelerated Police Militarization

I favor cutting ALL government spending. Military spending included.
W was for cutting personnel until he decide to invade some camel shite place.

Troops cost money. If you really want to argue we lack sufficient boots to kill terrorists or to vaporize N. Korea or Iran ..... whatever.
This has been Obamas plan from the beginning. He hates the military and he has not been afraid to say it.. HE wants our POLICE to be the military here .. This is very dangerous for him to cut our troops.. This makes us very vulnerable .. Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Another article Obama wanting to militarize the Police

7 Ways The Obama Administration Has Accelerated Police Militarization

Oh so you guys aren't serious about cutting the debt.

And the police were "militarized" well before Obama came in.

What do you think SWAT is all about.

I'm wondering why - in the financial situation we are in - we can cut military pensions but we give MORE money than asked for on some military contracts ??????

Maybe the rank and file don't line campaign coffers enough and contractors do ?????
In the Pre WW2 Army, all support roles were filled by military personnel. Today these jobs are done by civilian contractors. So even with the cuts we will still have more fighting men than the Pre WW2 Army.
This has been Obamas plan from the beginning. He hates the military and he has not been afraid to say it.. HE wants our POLICE to be the military here .. This is very dangerous for him to cut our troops.. This makes us very vulnerable .. Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Another article Obama wanting to militarize the Police

7 Ways The Obama Administration Has Accelerated Police Militarization

Oh so you guys aren't serious about cutting the debt.

And the police were "militarized" well before Obama came in.

What do you think SWAT is all about.


Swalloooooow....nah wed rather crush executive departments and phony regulation know the ones that want to monitor news rooms
This is a dangerous, dangerous decision.

Nuclear responses are made more necessary and more likely if our ability to fight two major wars simultaneously as well as a smaller military conflict can't be handled by this smaller Army size with conventional weapons.

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