Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

We had about 480,000 US soldiers in 1998. Nobody invaded.

We now stand around 560,000. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down. Demobilization is SOP for post-war periods.

We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

Sorry but it was Bush and his cronies that didn't understand the threat, despite multiple warnings. They were pushing for Star Wars as the only way to deal with rogue nations who wanted to strike at us. Of course that was pre-9-11.
This has been Obamas plan from the beginning. He hates the military and he has not been afraid to say it.. HE wants our POLICE to be the military here .. This is very dangerous for him to cut our troops.. This makes us very vulnerable .. Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Another article Obama wanting to militarize the Police

7 Ways The Obama Administration Has Accelerated Police Militarization

This was his plan and he detailed it quite early on and no one listened to it because they liked his rhetoric.

What he's doing will last a lot longer than what he said.


He's leading from behind because he's placed the US behind him... since he thinks that the US needs to be fundamentally changed (transformed to leading from behind).

[ame=]Obama: "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America" Long Version - YouTube[/ame]
Hagel wants a smaller but better prepared military.

Leaner and meaner, if you will.
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Hagel wants the US to step back. Obama does as well. Both have made that clear even if they have washed this little bit of consumptive media.
Yes, OK, leaving the arena(s) is winning.

Bugging out is really winning, then.

In those terms, Germany won WWI & WWII.
Oh, but it's all peaceful now.

It's not only terrorism that's at issue. Terrorism is a tactic. Countries follow tactics.
If you look at it from the point of view of a leftist, we don't need a military, just obama. He has destroyed al quaeda, Iran has knuckled under, President Putin is hiding under the bed and China is counting the pennies we let them have.

In reality, we will start out any conflict brought to us vastly outnumbered with no attack aircraft at all and a miniscule navy.
We had about 480,000 US soldiers in 1998. Nobody invaded.

We now stand around 560,000. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down. Demobilization is SOP for post-war periods.

We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

We were not under any kind of existential threat.

The federal debt has now become our biggest threat to national survival.

What did 911 cost us? The federal debt is not caused by military spending.
If you look at it from the point of view of a leftist, we don't need a military, just obama. He has destroyed al quaeda, Iran has knuckled under, President Putin is hiding under the bed and China is counting the pennies we let them have.

In reality, we will start out any conflict brought to us vastly outnumbered with no attack aircraft at all and a miniscule navy.
And it's just what they want. They feel GUILTY we are where we they have to knock us DOWN a few notches for EQUAL OUTCOME...or so they think.
If ANYTHING? WELFARE, domestic spending should be CUT to the bone.


1. Return Defense spending to pre-9/11 levels. We are currently spending at levels not seen since WWII. More than during the Cold War when we actually faced an existential threat. Even a lot more than during Reagan's huge defense buildup.

2. Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer.

3. Ban all tax expenditures. Over $1.2 trillion a year is being spent on them. That is nearly the same as our federal deficit.

With these three simple solutions, we would not only balance the budget, we would have several trillions of dollars of surplus cash over the next decade with which to not only pay down the debt, but to also lower everyone's tax rates.
Have a cold? Cough away from me. BYE.

You said cutting the Army would leave us open to invasion, but still have not said who would be capable of invading us.
This has been Obamas plan from the beginning. He hates the military and he has not been afraid to say it.. HE wants our POLICE to be the military here .. This is very dangerous for him to cut our troops.. This makes us very vulnerable .. Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Another article Obama wanting to militarize the Police

7 Ways The Obama Administration Has Accelerated Police Militarization

Oh so you guys aren't serious about cutting the debt.

And the police were "militarized" well before Obama came in.

What do you think SWAT is all about.


Swalloooooow....nah wed rather crush executive departments and phony regulation know the ones that want to monitor news rooms

You swallow?

That's impressive. But no. I don't need your skillz sonny boy.

And when did "nah" wed "rather"?

Was it televised?
We had about 480,000 US soldiers in 1998. Nobody invaded.

We now stand around 560,000. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down. Demobilization is SOP for post-war periods.

We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

Sorry but it was Bush and his cronies that didn't understand the threat, despite multiple warnings. They were pushing for Star Wars as the only way to deal with rogue nations who wanted to strike at us. Of course that was pre-9-11.

Bin laden came on the scene in 2001...?
We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

We were not under any kind of existential threat.

The federal debt has now become our biggest threat to national survival.

What did 911 cost us? The federal debt is not caused by military spending.


But spending 700 billion dollars a year didn't stop a small group of Saudis from making a mess of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

Sorry but it was Bush and his cronies that didn't understand the threat, despite multiple warnings. They were pushing for Star Wars as the only way to deal with rogue nations who wanted to strike at us. Of course that was pre-9-11.

Bin laden came on the scene in 2001...?


He's "Bin" around since Reagan was giving him moula and CIA training.

Good stuff.

He called him a "Founding Father".

Guess he "found" New York and Washington.
We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

We were not under any kind of existential threat.

The federal debt has now become our biggest threat to national survival.

What did 911 cost us? The federal debt is not caused by military spending.


Wow! That is such an insanely stupid comment.

I guess all that hardware and personnel are free, eh?
We are not under any kind of existential threat such as we were during the Cold War. It is impossible to justify our Defense budget, even when adjusted for inflation, being higher than it was during that entire period.

are you high.. Muslim terrorist are just waiting for this to happen. so now they can plan more attacks

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