Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

We are not under any kind of existential threat such as we were during the Cold War. It is impossible to justify our Defense budget, even when adjusted for inflation, being higher than it was during that entire period.

are you high.. Muslim terrorist are just waiting for this to happen. so now they can plan more attacks

How are the extra 100,000 Army men going to stop a terrorist from blowing up a bus in Kansas?
We were not under any kind of existential threat.

The federal debt has now become our biggest threat to national survival.

What did 911 cost us? The federal debt is not caused by military spending.


Wow! That is such an insanely stupid comment.

I guess all that hardware and personnel are free, eh?

It comes from a magic pot of gold protected by this guy..

[ame=]I need me gold - YouTube[/ame]
We had about 480,000 US soldiers in 1998. Nobody invaded.

We now stand around 560,000. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down. Demobilization is SOP for post-war periods.

We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

Sorry but it was Bush and his cronies that didn't understand the threat, despite multiple warnings. They were pushing for Star Wars as the only way to deal with rogue nations who wanted to strike at us. Of course that was pre-9-11.

Actually SDI had no basis in reality. Reagan believed in it, but everyone around him didn't. But the good thing about that was the Soviets didn't know it had no roots in fact. It was SDI that brought Mikhail Gorbachev and the USSR to their knees. It had them all running scared.
We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

Sorry but it was Bush and his cronies that didn't understand the threat, despite multiple warnings. They were pushing for Star Wars as the only way to deal with rogue nations who wanted to strike at us. Of course that was pre-9-11.

Actually SDI had no basis in reality. Reagan believed in it, but everyone around him didn't. But the good thing about that was the Soviets didn't know it had no roots in fact. It was SDI that brought Mikhail Gorbachev and the USSR to their knees. It had them all running scared.
But now closer to reality...
We need to refocus more towards r@D and keeping our lead in tech. This is what makes us stand out on this planet military wise.
YOU need more r@D for more ways the Government can hold your hand through life. It's R&D you dumbass. Your Government education serves you well.


If it wasn't for R&D our military would look like Russia's during the early part of wwI. You're a clueless fuck.
I was in the Army during Reagan's massive peacetime buildup, few things are worse for morale than knowing for a fact that all you do is for nothing more than to keep contractors in fat contracts. troops need more than useless busywork to feel as if they are not wasting their time away from family, keeping large numbers in uniform is a waste for them as well as taxpayers.
China's military is laughable. It has a credible missile defense and it's nuclear potentials some of which are quite suspect as to status.

It's landbound.
We need to refocus more towards r@D and keeping our lead in tech. This is what makes us stand out on this planet military wise.
YOU need more r@D for more ways the Government can hold your hand through life. It's R&D you dumbass. Your Government education serves you well.


If it wasn't for R&D our military would look like Russia's during the early part of wwI. You're a clueless fuck.
Really? And Russia didn't have WHAT? And OUR own Government wouldn't have achieved what they did without WHAT?

God, you're dense!
China's military is laughable. It has a credible missile defense and it's nuclear potentials some of which are quite suspect as to status.

It's landbound.

And you wonder where most of that 700 billion/year are directed towards to make us the super power we're? R&D and a well to stay in the lead over the rest of the world.

When I was a Bush Republican this use to be generally accepted.
We are in the same war we were in in 1998...bubba didn't realize it then and Obabble doesn't realize it now.

Sorry but it was Bush and his cronies that didn't understand the threat, despite multiple warnings. They were pushing for Star Wars as the only way to deal with rogue nations who wanted to strike at us. Of course that was pre-9-11.

Actually SDI had no basis in reality. Reagan believed in it, but everyone around him didn't. But the good thing about that was the Soviets didn't know it had no roots in fact. It was SDI that brought Mikhail Gorbachev and the USSR to their knees. It had them all running scared.

No it isn't.

Gorbachev was a moderate that wanted to jettison Communism.
China is landbound. In a war it can not even build it's own fighter/bomber aircraft engines. Resources in a time of war also limits China.

Russia? Now that's another story, which is why China buys it's military jets from them. Russia doesn't trust China which is why the factories are in Russia since China was caught red-handed with Russian jet engine specifications when Russia did allow factories to be built in China.

China has designed nuclear missiles and blasted astronauts into space, but one vital technology remains out of reach. Despite decades of research and development, China has so far failed to build a reliable, high performance jet engine.

Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine | Reuters
Personally I wouldn't cut the military as I believe there's real threats like China, Russia and nations like Iran. Where I disagree is when it comes to protecting the world from its self. Why?

I am all for more investing in r&d and having the best military. FOR OUR DEFENSE.
Close 2/3rds of the bases
Cut the military by 150k troops
and use more drones that are overall cheaper to do the job.

= winning.

Close 2/3rds of the bases, starting with overseas bases first.
Europe, Korea and Japan can start defending themselves. Need to get them off the gravy train.

The size of the U.S. force in Germany is expected to drop in the coming year as the Army plans to deactivate one brigade combat team next year and possibly reduce the force even further with a cut of around 2,500 soldiers. Currently, the U.S. has 48,000 active-duty personnel in Germany at a cost of $4 billion for basing and support.

The amount does not include military personnel costs of $3.9 billion.
Report: US footing greater bill for overseas bases
Have a cold? Cough away from me. BYE.

You said cutting the Army would leave us open to invasion, but still have not said who would be capable of invading us.

If it keeps going the way it is going, anyone with a mind to. Especially if we eliminate our defenses. Do you really think all we need is a Coast Guard? Our military will be down to where it was in 1940. Did we not have an attack on American territory in 1944? Was there an immediate response to that attack? Were we capable of an immediate response to that attack?

Now if the left succeeds in disarming the nation, some kind of invasion would be that much more likely. At least in 1944 the Japanese emperor disregarded an invasion because of armed Americans behind every blade of grass. This time, obama is importing terrorists to build cells within the US as fast as the planes can bring them here.
We don't need to spend as much as the rest of the world COMBINED....


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