per Drudge: Illegals could elect Hillary

Qst.......If the right wingers are so damn afraid that illegals are voting...and voting for democrats...........HOW THE HELL DO THEY EXPLAIN THEIR WINS IN 2014???
The question is moot.

Only citizens registered to vote may indeed vote – undocumented immigrants cannot vote, are not voting, and will never vote until they are citizens – a process that can take years far beyond 2016.

That this is even a thread 'topic' is evidence of the ignorant and stupidity of the right; or the propensity of conservatives to contrive and attempt to propagate ridiculous lies.
come to Maryland and watch them vote.
with the drivers license that the democratic governor made sure they could get, they also get the voter registration at the time they get that license. Then since we cant legally have any type of voter ID or voter verification, they can vote without being questioned.
anyone that says the illegals cant vote is either stupid, blind or a liar.

......and so, I ask again......
Did all these "illegals" voting, take the 2014 election as a "give the right wingers a break" time?
Maryland always goes for the anti-American candidates. For some reason the illegals are not as interested in local politics as they are at the national level. But you can bet when it comes to electing a congressman or a president, those voter lines are going to be packed with people that cant speak english.

Ergo....your right wing party's future devastating loss in 2016....and, NO, not because "illegals" are voting; it is because your party's attitudes treat ALL minorities as second-class citizens.
and thats where the problem is. Treating them as equals equates to treating them as second class citizens to the left, while at the same time, telling them they are too stupid to do for themselves then paying them to stay subservient to the party is equality.
Or, are you only talking about the filthy illegals that have no right to be in the country in the first place.
I can say that because according to you the filthy scum cant vote so it doesn't matter if they are pissed off or not.
Do you even read those hack stories before you come here to lie ?

She got in trouble for bashing a candidate (trump) while registering people . Where do you get the illegal part? You do realize that just because someone speaks Spanish that doesn't make them an illegal . Kind of racist of you .

Race card. That was quick.

Second, your answer has nothing to do with my question. I asked why Hillary campaign selectively registering Hispanics to vote. So, it other way around, they're using the race card, not me.

U can't selectively register people . If someone comes up to you, you take their information. The register person doesn't make the call if they are really eligible

You're the one assuming Spanish speakers can't be legal citizens . Sometimes the race card is the right card .
Ergo....your right wing party's future devastating loss in 2016....and, NO, not because "illegals" are voting; it is because your party's attitudes treat ALL minorities as second-class citizens.

Just out of curiosity which attitudes specifically would those be?

Just look at your ilk's "contributions" to this thread alson......and you (were you a bit more objective) could easily see the tacit distrust toward anyone who is not a white, [mostly] male, evangelical, gun-toting, bible thumping, gay bashing...voter.
Ergo....your right wing party's future devastating loss in 2016....and, NO, not because "illegals" are voting; it is because your party's attitudes treat ALL minorities as second-class citizens.

Just out of curiosity which attitudes specifically would those be?

I'll toss out a couple . 1) implying all blacks are on welfare 2). If someone speaks Spanish , they are illegal .

These are ongoing themes wh the republicans . And they wonder why those groups trend democrat. It's not so much that the dems woo them, it's more the republicans chasing them away .
Do you even read those hack stories before you come here to lie ?

She got in trouble for bashing a candidate (trump) while registering people . Where do you get the illegal part? You do realize that just because someone speaks Spanish that doesn't make them an illegal . Kind of racist of you .

Race card. That was quick.

Second, your answer has nothing to do with my question. I asked why Hillary campaign selectively registering Hispanics to vote. So, it other way around, they're using the race card, not me.

U can't selectively register people . If someone comes up to you, you take their information. The register person doesn't make the call if they are really eligible

You're the one assuming Spanish speakers can't be legal citizens . Sometimes the race card is the right card .
The Naturalization Test
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there are exceptions, however if you are in the age to be working, and dont speak English at all, you are illegal.
Ergo....your right wing party's future devastating loss in 2016....and, NO, not because "illegals" are voting; it is because your party's attitudes treat ALL minorities as second-class citizens.

Just out of curiosity which attitudes specifically would those be?

I'll toss out a couple . 1) implying all blacks are on welfare 2). If someone speaks Spanish , they are illegal .

These are ongoing themes wh the republicans . And they wonder why those groups trend democrat. It's not so much that the dems woo them, it's more the republicans chasing them away .
how funny, the more blacks make the better chance they will switch to the republican party.
Do you even read those hack stories before you come here to lie ?

She got in trouble for bashing a candidate (trump) while registering people . Where do you get the illegal part? You do realize that just because someone speaks Spanish that doesn't make them an illegal . Kind of racist of you .

Race card. That was quick.

Second, your answer has nothing to do with my question. I asked why Hillary campaign selectively registering Hispanics to vote. So, it other way around, they're using the race card, not me.

U can't selectively register people . If someone comes up to you, you take their information. The register person doesn't make the call if they are really eligible

You're the one assuming Spanish speakers can't be legal citizens . Sometimes the race card is the right card .
The Naturalization Test
Most naturalization applicants are required to take a test on:

  • English
  • Civics (U.S. history and government)
We provide resources to help you prepare. For more information, visit our Naturalization Test page. Get study materials from the Citizenship Resource Center.

there are exceptions, however if you are in the age to be working, and dont speak English at all, you are illegal.

1) u can be legal immigrant wh/0 being a citizen .

2) just because u speak Spanish, doesn't mean u don't speak English .

Don't any of u know a second language ?
Ergo....your right wing party's future devastating loss in 2016....and, NO, not because "illegals" are voting; it is because your party's attitudes treat ALL minorities as second-class citizens.

Just out of curiosity which attitudes specifically would those be?

I'll toss out a couple . 1) implying all blacks are on welfare 2). If someone speaks Spanish , they are illegal .
As far as I know neither of those things are part of the GOP platform, nor are they commonly presented by representatives of the Republican Party, you're just taking what some person(s) who claim to be republicans said and painting the entire GOP with a very broad brush, you might want to rethink the wisdom of that since there are plenty of people that claim to be democrats running around saying all sorts of outlandish nonsense.

These are ongoing themes wh the republicans . And they wonder why those groups trend democrat. It's not so much that the dems woo them, it's more the republicans chasing them away .
There is no "themes" there, there is just what you read on Internet message boards.. if you try looking at the realities of what the two major parties ACTUALLY represent you'll find a very different truth than what you believe, to whit; both parties see ALL voters as potential marks and are simply trying to come up with a script of what their target demographic wants to hear..... it's all a scam and minorities are no more, nor any less scammed than the rest of the electorate (which neither party really gives a damn about).

The exercise you're engaged in is just a result of you being manipulated into doing your level best to DIVIDE the people against themselves so that those in power can continue to leech off us common folk without having to deal with a popular revolt against their immoral practices.
How the fuck do you think Obama got elected --twice!

La Raza Promotes Washington Post Guide On Where People Can Vote Without An ID

Democrats know they need Illegals and non-living to win, that's why they fight voter ID, no other reason

U still have to register and show some ID . Maybe it's not a fancy state issued photo ID. When u vote your came is cross referenced wh the registered voter.

U act as if you can just run around town voting 100x if u choose . That's not true .
Ergo....your right wing party's future devastating loss in 2016....and, NO, not because "illegals" are voting; it is because your party's attitudes treat ALL minorities as second-class citizens.

Just out of curiosity which attitudes specifically would those be?

I'll toss out a couple . 1) implying all blacks are on welfare 2). If someone speaks Spanish , they are illegal .
As far as I know neither of those things are part of the GOP platform, nor are they commonly presented by representatives of the Republican Party, you're just taking what some person(s) who claim to be republicans said and painting the entire GOP with a very broad brush, you might want to rethink the wisdom of that since there are plenty of people that claim to be democrats running around saying all sorts of outlandish nonsense.

These are ongoing themes wh the republicans . And they wonder why those groups trend democrat. It's not so much that the dems woo them, it's more the republicans chasing them away .
There is no "themes" there, there is just what you read on Internet message boards.. if you try looking at the realities of what the two major parties ACTUALLY represent you'll find a very different truth than what you believe, to whit; both parties see ALL voters as potential marks and are simply trying to come up with a script of what their target demographic wants to hear..... it's all a scam and minorities are no more, nor any less scammed than the rest of the electorate (which neither party really gives a damn about).

The exercise you're engaged in is just a result of you being manipulated into doing your level best to DIVIDE the people against themselves so that those in power can continue to leech off us common folk without having to deal with a popular revolt against their immoral practices.

Oh there are themes . When republican front runner Trump is shitting all over Mexicans to a big applause , that's a theme .
How the fuck do you think Obama got elected --twice!

La Raza Promotes Washington Post Guide On Where People Can Vote Without An ID

Democrats know they need Illegals and non-living to win, that's why they fight voter ID, no other reason

U still have to register and show some ID . Maybe it's not a fancy state issued photo ID. When u vote your came is cross referenced wh the registered voter.

U act as if you can just run around town voting 100x if u choose . That's not true .
in Maryland I only have to know my name and address and I can vote.
that means if I know Joe Smlow lives at 121 idiot liberal st. I can get to the poll before him and vote in his name. No questions asked.
same with dead people, name and where they lived before the cemetery and I can vote for them until they are removed from the polls.
Do you even read those hack stories before you come here to lie ?

She got in trouble for bashing a candidate (trump) while registering people . Where do you get the illegal part? You do realize that just because someone speaks Spanish that doesn't make them an illegal . Kind of racist of you .

Race card. That was quick.

Second, your answer has nothing to do with my question. I asked why Hillary campaign selectively registering Hispanics to vote. So, it other way around, they're using the race card, not me.

U can't selectively register people . If someone comes up to you, you take their information. The register person doesn't make the call if they are really eligible

You're the one assuming Spanish speakers can't be legal citizens . Sometimes the race card is the right card .

That's exactly what Clinton campaign is doing - selectively registering people. Cherry picking Hispanics by inviting them in Spanish and by showing Trump's meme.

You claim I am assuming, although I said nothing as such.

My question was not about are they legal or not, but you turned it into exactly that, so you can dodge the answer and blame me for even asking the question. Let's try again.

Why Hillary campaign is selectively registering Hispanics to vote?
Do you even read those hack stories before you come here to lie ?

She got in trouble for bashing a candidate (trump) while registering people . Where do you get the illegal part? You do realize that just because someone speaks Spanish that doesn't make them an illegal . Kind of racist of you .

Race card. That was quick.

Second, your answer has nothing to do with my question. I asked why Hillary campaign selectively registering Hispanics to vote. So, it other way around, they're using the race card, not me.

U can't selectively register people . If someone comes up to you, you take their information. The register person doesn't make the call if they are really eligible

You're the one assuming Spanish speakers can't be legal citizens . Sometimes the race card is the right card .
The Naturalization Test
Most naturalization applicants are required to take a test on:

  • English
  • Civics (U.S. history and government)
We provide resources to help you prepare. For more information, visit our Naturalization Test page. Get study materials from the Citizenship Resource Center.

there are exceptions, however if you are in the age to be working, and dont speak English at all, you are illegal.

1) u can be legal immigrant wh/0 being a citizen .

2) just because u speak Spanish, doesn't mean u don't speak English .

Don't any of u know a second language ?
unless you are a citizen you cant legally vote.
if you can speak English, why wouldn't you when confronted with a situation where its the only language to speak.

and yes, I do speak Spanish, however I refuse to do so in my own country. When I travel to Puerto Rico to visit with the wifes side of the family, I speak Spanish, their country, their language. Understand?
Ergo....your right wing party's future devastating loss in 2016....and, NO, not because "illegals" are voting; it is because your party's attitudes treat ALL minorities as second-class citizens.

Just out of curiosity which attitudes specifically would those be?

I'll toss out a couple . 1) implying all blacks are on welfare 2). If someone speaks Spanish , they are illegal .
As far as I know neither of those things are part of the GOP platform, nor are they commonly presented by representatives of the Republican Party, you're just taking what some person(s) who claim to be republicans said and painting the entire GOP with a very broad brush, you might want to rethink the wisdom of that since there are plenty of people that claim to be democrats running around saying all sorts of outlandish nonsense.

These are ongoing themes wh the republicans . And they wonder why those groups trend democrat. It's not so much that the dems woo them, it's more the republicans chasing them away .
There is no "themes" there, there is just what you read on Internet message boards.. if you try looking at the realities of what the two major parties ACTUALLY represent you'll find a very different truth than what you believe, to whit; both parties see ALL voters as potential marks and are simply trying to come up with a script of what their target demographic wants to hear..... it's all a scam and minorities are no more, nor any less scammed than the rest of the electorate (which neither party really gives a damn about).

The exercise you're engaged in is just a result of you being manipulated into doing your level best to DIVIDE the people against themselves so that those in power can continue to leech off us common folk without having to deal with a popular revolt against their immoral practices.

Oh there are themes . When republican front runner Trump is shitting all over Mexicans to a big applause , that's a theme .

Except for the fact that Trump spends most of his time criticizing the Mexican GOVERNMENT and illegal immigration (which is not even the same thing as "shitting all over Mexicans".... I know it's difficult since Trump spouts complete nonsense all the time but try listening to what he actually says instead of what you think he says and you'll realize that your "themes" theory isn't accurate.

Your argument is just the same as the one advanced by some Republicans that all Democrats are communists.... just doesn't hold up under objective examination.
Just out of curiosity which attitudes specifically would those be?

Well, we can play this game for quite a long admitting and you denying the obvious......Let's save it for some other time.
Qst.......If the right wingers are so damn afraid that illegals are voting...and voting for democrats...........HOW THE HELL DO THEY EXPLAIN THEIR WINS IN 2014???
The question is moot.

Only citizens registered to vote may indeed vote – undocumented immigrants cannot vote, are not voting, and will never vote until they are citizens – a process that can take years far beyond 2016.

That this is even a thread 'topic' is evidence of the ignorant and stupidity of the right; or the propensity of conservatives to contrive and attempt to propagate ridiculous lies.
come to Maryland and watch them vote.
with the drivers license that the democratic governor made sure they could get, they also get the voter registration at the time they get that license. Then since we cant legally have any type of voter ID or voter verification, they can vote without being questioned.
anyone that says the illegals cant vote is either stupid, blind or a liar.

You're making shit up . Why would an illegal even bother . That's a felony and a one way ticket to jail- deportation .
Oh come now. LOL
Qst.......If the right wingers are so damn afraid that illegals are voting...and voting for democrats...........HOW THE HELL DO THEY EXPLAIN THEIR WINS IN 2014???
The question is moot.

Only citizens registered to vote may indeed vote – undocumented immigrants cannot vote, are not voting, and will never vote until they are citizens – a process that can take years far beyond 2016.

That this is even a thread 'topic' is evidence of the ignorant and stupidity of the right; or the propensity of conservatives to contrive and attempt to propagate ridiculous lies.
come to Maryland and watch them vote.
with the drivers license that the democratic governor made sure they could get, they also get the voter registration at the time they get that license. Then since we cant legally have any type of voter ID or voter verification, they can vote without being questioned.
anyone that says the illegals cant vote is either stupid, blind or a liar.

You're making shit up . Why would an illegal even bother . That's a felony and a one way ticket to jail- deportation .
Oh come now. LOL
seriously, Juan Sanchez gets busted for early voting illegally. He gets deported. He spend a couple weeks visiting relatives in his home country, then comes back as Jesus Menendez,, and votes again.

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