Pervert fears cast doubt on plans to lower voting age

I don't do steroids.You have been rebutted.Never mention it again.:lol:
Yes, Agna's reasons are that he believes that youth development is inhibited by the artificial extension of childhood that has occurred over the past century in Western society.

Because you are so grown up.:lol:

I was being sarcastic, you can look that up in your dictionary.:lol:
Your failure to post the "evidence" that you claim you have is almost as amusing as its inevitable mediocrity.

Your so called evidence is nothing more than the opinions of likeminded perverts.I have just rebutted every post you have ever made.:lol:
For me it is like:
Can teenagers be irresonible? Of course yes.
Can adults be irresponsible? Of course yes.
Can persons who should be more irresponsible than teenagers vote? Yes, if you are in an asylum you can still cast your vote (provided you are over 18 :D ).
Actually, it is good that you can vote in an asylum, it would be quite bad if a random psychatrist could remove your voting rights.
If we would instate a "competence trigger" this competence trigger could be easily abused to remove persons with "unacceptable" political views.
During times in the Soviet Union, people with non party political views where frequently "diagnosed" with Schizophrenia, leading to their rapid dissapearance into some Siberian asylums.

I do not see the "age of consent" automatism either. Drumming up 50% support for a lowered voting age should be quite possible politically, drumming up a 50% support for a lowered age of consent is not. If anyone would bring it up it would become the new Gay Marriage.

Personally, when i was 16 I was much better informed about politics than I was ready for sexual relationships, but thats just me.
I also was a bit of a youth rights activist when I was below 18, my activity totally dissappeared when I turned 18, nah, opportunistic me that is.
Incidentally, note Santorum's reversion to the inescapable ad hominem attack model for supporters of youth rights.

The ad hominem attack against youth supporters of their own rights that exists ins that they are naive and ignorant, and are incapable of understanding the nature and ramifications of the rights that they demand.

The ad hominem attack that exists against adult supporters of youth rights is that they are sexually attracted to children and adolescents, and thus support rights for that reason only.

Through the use of either of these, (or both, as Santorum has just demonstrated), the primitive critic is rescued from having to rationally debate the issue of youth rights on its own merits.

EDIT: There might be one method of escaping this attack model, which is the case of a person who supported youth rights while young themselves and continued to support them in adult life. There are two prominent examples of such individuals that exist.

1. Alex Koroknay-Palicz.

2. Bennett Haselton.

And yet the LAW in EVERY State considers 16 year old's to be unable to be independent ( except in VERY rare cases) and it requires special authority to try them as adults in criminal cases.
It's only a logical fallacy if it's bullshit; it isn't. Sorry but a little thing you don't have yet is called life experience.

Nice job at only bolding a portion of what I said arrogant punk. There is tons of evidence out there, and you know it. If you want, I'll find it for you tomorrow, not going to digging at 3 am. Stop playing naive unless you really are that ignorant.

That's not always true either. I've met several kids who are the exact opposite of their parents also. But if the majority are simply following their parent's will then it's not really voting for themselves is it? Merely a second vote by their parent.

The part I bolded simply cracked me up. Really? A few reasonable people or ignorant people you mean? Oh yes, the adults who fuck teenagers and kids don't want to give kids the right that they could fuck said adults without getting into trouble with the law. Yeah, that logic makes complete sense. :cuckoo:

Actions speak louder then words, and the part I bolded proves that. Anyone who may even disagree with you is considered unreasonable and you try to justify your reasoning through backwards class of thought that we've already gone over has been used in the past to justify other twisted things. You may not say you know everything, but you certainly act it. Hell, I've never seen you once admit to be wrong here despite the fact evidence upon pile of evidence is thrown in your face which is shown to be true.

Everybody is wrong at some point for certain things, even you Agna. So get off your high horse and stop thinking you can simply classify how people are "reasonable". When the only "reasonable" people in your book are the ones who agree with you. Everyone else is unreasonable to you.

This is hilarious. The Irony of Robert telling someone else they are to young and have not got "life experience" yet, is just to good to pass with out pointing it out.
I see my question has been answered. The answer is fear. Just like the fear that if gays marry people will be allowed to marry their pet squirrel. It's stupid in a country to have an age of consent law of sixteen and a voting age of 18.

I see my question has been answered. The answer is fear. Just like the fear that if gays marry people will be allowed to marry their pet squirrel. It's stupid in a country to have an age of consent law of sixteen and a voting age of 18.


Hey go ahead and make 16 the new age of adulthood. Parents can start kicking them out then and save on two years of support. Of course how they will work full time and finish High School is an interesting question.

No way children get the vote. If they want to vote at 16 then they are adults and have to act like adults and be treated like adults with ALL the responsibilities that entails. And parents can, if they choose, boot their adult ass to the curb.
Hey go ahead and make 16 the new age of adulthood. Parents can start kicking them out then and save on two years of support. Of course how they will work full time and finish High School is an interesting question.

No way children get the vote. If they want to vote at 16 then they are adults and have to act like adults and be treated like adults with ALL the responsibilities that entails. And parents can, if they choose, boot their adult ass to the curb.
Ah, we are discussing Scotland, read the OP. Here most 20 and 21 year olds aren't kicked to the curb and treated like adults by their parents so your argument doesn't hold water.
Ah, we are discussing Scotland, read the OP. Here most 20 and 21 year olds aren't kicked to the curb and treated like adults by their parents so your argument doesn't hold water.

We ALSO were discussing trying to make 16 the age to vote here, but hey since you can not understand what you read, I understand the problems you have responding intelligently to other posters.
We ALSO were discussing trying to make 16 the age to vote here, but hey since you can not understand what you read, I understand the problems you have responding intelligently to other posters.
I understand that you were trying to disrupt the thread and were actually quite successful at it.

As for lowering the voting age here, shouldn't that be left up to the states?
Incidentally, note Santorum's reversion to the inescapable ad hominem attack model for supporters of youth rights.

The ad hominem attack against youth supporters of their own rights that exists ins that they are naive and ignorant, and are incapable of understanding the nature and ramifications of the rights that they demand.

The ad hominem attack that exists against adult supporters of youth rights is that they are sexually attracted to children and adolescents, and thus support rights for that reason only.

Through the use of either of these, (or both, as Santorum has just demonstrated), the primitive critic is rescued from having to rationally debate the issue of youth rights on its own merits.

EDIT: There might be one method of escaping this attack model, which is the case of a person who supported youth rights while young themselves and continued to support them in adult life. There are two prominent examples of such individuals that exist.

1. Alex Koroknay-Palicz.

2. Bennett Haselton.

don't worry Jr you will be 18 soon enough..the world wont lack any in the meantime
I understand that you were trying to disrupt the thread and were actually quite successful at it.

As for lowering the voting age here, shouldn't that be left up to the states?

The RIGHT to vote is a Federal issue, It is covered in the Constitution.
The RIGHT to vote is a Federal issue, It is covered in the Constitution.
No it isn't, actually. Certainly not in the case of felons...that is decided at a state level. And there is certainly nothing about a voting age in the constitution.
HERMANN - Police have arrested a Hermann woman for allegedly having sex with a 13-year-old boy in her care.

Callaway prosecutors plan to charge Sarah L. Brown of Stone Hill Highway in Hermann with three counts of statutory rape.

The boy, whom Brown babysat last summer, claims she got him drunk and had sex with him while his parents were away.

The boy and his parents say they knew Brown from church and she was living with them at the time. - Babysitter Arrested - Coverage You Can Count On
Posted November 15, 2008 by Scared Monkeys
Bizarre, Child Welfare, Crime, Government, Internet, Politics, Sex Offender, WTF | 4 comments

29 Year Old Patrick Lee Kenney Sentenced to 6 Years for Texting 12 Year Old Girl
The internet can be a very dangerous place … yet one more example.

29 year old Patrick Lee Kenney has been sentenced to 6 years in prison for the attempted rape of a 12 year old girl. The girl’s mother discovered Kenney’s inappropriate text messages on her daughter’s cell phone. Patrick Lee Kenney also pleaded no contest to attempted sexual abuse and furnishing obscene material to a minor. Where did 29 year old Patrick Lee Kenney and the 12 year old girls meet? of course.

The girl’s mother accidentally saw the text messages and gave the phone to Klamath County sheriff’s deputies, who continued the text chat with Kenney.

Detectives say they arrested Kenney at a park while he was trying to meet the victim.

Prosecutor David Groff said the case is a reminder about the dangers children face from Internet predators.
Sex Offender | Scared Monkeys
No it isn't, actually. Certainly not in the case of felons...that is decided at a state level. And there is certainly nothing about a voting age in the constitution.

Amendment XXVI

(Ratified July 1, 1971)

The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. Congress shall have the power to enforce this law through appropriate legislation.

Additional amendments to the United States Constitution - Wikisource

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