PETA wants memorial on Highway for chickens killed in wreck

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
GAINESVILLE - Activists with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have written a letter to the Georgia Department of Transportation asking that a monument be erected at the site of a crash late last month involving a poultry truck.

In a press release, PETA said Sarah Segal, a Georgia resident and PETA member, has made application to GDOT erect a 10-foot-tall memorial tombstone for the chickens killed in the crash.

The rig carrying the chickens overturned before dawn when it was hit by another vehicle at Highway 129 (Athens Highway) near Wilson Drive.

This tribute will let residents of the 'Poultry Capital of the World' know that the best way to prevent tragedies such as this one is to go vegan. Because chickens shouldn't have to make the terrifying trip to the slaughterhouse at all.

PETA wants memorial on Athens Highway for chickens killed in wreck | AccessNorthGa

They wanted to do that at the sight of another, similar accident... It was in 2012 in Irvine California and involved the death of 1,600 pounds of fish...
mmmm, chicken wings


I say a BW3 be built on the site!
Memorializing Cows Killed in Kansas Crash

Last month, a truck hauling more than 30 cows to a slaughterhouse crashed on a Kansas City highway, skidding down an embankment onto the street below. Some of the cows were killed in the accident, while other animals wandered away with broken limbs and other injuries before finally being caught and euthanized. To ensure that no one forgets the suffering that animals endure for meat, PETA has asked Kansas officials for permission to place a memorial marker near the crash site.

Read more: Memorializing Cows Killed in Kansas Crash | PETA's Blog | PETA

Why did the chicken try to cross the road?

Wanted to know if Peter actually built it.
PETA sign approved

30 people die with these last words on their lips;

"what the fuck is that?"
Chicken Moses tried to part the Black Street


No chickens were let go
A man was driving along a freeway when he noticed a chicken running alongside his car. He was amazed to see the chicken keeping up with him, as he was doing 50 mph. He accelerated to 60, and the chicken stayed right next to him. He sped up to 75 mph, and the chicken passed him. The man noticed that the chicken had three legs. So he followed the chicken down a road and ended up at a farm. He got out of his car and saw that all the chickens had three legs. He asked the farmer, "What's up with these chickens?" The farmer said "Well, everybody likes chicken legs, so I bred a three-legged bird. I'm going to be a millionaire." The man asked him how they tasted. The farmer said, "Don't know, haven't caught one yet." - See more at: Another Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road Joke Site!
GAINESVILLE - Activists with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have written a letter to the Georgia Department of Transportation asking that a monument be erected at the site of a crash late last month involving a poultry truck.

In a press release, PETA said Sarah Segal, a Georgia resident and PETA member, has made application to GDOT erect a 10-foot-tall memorial tombstone for the chickens killed in the crash.

The rig carrying the chickens overturned before dawn when it was hit by another vehicle at Highway 129 (Athens Highway) near Wilson Drive.

This tribute will let residents of the 'Poultry Capital of the World' know that the best way to prevent tragedies such as this one is to go vegan. Because chickens shouldn't have to make the terrifying trip to the slaughterhouse at all.

PETA wants memorial on Athens Highway for chickens killed in wreck | AccessNorthGa



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