pew research poll finds 60% of libs aren't proud to be Americans



You cannot fight a war without patriotism. Why do you think all these iconic symbols meant to provoke a visceral pride response exist in the first place? There must be some higher purpose or armies just will not fight in foreign lands.

You can feel pride without war/violence. Pride & war are not mutually exclusive.

The only one talking about war is you

Patriotism and war are so closely joined in America that it is impossible to leave militarism out of the discussion.
You cannot fight a war without patriotism. Why do you think all these iconic symbols meant to provoke a visceral pride response exist in the first place? There must be some higher purpose or armies just will not fight in foreign lands.

You can feel pride without war/violence. Pride & war are not mutually exclusive.

The only one talking about war is you

Patriotism and war are so closely joined in America that it is impossible to leave militarism out of the discussion.

Only because YOU perceive it that way.

When that Lee Greenwood song is played I think of bbqs, my kids, my grandparents, football, Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall, Martin Luther Kings great speech.....etc

Because YOU think of bombs & death doesn't make it so
Liberals manage to love this country without the aid of militaristic blind patriotism and rote declarations of loyalty. Wanting to make America a better place for everyone and an actual beacon of freedom and fairness for all is how you love your country not turning your back on your fellow man in order to salute some flag. I say that because our flag is nothing but a rag until someone puts the ideals of equality and freedom it represents into action.

[ame=]This Ain't No Rag It's A Flag by Charlie Daniels - YouTube[/ame]

The flag is a symbol, nothing more, but what does it represent in the here and now? What has that flag done for us lately? Not a whole lot I'm afraid.

What has it done for us lately?

That is your major malfunction.......and that of the liberal Brigades...........

That Flag and those under it have helped save the world in our past. The present actions in the middle east were to exact revenge on those who attacked us, and from the scum bags of Radical Islam................

Who are at this time crucifying people in Syria........even their own.

In northern Iraq, they are executing anyone who dares disagree with them.

Whether you like it or not, we were standing against Islamic Fascism over there................

These groups have the entire region on fire...............

I blame them and their 7th Century Mentality.

Your side blames America for them blatant Insanity, and crimes against Humanity.
You can feel pride without war/violence. Pride & war are not mutually exclusive.

The only one talking about war is you

Patriotism and war are so closely joined in America that it is impossible to leave militarism out of the discussion.

Only because YOU perceive it that way.

When that Lee Greenwood song is played I think of bbqs, my kids, my grandparents, football, Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall, Martin Luther Kings great speech.....etc

Because YOU think of bombs & death doesn't make it so

It's the blind patriotism that leads to bombs and death, I can spot disingenuous patriotic displays meant to garner support for narrow interests but conservatives apparently cannot tell the difference.
Patriotism and war are so closely joined in America that it is impossible to leave militarism out of the discussion.

Only because YOU perceive it that way.

When that Lee Greenwood song is played I think of bbqs, my kids, my grandparents, football, Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall, Martin Luther Kings great speech.....etc

Because YOU think of bombs & death doesn't make it so

It's the blind patriotism that leads to bombs and death, I can spot disingenuous patriotic displays meant to garner support for narrow interests but conservatives apparently cannot tell the difference.

The difference is you consider our flag to be a rag. You have no respect for it, our value s, and our historical accomplishments.

You constantly post about how great Obama is, and how we as a nation suck......

I don't agree with you, and quite frankly tend to think you and your ilk are treasonous..............but alas...........we allow dumb asses to vote and speak their mind here.........

As your side tries to PC everyone into silence.

ummm..... who would be proud of living in a plutocracy that is willingly provided to the 1% by their bought-and-paid-for lackeys (pols) in Washington shit for brains [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION] :eusa_eh:

BTW- I served active-duty, forward deployed.

I also started this thread in the CDZ

What else you got? :eusa_think:
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60% of libbies not proud to be Americans..................

Typical Liberal Nutz.....................

Liberals manage to love this country without the aid of militaristic blind patriotism and rote declarations of loyalty. Wanting to make America a better place for everyone and an actual beacon of freedom and fairness for all is how you love your country not turning your back on your fellow man in order to salute some flag. I say that because our flag is nothing but a rag until someone puts the ideals of equality and freedom it represents into action.

this would be nice if it were true.

However, liberals elected Barack Obama in large part because he was black and everyone thought that would be progressive.

He was unqualified and a known liar but all that was swept under the rug so we could look more "modern".

That isn't to say that the libs were willing to elect someone like Alan West. However, had West or Cain run against BO, the discussion and focus would have been on issues.

I can't tell you how many liberal women I know feel we should just hand it to Hillary because she is a woman.

So, please don't lecture people on being blind.

ummm..... who would be proud of living in a plutocracy that is willingly provided to the 1% by their bought-and-paid-for lackeys (pols) in Washington shit for brains [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION] :eusa_eh:

BTW- I served active-duty, forward deployed.

I also started this thread in the CDZ

What else you got? :eusa_think:

Thanks for your service asshole
Patriotism and war are so closely joined in America that it is impossible to leave militarism out of the discussion.

Only because YOU perceive it that way.

When that Lee Greenwood song is played I think of bbqs, my kids, my grandparents, football, Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall, Martin Luther Kings great speech.....etc

Because YOU think of bombs & death doesn't make it so

It's the blind patriotism that leads to bombs and death, I can spot disingenuous patriotic displays meant to garner support for narrow interests but conservatives apparently cannot tell the difference.

That isn't patriotism.

That is stupid.

And the democratic senate voted for the war because of political winds.

I had a lot of respect for people who stood against any kind of military action.
What do you think this tells you? That Conservatives love America more? It only shows that they are more susceptible to blind patriotism. Wave the flag, trot out Lee Greenwood to labor through his song have a nice fireworks show and you people will agree to send our soldiers to invade anyone, bomb people who never did a thing to us, treat our own people like useless dirt, demonize entire segments of the population as traitors and elect warmongering neocons who feel deficits do not matter.



You cannot fight a war without patriotism. Why do you think all these iconic symbols meant to provoke a visceral pride response exist in the first place? There must be some higher purpose or armies just will not fight in foreign lands.

This is a somewhat naive statement, people go to war wearing the label of "patriotism" based on an ignorance of the real issues.
Young poor people trying to pay for college go to war.
Insecure male wanting to prove something to themselves and others go to war.
Being cannon fodder for the rich that profit from war.

I know all these things from experience, what about you??
Pride is an emotion that should be reserved for personal accomplishments.

Winning a birthing lottery by being lucky enough to have been born in America is nothing to be proud of. Thankful for but not proud of.

We agree, I feel lucky to have been born in this great nation, and proud of the country I am a part of.
What do you think this tells you? That Conservatives love America more? It only shows that they are more susceptible to blind patriotism. Wave the flag, trot out Lee Greenwood to labor through his song have a nice fireworks show and you people will agree to send our soldiers to invade anyone, bomb people who never did a thing to us, treat our own people like useless dirt, demonize entire segments of the population as traitors and elect warmongering neocons who feel deficits do not matter.
a good example of that would be our own freedombecki who STILL thinks vietraq was a good idea when, in reality, it only enriched the defense contractors and their members like.....oh..... dick cheney.

The flag is a symbol, nothing more, but what does it represent in the here and now? What has that flag done for us lately? Not a whole lot I'm afraid.

What has it done for us lately?

That is your major malfunction.......and that of the liberal Brigades...........

That Flag and those under it have helped save the world in our past. The present actions in the middle east were to exact revenge on those who attacked us, and from the scum bags of Radical Islam................

Who are at this time crucifying people in Syria........even their own.

In northern Iraq, they are executing anyone who dares disagree with them.

Whether you like it or not, we were standing against Islamic Fascism over there................

These groups have the entire region on fire...............

I blame them and their 7th Century Mentality.

Your side blames America for them blatant Insanity, and crimes against Humanity.

The entire place is fucked because of western invasions, Our flags have been planted over their dead bodies for thousands of years, of course they hate us. What does that have to do with the topic? What do you think the American flag represents to them and rest of the world? If it represented, by example, fairness and freedom they would not be burning them in the street. Our image has been forever tarnished by our latest patriotic wars against terror, patriotism made people think they were good ideas and it seems the people waving the flag the hardest got richest.
Only because YOU perceive it that way.

When that Lee Greenwood song is played I think of bbqs, my kids, my grandparents, football, Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall, Martin Luther Kings great speech.....etc

Because YOU think of bombs & death doesn't make it so

It's the blind patriotism that leads to bombs and death, I can spot disingenuous patriotic displays meant to garner support for narrow interests but conservatives apparently cannot tell the difference.

The difference is you consider our flag to be a rag. You have no respect for it, our value s, and our historical accomplishments.

You constantly post about how great Obama is, and how we as a nation suck......

I don't agree with you, and quite frankly tend to think you and your ilk are treasonous..............but alas...........we allow dumb asses to vote and speak their mind here.........

As your side tries to PC everyone into silence.

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.
Howard Zinn

ummm..... who would be proud of living in a plutocracy that is willingly provided to the 1% by their bought-and-paid-for lackeys (pols) in Washington shit for brains [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION] :eusa_eh:

BTW- I served active-duty, forward deployed.

I also started this thread in the CDZ

What else you got? :eusa_think:

Thanks for your service asshole

Just as I thought, you got nuthin' :thup:

Anyway, I was proud of what this great nation USED to represent- a thriving middle-class w/ the ability to move up. BTW- you hear about that new book on why this great nation is circling-the-drain as it were?:
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ummm..... who would be proud of living in a plutocracy that is willingly provided to the 1% by their bought-and-paid-for lackeys (pols) in Washington shit for brains [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION] :eusa_eh:

BTW- I served active-duty, forward deployed.

I also started this thread in the CDZ

What else you got? :eusa_think:

Thanks for your service asshole

Just as I thought, you got nuthin' :thup:

Anyway, I was proud of what this great nation USED to represent- a thriving middle-class w/ the ability to move up. BTW- you hear about that new book on why this great nation is circling the drain as it were?:

Go nuthin? I have made very clear on multiple occasions that I think that was a bad decision. But this thread isnt about that court case so kindly fuck off.

ummm..... who would be proud of living in a plutocracy that is willingly provided to the 1% by their bought-and-paid-for lackeys (pols) in Washington shit for brains [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION] :eusa_eh:

BTW- I served active-duty, forward deployed.

I also started this thread in the CDZ

What else you got? :eusa_think:

I served in Vietnam in 69, Gramdpa murked also served.... but not in the military!!



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