pew research poll finds 60% of libs aren't proud to be Americans

The flag is a symbol, nothing more, but what does it represent in the here and now? What has that flag done for us lately? Not a whole lot I'm afraid.

What has it done for us lately?

That is your major malfunction.......and that of the liberal Brigades...........

That Flag and those under it have helped save the world in our past. The present actions in the middle east were to exact revenge on those who attacked us, and from the scum bags of Radical Islam................

Who are at this time crucifying people in Syria........even their own.

In northern Iraq, they are executing anyone who dares disagree with them.

Whether you like it or not, we were standing against Islamic Fascism over there................

These groups have the entire region on fire...............

I blame them and their 7th Century Mentality.

Your side blames America for them blatant Insanity, and crimes against Humanity.

The entire place is fucked because of western invasions, Our flags have been planted over their dead bodies for thousands of years, of course they hate us. What does that have to do with the topic? What do you think the American flag represents to them and rest of the world? If it represented, by example, fairness and freedom they would not be burning them in the street. Our image has been forever tarnished by our latest patriotic wars against terror, patriotism made people think they were good ideas and it seems the people waving the flag the hardest got richest.

That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.
What has it done for us lately?

That is your major malfunction.......and that of the liberal Brigades...........

That Flag and those under it have helped save the world in our past. The present actions in the middle east were to exact revenge on those who attacked us, and from the scum bags of Radical Islam................

Who are at this time crucifying people in Syria........even their own.

In northern Iraq, they are executing anyone who dares disagree with them.

Whether you like it or not, we were standing against Islamic Fascism over there................

These groups have the entire region on fire...............

I blame them and their 7th Century Mentality.

Your side blames America for them blatant Insanity, and crimes against Humanity.

The entire place is fucked because of western invasions, Our flags have been planted over their dead bodies for thousands of years, of course they hate us. What does that have to do with the topic? What do you think the American flag represents to them and rest of the world? If it represented, by example, fairness and freedom they would not be burning them in the street. Our image has been forever tarnished by our latest patriotic wars against terror, patriotism made people think they were good ideas and it seems the people waving the flag the hardest got richest.

That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.

You probably blame the fire ants for biting you after you step right on their nest.
What do you think this tells you? That Conservatives love America more? It only shows that they are more susceptible to blind patriotism. Wave the flag, trot out Lee Greenwood to labor through his song have a nice fireworks show and you people will agree to send our soldiers to invade anyone, bomb people who never did a thing to us, treat our own people like useless dirt, demonize entire segments of the population as traitors and elect warmongering neocons who feel deficits do not matter.

^ that



Repub-voters, like the OP, need to look at who ultimately profits from these, often, Repub-led invasions as opposed to the hyper-patriotic propaganda put out by the parties.

ummm..... who would be proud of living in a plutocracy that is willingly provided to the 1% by their bought-and-paid-for lackeys (pols) in Washington shit for brains [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION] :eusa_eh:

BTW- I served active-duty, forward deployed.

I also started this thread in the CDZ

What else you got? :eusa_think:

Oh Gawd!!

Another fake military guy in the USMB forums!! All the uber far left assholes served!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

The entire place is fucked because of western invasions, Our flags have been planted over their dead bodies for thousands of years, of course they hate us. What does that have to do with the topic? What do you think the American flag represents to them and rest of the world? If it represented, by example, fairness and freedom they would not be burning them in the street. Our image has been forever tarnished by our latest patriotic wars against terror, patriotism made people think they were good ideas and it seems the people waving the flag the hardest got richest.

That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.

You probably blame the fire ants for biting you after you step right on their nest.

Nope.........I cuss a little bit and obliterate them..............

What do you do, throw hugs and kisses at them for biting you....................
That poll really shouldn't be a surprise if you were around back in the 60's. and those same people today are now infected into every institution, Bill Ayers a domestic terrorist is now a teacher, the Clintons are now in our government, the Obama's who see's us as, greedy, bible thumping racist and they plan on bringing us down to our knees...the brainwashing of our children is just about compete with these parasites I mean people who hates everything about us

It's been sad to watch yet your voted for the, transformation...nothing we can do now short of a revolution and Amercian Idol will get in the way of that
What has it done for us lately?

That is your major malfunction.......and that of the liberal Brigades...........

That Flag and those under it have helped save the world in our past. The present actions in the middle east were to exact revenge on those who attacked us, and from the scum bags of Radical Islam................

Who are at this time crucifying people in Syria........even their own.

In northern Iraq, they are executing anyone who dares disagree with them.

Whether you like it or not, we were standing against Islamic Fascism over there................

These groups have the entire region on fire...............

I blame them and their 7th Century Mentality.

Your side blames America for them blatant Insanity, and crimes against Humanity.

The entire place is fucked because of western invasions, Our flags have been planted over their dead bodies for thousands of years, of course they hate us. What does that have to do with the topic? What do you think the American flag represents to them and rest of the world? If it represented, by example, fairness and freedom they would not be burning them in the street. Our image has been forever tarnished by our latest patriotic wars against terror, patriotism made people think they were good ideas and it seems the people waving the flag the hardest got richest.

That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.

Do you know why OBL was pissed at the U.S. kid? Because we placed 1000's of infidel troops in their holy land. Why did we do that? I can think of two reasons, both of them not exactly in this great nation's interests.
What transformed? Rich people are getting rich just like under Bush. In what way has Obama "fundamentally transformed" America?
That poll really shouldn't be a surprise if you were around back in the 60's. and those same people today are now infected into every institution, Bill Ayers a domestic terrorist is now a teacher, the Clintons are now in our government, the Obama's who see's us as, greedy, bible thumping racist and they plan on bringing us down to our knees...the brainwashing of our children is just about compete with these parasites I mean people who hates everything about us

It's been sad to watch yet your voted for the, transformation...nothing we can do now short of a revolution and Amercian Idol will get in the way of that

The Hippies have grown up to rule.......

Brain damage due to LSD.
That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.

You probably blame the fire ants for biting you after you step right on their nest.

Nope.........I cuss a little bit and obliterate them..............

What do you do, throw hugs and kisses at them for biting you....................

I watch where I'm stepping.
The entire place is fucked because of western invasions, Our flags have been planted over their dead bodies for thousands of years, of course they hate us. What does that have to do with the topic? What do you think the American flag represents to them and rest of the world? If it represented, by example, fairness and freedom they would not be burning them in the street. Our image has been forever tarnished by our latest patriotic wars against terror, patriotism made people think they were good ideas and it seems the people waving the flag the hardest got richest.

That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.

Do you know why OBL was pissed at the U.S. kid? Because we placed 1000's of infidel troops in their holy land. Why did we do that? I can think of two reasons, both of them not exactly in this great nation's interests.

Aka we dared to step foot in his holier than thou sandbox...........

We liberated Kuwait.........and stopped a possible expanded War..............

And OBL got pissed off. How dare we step on his sand box............

You don't see the insanity of that.................

You are a fool.
That poll really shouldn't be a surprise if you were around back in the 60's. and those same people today are now infected into every institution, Bill Ayers a domestic terrorist is now a teacher, the Clintons are now in our government, the Obama's who see's us as, greedy, bible thumping racist and they plan on bringing us down to our knees...the brainwashing of our children is just about compete with these parasites I mean people who hates everything about us

It's been sad to watch yet your voted for the, transformation...nothing we can do now short of a revolution and Amercian Idol will get in the way of that

Steph.....check this out >>>

Martin Armstrong Warns Civil Unrest Is Rising Everywhere: "This Won't End Pretty" | Zero Hedge

When the SHTF.......I'll be going directly to the homes of the Nurf gun toting limpwristers in this forum to get all the stuff I need!!:D
That poll really shouldn't be a surprise if you were around back in the 60's. and those same people today are now infected into every institution, Bill Ayers a domestic terrorist is now a teacher, the Clintons are now in our government, the Obama's who see's us as, greedy, bible thumping racist and they plan on bringing us down to our knees...the brainwashing of our children is just about compete with these parasites I mean people who hates everything about us

It's been sad to watch yet your voted for the, transformation...nothing we can do now short of a revolution and Amercian Idol will get in the way of that

The Hippies have grown up to rule.......

Brain damage due to LSD.

yep, and with Obama's election.... they see it's time for the takeover...They've been waiting like vultures in trees for this...You think that raid on a CITIZEN rancher Bundy was something, just wait
That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.

You probably blame the fire ants for biting you after you step right on their nest.

Nope.........I cuss a little bit and obliterate them..............

What do you do, throw hugs and kisses at them for biting you....................

thats pretty big talk there eaglet. You ever serve? If not, you're just another cheney-like blowhard on the sidelines cheering while others people's kids die.
Last edited:
Nope.........I cuss a little bit and obliterate them..............

What do you do, throw hugs and kisses at them for biting you....................

I watch where I'm stepping.

Perhaps you wouldn't have to watch so much if you take care of the insect problem.

Alright enough of the ant metaphors, to continue using it makes it sound as if you would just mass kill them to extinction and no patriotic American could contemplate such horror.
That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.

Do you know why OBL was pissed at the U.S. kid? Because we placed 1000's of infidel troops in their holy land. Why did we do that? I can think of two reasons, both of them not exactly in this great nation's interests.

Aka we dared to step foot in his holier than thou sandbox...........

We liberated Kuwait.........and stopped a possible expanded War..............

And OBL got pissed off. How dare we step on his sand box............

You don't see the insanity of that.................

You are a fool.

Why did they do that? Possibly because a repub appointed ambassador gave them the okie doke?

You are the fool son. BTW- The Kuwaiti 1%, which, in their case is prolly the 90%, could care less about war-fluffer, useful idiots like you.

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