pew research poll finds 60% of libs aren't proud to be Americans

Please post a link to the actual poll as you link connect to BS partisan website which links to a blog.

Why are you far-righties so dishonest with your posts?


Not that you really need to see the results of this poll; the responses in this thread bear out the results.
Stop derailing the thread Dotcom. We got it, you served. Now get back on topic

nothin pisses me off more than pro-war chickenhawks like eaglet14602010 for instance. He prolly thinks that he can kill every anti-imperialist muslim on the planet using OTHER people's kids and NOT not paying for it. Thats been the Republican way for the last.....oh..... generation or so.
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Stop derailing the thread Dotcom. We got it, you served. Now get back on topic

ok, back to topic

Was it: Why won't people blindly cheer-on corporatocracies/plutocracies? Is that the gist of it?

How dare they not approve?!!! :mad:
Stop derailing the thread Dotcom. We got it, you served. Now get back on topic

nothin pisses me off more than pro-war chickenhawks like eaglet14602010 for instance.

Yeah waving the flag while beating the war drum is the behavior that makes liberals kind of detest all disingenuous patriotism. This country is 300 million people, it's not a flag, wanting to send some of them off to battle should be a thing of grave deliberation not a knee-jerk reaction to seek military glory.
You probably blame the fire ants for biting you after you step right on their nest.

Nope.........I cuss a little bit and obliterate them..............

What do you do, throw hugs and kisses at them for biting you....................

thats pretty big talk there eaglet. You ever serve? If not, you're just another cheney-like blowhard on the sidelines cheering while others people's kids die.


Yes I served and that is a Boring Statement anymore. Perhaps you don't think service protects the opinions of all Americans anymore.................

Standard Pycho BS
I watch where I'm stepping.

Perhaps you wouldn't have to watch so much if you take care of the insect problem.

Alright enough of the ant metaphors, to continue using it makes it sound as if you would just mass kill them to extinction and no patriotic American could contemplate such horror.

You brought up the fire ants on this thread, not the other way around.

You did so because of my Fire Ant theory on Terrorism. I've used that theory many many times in the past.
Perhaps you wouldn't have to watch so much if you take care of the insect problem.

Alright enough of the ant metaphors, to continue using it makes it sound as if you would just mass kill them to extinction and no patriotic American could contemplate such horror.

You brought up the fire ants on this thread, not the other way around.

You did so because of my Fire Ant theory on Terrorism. I've used that theory many many times in the past.

Your theory? What other time worn metaphors have you "invented"?
Stop derailing the thread Dotcom. We got it, you served. Now get back on topic

nothin pisses me off more than pro-war chickenhawks like eaglet14602010 for instance. He prolly thinks that he can kill every anti-imperialist muslim on the planet using OTHER people's kids and NOT not paying for it. Thats been the Republican way for the last.....oh..... generation or so.


Except for my ability to piss you off. Kinda makes me proud you anti American apologist.......................

If you've ever listened to my posts you would understand you are a lying you are quoting chit I haven't said.

I've said that we can control them, but they will never go away, but if you don't control them they'll take over your yard.
The far left hates America and is doing their best to dismantle it.

And based on the far left posters here they hate women, they are the true racists, and hate anything that does not follow their far left religion.

When the topic of religion brought up to them the only religion on the planet is Christianity.
Alright enough of the ant metaphors, to continue using it makes it sound as if you would just mass kill them to extinction and no patriotic American could contemplate such horror.

You brought up the fire ants on this thread, not the other way around.

You did so because of my Fire Ant theory on Terrorism. I've used that theory many many times in the past.

Your theory? What other time worn metaphors have you "invented"?

eaglet lol

He's the type of drone that the security industrial complex counts on to fluff-up their pro-war propoganda. America right or wrong types :rolleyes: NEWSFLASH!!! Washington works for someone & it aint us Schmucks, its the people from the corporations who call the shots in D.C. & give obedient politicians cushy jobs after they're defeated/retired.
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You brought up the fire ants on this thread, not the other way around.

You did so because of my Fire Ant theory on Terrorism. I've used that theory many many times in the past.

Your theory? What other time worn metaphors have you "invented"?

eaglet lol

He's the type of drone that the security industrial complex counts on to fluff-up their pro-war propoganda. America right or wrong types :rolleyes: NEWSFLASH!!! Washington works for someone & it aint us.

Well, that's a newsflash................

Now that we agree on something, that they really aren't working for us I expect you to criticize Obama for being one of them.

So, get to it.
Your theory? What other time worn metaphors have you "invented"?

eaglet lol

He's the type of drone that the security industrial complex counts on to fluff-up their pro-war propoganda. America right or wrong types :rolleyes: NEWSFLASH!!! Washington works for someone & it aint us.

Well, that's a newsflash................

Now that we agree on something, that they really aren't working for us I expect you to criticize Obama for being one of them.

So, get to it.

Where you been eaglet? :eusa_eh: I said I would never vote for EITHER of the two parties again 6+ months ago. You?
eaglet lol

He's the type of drone that the security industrial complex counts on to fluff-up their pro-war propoganda. America right or wrong types :rolleyes: NEWSFLASH!!! Washington works for someone & it aint us.

Well, that's a newsflash................

Now that we agree on something, that they really aren't working for us I expect you to criticize Obama for being one of them.

So, get to it.

Where you been eaglet? :eusa_eh: I said I would never vote for EITHER of the two parties again 6+ months ago. You?

As always I vote for the lesser of two evils as do most Americans. Perhaps a better way of saying it, is I voted against that guy or gal. Says a lot doesn't it...........
BTW Dot.............

If that is the case why do you defend Obama and the Dems all the time............

The far left hates America and is doing their best to dismantle it.

And based on the far left posters here they hate women, they are the true racists, and hate anything that does not follow their far left religion.

When the topic of religion brought up to them the only religion on the planet is Christianity.

Describes them to a tee, but you forgot, they only care for Black people, women, homosexuals, children, etc... when they can use them as a weapon to beat people down with...other than that, out of sight out of mind or sucked out the uterus out of their lives
Bein thankful to live in the US, with our liberties, our beautiful land, and great wealth, for the vat majority*, goes down for the count, sad.

*Compared to other nations.
The entire place is fucked because of western invasions, Our flags have been planted over their dead bodies for thousands of years, of course they hate us. What does that have to do with the topic? What do you think the American flag represents to them and rest of the world? If it represented, by example, fairness and freedom they would not be burning them in the street. Our image has been forever tarnished by our latest patriotic wars against terror, patriotism made people think they were good ideas and it seems the people waving the flag the hardest got richest.

That is your opinion and I disagree.

They have a history of being Medieval and completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't believe as they do. They have a history of killing each other, and anyone they label an infidel.

This has been going on for a long time. Ignited under Carter and the Hostage Crisis.

Their fanaticism knows no bounds.

I'm blaming them for their Barbarian culture.

You blame us............and your are a malfunction.

Do you know why OBL was pissed at the U.S. kid? Because we placed 1000's of infidel troops in their holy land. Why did we do that? I can think of two reasons, both of them not exactly in this great nation's interests.

And here's the leader of the Blame America First crowd.
Bloodclot44 chimes in. You people make good pawns for the REAL owners of this country. Keep on w/ your pro-war (pro- crony capitalist/war-profiteering). The Establishment/status quo loves you types :smiliehug:
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