Philly man attacked by racially motivated mob soon as they kicked in my door i would be opening fire simple as that.......i am simply amazed this man was so calm
I am going to follow this story. Curious to see if these thugs will be charged with hate crimes.
One thing....If it were me I would have invoked "tis better to be judged by twelve than carried by six".
There'd be several dead and wounded on that door stoop.
This has been going on all summer and never one was it a hate crime and it was always a mob of blacks on a white.
And they say white men are racists. A few of those thugs should have been shot on the spot to send a message. See what happens when libs got everyone scared to defend themselves? Not Me!
what amazed me is the threats by the guys mother.

I mean seriously how lame when you have to have your mom threaten your victim.
I don't want to rush to judgement, i'm sure i'll get the full story on this from all the MSM outlets this evening.... :thup:
They must have heard Obamas speech to the CBC

I dont see how Obama has anything to do with this

He was supposed to be the "Uniter" who would bring us all together in peace and harmony. He was supposed to put an end to racial animosity.

It didn't work out that way, did it?

Racial tension is higher than it's been in decades.
And they say white men are racists. A few of those thugs should have been shot on the spot to send a message. See what happens when libs got everyone scared to defend themselves? Not Me!

In some states the homeowner could have blasted every one of them without a question being asked.
Chanel's crystal ball says this family will leave in fear until they eventually move. And the perps will get slapped with a trespassing fine. A flash mob organizer in Philly was just "sentenced" to probation last week. I will be following it as well.
While the incident was certainly disturbing - and I hope the attackers are caught and given a suitable punishment - what I find equally disturbing are some of the comments from people on this thread which somehow put the blame on Obama, liberals and blacks in general. The only people to blame here are the attackers. When a predominantly white group of people riot after sports events do you blame white culture? Were there any incidents of a black guy being attacked by more than one white guy during Bush's presidency that you spoke up about and blamed on Bush?
I am going to follow this story. Curious to see if these thugs will be charged with hate crimes.
One thing....If it were me I would have invoked "tis better to be judged by twelve than carried by six".
There'd be several dead and wounded on that door stoop.

Actually, there only would have been one, the rest would have scattered. They are cowards. This is made obvious by the fact that it took a mob to attack 2 white boys.
They must have heard Obamas speech to the CBC

I dont see how Obama has anything to do with this

He was supposed to be the "Uniter" who would bring us all together in peace and harmony. He was supposed to put an end to racial animosity.

It didn't work out that way, did it?

Racial tension is higher than it's been in decades.

Where have I heard this before?

Oh yea...


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