Philosophical truth of the day


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Academic feminism was a concept manufactured by self-hating women, and it never really supported or empowered women. The true intent of feminism was to abolish the differences between the men and women, and the end result of which was to diminish women's stature in the world. As a result of feminism, it's now "acceptable" that a man can identify as a woman, which further lessens a woman's distinction. And the truth is that feminist elitists hate women more than they do men, since they clearly covet the things men have traditionally had, while depreciating the natural God-given traits women have always been blessed with.

That is all.
It seems that all or at least most "ism" terms achieve division as its primary outcome. Whether it was the product of intention or a function of random occurence. In the end, who wins when people seek to use differences as a metric rather than unity?
It seems that all or at least most "ism" terms achieve division as its primary outcome. Whether it was the product of intention or a function of random occurence. In the end, who wins when people seek to use differences as a metric rather than unity?

Exactly how you Cultists get into so much mental confusion .

Universe is difference .
And it is the efforts of those that oppose this simple truth that cause so much misery .
On the silly assumption that you might even know the price of parsnips, let me ask you how and why did Universe split itself ?
Answer that correctly and you have started on the re-integration route toward enlightenment .
But as you cannot , do not . You will give me one of your headaches .
Women in Afghanistan lost their rights, their jobs and 54% of all small children are underfed there. My conclusion? Men are damned dirty pigs. But ask the Taliban - they will not agree while they take care for very serios problems for the next decades and generations with the braindamaged idiots with Kalashnikovs who they create today.
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Academic feminism was a concept manufactured by self-hating women, and it never really supported or empowered women. The true intent of feminism was to abolish the differences between the men and women, and the end result of which was to diminish women's stature in the world. As a result of feminism, it's now "acceptable" that a man can identify as a woman, which further lessens a woman's distinction. And the truth is that feminist elitists hate women more than they do men, since they clearly covet the things men have traditionally had, while depreciating the natural God-given traits women have always been blessed with.

That is all.
I never really thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense. The goal of the Marxist is to divide and conquer. Marxism is nothing more than a blueprint for seizing power. The means justify the ends, and the ends justify the means. Marxists don't care about men. They don't care about women. And they don't care about children. They care about absolute power and control.

Divide men from women. Divide men from men. Divide women from women. Divide old from young. Divide rich from poor. Divide everyone from Christianity. Divide rural from suburban. Divide the races. Divide everyone from Constitutional freedoms. Create fear and chaos and confusion and division.

We're all witnessing and experiencing actual Marxism in action.
Information: Only 27.3% of the members of the parliaments in the USA are women. Only 5.5% of the pilots in the USA are women. So feminism is anything else than unimportant in the USA.

Lügen erscheinen dem Verstand häufig viel einleuchtender und anziehender als die Wahrheit, weil der Lügner den großen Vorteil hat, im voraus zu wissen, was das Publikum zu hören wünscht.
Hannah Ahrendt


Lies often seem much more plausible and attractive to the mind than the truth because the liar has the great advantage of knowing in advance what the audience wants to hear.
Academic feminism was a concept manufactured by self-hating women, and it never really supported or empowered women. The true intent of feminism was to abolish the differences between the men and women, and the end result of which was to diminish women's stature in the world. As a result of feminism, it's now "acceptable" that a man can identify as a woman, which further lessens a woman's distinction. And the truth is that feminist elitists hate women more than they do men, since they clearly covet the things men have traditionally had, while depreciating the natural God-given traits women have always been blessed with.

That is all.
The War of the Princesses' Succession

The Femininnies' most powerful support, and the only reason for its prominence in law and culture, came from richgirls who wanted to inherit-without-merit the same high positions their brothers had always been granted. This doubles the power of the heiristocracy.
Academic feminism was a concept manufactured by self-hating women, and it never really supported or empowered women. The true intent of feminism was to abolish the differences between the men and women, and the end result of which was to diminish women's stature in the world. As a result of feminism, it's now "acceptable" that a man can identify as a woman, which further lessens a woman's distinction. And the truth is that feminist elitists hate women more than they do men, since they clearly covet the things men have traditionally had, while depreciating the natural God-given traits women have always been blessed with.

That is all.
Then enlighten me oh self proclaimed venerable sage
Gladly , he was FAMOUS for taking something as true and then distancing himself from it.

You know his life so what do you make of this :

In the last jottings he published after his Journals we may read these sentences: “There is more light in Christ’s words than in any other human word. This is not enough, it seems, to be a Christian: in addition, one must believe. Well, I do not believe.”

As he says, you can have the absolute Truth, the best you see but the decider is WILL.
Gladly , he was FAMOUS for taking something as true and then distancing himself from it.

You know his life so what do you make of this :

In the last jottings he published after his Journals we may read these sentences: “There is more light in Christ’s words than in any other human word. This is not enough, it seems, to be a Christian: in addition, one must believe. Well, I do not believe.”

As he says, you can have the absolute Truth, the best you see but the decider is WILL.
He who?

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