Pity Pot Democrats

I'm kinda getting bored with the same ol Democrat whines and excuses. They've had 66.6% or more of the Federal elected power and have failed miserably since 2007. Man/Lady up and take responsibility.

whines and excuses to follow...

You are so right! We have not invaded another country due to fabricated lies. The economy has not tanked totally with repercussions like none we have seen since the great depression. We have not set up secret water boarding camps in other countries.

This administration had been a total failure and seem to think their first priority should be the welfare of Americans, instead of the rich corporations that get rich off the misfortune of other. Just so disappointing...
I'm kinda getting bored with the same ol Democrat whines and excuses. They've had 66.6% or more of the Federal elected power and have failed miserably since 2007. Man/Lady up and take responsibility.

whines and excuses to follow...

You are so right! We have not invaded another country due to fabricated lies. The economy has not tanked totally with repercussions like none we have seen since the great depression. We have not set up secret water boarding camps in other countries.

This administration had been a total failure and seem to think their first priority should be the welfare of Americans, instead of the rich corporations that get rich off the misfortune of other. Just so disappointing...

Are you talking about the supposed "fabricated lies" Democrats used when they fully supported and voted for the wars before they changed their minds and used our soldiers as fodder to win elections?

The rest is driveling propaganda and full on populist bullshit that you have embraced. sorry about that...:(
For over a hundred years now, the only people to have compromised have been people on the right.

I would have to agree.. which leads to the Obama/Democrat Party "Failed Miserably Years" and the direction of the future.
I'm kinda getting bored with the same ol Democrat whines and excuses. They've had 66.6% or more of the Federal elected power and have failed miserably since 2007. Man/Lady up and take responsibility.

whines and excuses to follow...

please explain how we got 5 million more votes in the last presidential election if you're so wonderful ad how we got a million more votes in the House races.

but keep pretending that you're to be taken seriously other than as obstructionist obama-deranged sore-losers who filibuster everything and then say "oh it's not our fault that government isn't doing anything"

we'll wait.
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Democrats love to spend other people's money or money they don't have.

Go ahead. Try to blame Democrats for Republicans' lies.
I'm kinda getting bored with the same ol Democrat whines and excuses. They've had 66.6% or more of the Federal elected power and have failed miserably since 2007. Man/Lady up and take responsibility.

whines and excuses to follow...

please explain how we got 5 million more votes in the last presidential election if you're so wonderful ad how we got a million more votes in the House races.

but keep pretending that you're to be taken seriously other than as obstructionist obama-deranged sore-losers who filibuster everything and then say "oh it's not our fault that government isn't doing anything"

we'll wait.

What would the vote be today smarty pants, the only reality is the moment.

btw nice rift .. a perfect example of what Obama has done to you... :(

You need a Hug...:smiliehug:
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Ya Know .. "Pity Pot Democrats" has a nice ring to it.
It only takes 33.3 percent to obstruct things. Not an excuse, just the facts.

YEs we saw that in the Bush years?

Although this would defeat all your far left Obama drone talking points.


Not a good example.

How often must Republicans be reminded that the ACA is taken from their plan? What Democrats really wanted was single payer. But Governor Mitt Romney helped put this health care legislation together as a compromise between Reps and Dems in Massachusetts. When Obama was looking for common ground on health care he chose a plan that had been an acceptable compromise already, and Republicans moved the goalposts.

It was the same with Common Core. Governors from 48 states approved of these unified education standards. Once it became associated with Obama, however, the GOP swung around and opposed it.

And American voters have noticed. The top criticism of the Republican party in a Gallup poll last year was "unwilling to compromise." Or are 26% of Republicans just more "left-wing Obama drone bots?"

So tell me again how it's been Democrats taking an "all or nothing" approach to negotiation...
Democrats love to spend other people's money or money they don't have.

Go ahead. Try to blame Democrats for Republicans' lies.


Powell is now a subversive, much like Benedict Arnold was!
Powell is only a traitor because he shook Obama's hand? What does that make Bush according to your "logic", O Wise One?


Oh, look at that! Bush is a leftist subversive traitor.


Uh oh. Looks like Dick Cheney is a leftist subversive liberal Dimocrap traitor, too. He's standing next to Obama. Guilty by association. Cheney is a subversive leftist. Sorry. That's just Republican logic.
It only takes 33.3 percent to obstruct things. Not an excuse, just the facts.

When Bush and the Republicans held all the power, what you people referred to Obstruction as Dissent and reminded US that "dissent is the ultimate form of Patriotism."......validating the axiom that if the Left did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

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