Plant that got $150M in taxpayer money to make Volt batteries furloughs workers

I think he should have to pay the taxpayer back all of this wasted money he's sh*t out the door.
my question, seeing as they have yet to produce a single battery and open for 2 years, what have they been being paid for?
surprising noone is coming in to defend him, or are they hoping to let this thing just goooooo awaaaaaay?
No biggie, it's not the Dear Leader's money. So I doubt he cares. Just look at all the Taxpayer cash he flushed with his cronies at Solyndra and others. Socialists/Progressives just love spending other peoples' money. That's just the sad reality. And I doubt the clueless Dear leader even knows about this travesty. He's completely out of touch. Romney exposed that in the last Debate.
American Taxpayers will never see this money returned. It is outright theft. Orange Jumpsuits for em all.
Remain calm, dupes- just typical business in the post Booosh depression, ongoing mindless Pub obstruction economy. At least now we're competing with the EU and China in the industry of the future. Have a conniption over every small setback, fear mongered un-American twits. The recovery continues, slower without your help.
Remain calm, dupes- just typical business in the post Booosh depression, ongoing mindless Pub obstruction economy. At least now we're competing with the EU and China in the industry of the future. Have a conniption over every small setback, fear mongered un-American twits. The recovery continues, slower without your help.

And in this post you show succinctly and decisively how your opinion is worthless and entirely biased.
This is not "business as usual" under Boosh or anyother President. Not one damn company anywhere other than communist states can a business exist that has never made a product. Not one.
How is it "business as usual" for a company to be given $150 million in taxpayer windfall - and two years later having not made ONE SINGLE PRODUCT - STILL BE IN BUSINESS???
Remain calm, dupes- just typical business in the post Booosh depression, ongoing mindless Pub obstruction economy. At least now we're competing with the EU and China in the industry of the future. Have a conniption over every small setback, fear mongered un-American twits. The recovery continues, slower without your help.

And in this post you show succinctly and decisively how your opinion is worthless and entirely biased.
This is not "business as usual" under Boosh or anyother President. Not one damn company anywhere other than communist states can a business exist that has never made a product. Not one.
How is it "business as usual" for a company to be given $150 million in taxpayer windfall - and two years later having not made ONE SINGLE PRODUCT - STILL BE IN BUSINESS???

Don't bother. The Obamabot programming is strong with that one. $150 Million in Taxpayer money is no big deal to him and his Dear Leader. It's not their money after all. Socialists/Progressives are addicted to spending other peoples' money. It's a drug for em. How much you wanna bet these assholes are big Obama campaign donors? Just like Solyndra and so many others. Like i said, orange jumpsuits for em all.
Obama has lost MILLIONS of our Taxpayers monies on his "green energy VISIONS"

He believes he's KING he can use our MONEY for whatever the hell he feels like

but hey, vote for this crooked and CORRUPT administration AGAIN
Let's see... They are subsidized 150 Million dollars of the Taxpayer's money "working" for two years to produce batteries for the Volt, and other greenie cars -yet they don't ever make the batteries... These cars are all about the Green initiative... What's the problem? :lol:
They gave that company some big tax breaks too. You don't hear the 'nuts complaining about that. I wonder why.
They gave that company some big tax breaks too. You don't hear the 'nuts complaining about that. I wonder why.

Your defense of the Dear Leader on this really is pretty weak and in poor taste. The Taxpayers will never get this money back. It is outright theft. Someone should go to prison for it.
They gave that company some big tax breaks too. You don't hear the 'nuts complaining about that. I wonder why.

Your defense of the Dear Leader on this really is pretty weak and in poor taste. The Taxpayers will never get this money back. It is outright theft. Someone should go to prison for it.

Obama didn't give them the tax breaks. The state did. Do you think states should give companies tax breaks to locate there?

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