Please Say It Aint So. U.S.,Worst Economy On North American Continent...

Who would have ever dreamed our nation could fall so far so fast?
So....what...."conservatives" & Teabaggers are FINALLY admitting those BUSH TAX-CUTS


Could ANOTHER Republican Stay The Course-moment BE anymore OBVIOUS??!!!


(Stupid Teabaggers......)​

lol! Yea sure,blame the Republicans for your guys fucking everything up. Seriously,who's buying that shit these days?

Yup,it's all the Republican's fault even though you guys have had the power for years. I think we get it now...It's always going to be the Republican's fault with you guys. Even when your Democrats are in there fucking the Country up. Yea we get it now.

Actually, I said the blame lies with corporations, but these particular corps are 100% puppets of the Republican party (or is it the other way around...), so yeah, there's a lot of blame there too.
Even when your Democrats are in there fucking the Country up. Yea we get it now.

My democrats? For one, I'm and independent. Two, I think it's the banker-led plutocracy and the MIC fucking things up for everyone but the uber wealthy, but okay. You can keep shouting your talking points until you're blue. Still won't make you right, though.
So it's okay for corps to bus in illegals since they're 100% Republican backed? Interesting...
Also keep in mind,Mexico and Canada don't have the massive Debt we have either.

I can't wait to drive by a farm or an orchard so I can watch white Americans picking lettuce and/or oranges. Should be a sight. And after all, didn't the right say that these were jobs that Americans WOULD do?

I'm on the Right and i never said that. A bunch of stupid Neocon and Socialist/Progressive assholes did though. Americans need jobs. They'll pick the fruit. I said that all along.

I can't wait to drive by a farm or an orchard so I can watch white Americans picking lettuce and/or oranges. Should be a sight. And after all, didn't the right say that these were jobs that Americans WOULD do?

Regardless of color, I'd be glad to see hundreds of Americans working in agriculture. Jobs that Americans wouldn't do? That was the left I believe.
It's time to get real. Lets face it,most Americans would completely freak out if they realized Mexico's Unemployment Rate is actually half of our own. Lucky for this Administration,most Americans haven't realized this...yet. It will happen eventually though. And that's when America begins getting real. It's time for real change. Make 2012 count!

I can't wait to drive by a farm or an orchard so I can watch white Americans picking lettuce and/or oranges. Should be a sight. And after all, didn't the right say that these were jobs that Americans WOULD do?

Regardless of color, I'd be glad to see hundreds of Americans working in agriculture. Jobs that Americans wouldn't do? That was the left I believe.

Right on. It was the stupid Leftists and Neocons who said that. I'm on the Right and i always said Americans needed Jobs. I said they would pick the fruit. Hopefully this will happen finally. Mexico is doing pretty good. 4.5% Unemployment? Looks like we're the ones with the problems now.
USA is the sick man of a dying world.


hey can gloat when Turkey has accomplished even a tenth of what the US has......lets hear about all those Technological and Medical advances Turkey has given the world.....until then.....i dont think you have much to talk about.....

I can't wait to drive by a farm or an orchard so I can watch white Americans picking lettuce and/or oranges. Should be a sight. And after all, didn't the right say that these were jobs that Americans WOULD do?

Regardless of color, I'd be glad to see hundreds of Americans working in agriculture. Jobs that Americans wouldn't do? That was the left I believe.

It was G.W. Bush that coined the phrase "Jobs that Americans won't do."
Who would have ever dreamed our nation could fall so far so fast? With Mexico's Unemployment Rate now at 4.5%,that's half of what the current U.S. Unemployment Rate is. We're up to 9.4%. And Canada has turned their Economy around and is doing well. So,Worst Economy in North America? Yes,it is true. I know it's shocking but it is reality. So thank you President Obama & Democrats,you've managed to achieve something once thought unimaginable. God Bless America...Cause we're gonna need all the prayers we can get.

It's 10 years of tax cuts and 20 years of global free trade that have screwed this country!
I can't wait to drive by a farm or an orchard so I can watch white Americans picking lettuce and/or oranges. Should be a sight. And after all, didn't the right say that these were jobs that Americans WOULD do?

Regardless of color, I'd be glad to see hundreds of Americans working in agriculture. Jobs that Americans wouldn't do? That was the left I believe.

It was G.W. Bush that coined the phrase "Jobs that Americans won't do."

Both Leftists and Neocons pushed that Bullshit. Some are still pushing it. But it was always just Bullshit. And that's the truth.
So it's okay for corps to bus in illegals since they're 100% Republican backed? Interesting...

so is it ok for the other side to defend the hell out of them once they get here to the point where they want to give them things?.....the Democrats are just as guilty Peepers.....
Who would have ever dreamed our nation could fall so far so fast? With Mexico's Unemployment Rate now at 4.5%,that's half of what the current U.S. Unemployment Rate is. We're up to 9.4%. And Canada has turned their Economy around and is doing well. So,Worst Economy in North America? Yes,it is true. I know it's shocking but it is reality. So thank you President Obama & Democrats,you've managed to achieve something once thought unimaginable. God Bless America...Cause we're gonna need all the prayers we can get.

It's 10 years of tax cuts and 20 years of global free trade that have screwed this country!
Because of global free trade, there are more high paying jobs in the United States. People complain about our own outsourcing, but foreign countries outsource twice as much to the US as we outsource to them. These jobs pay higher on average than US jobs. Tax cuts return resources to the private sector, allowing for more production.

You made a general statement with no reason to back it up. Before I can argue against it any further, I need to see your logic.

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