Poland vs Germany - Christmas time.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
You betcha, Merkel's United socialist Party CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts will ban Christmas soon. Reason: respect to Islam. The 'state' capitulated before Islam, folks are afraid to go to Christmas markets and Churches because any Muslim can kill you without any punishment. So-called 'police' does nothing.Presstitutes and authorities declare a terrorist immediately as insane, who will send to mentally hospital which can be leaved after few months. True Christians shall go celebrate Christmas to Poland, not to Germany where they can be easy killed by Muslims, Antifa or other lefts.Welcome to Merkelstan.

Wow, L.K.Eder

It sounds like Germany has descended into chaos, worse than 1919 when commies tried to take over.

But not like Hitler, because he was misunderstood.

It is a planed chaos caused by the puppet of Deep State Merkel. She wants to destroy Germany, Europe and White Man for ever.
LOL OMG the horror of not living in a capitalistic religious (well kinda like) nation! You people are hilarious always finding something to whine about another nation, and being feed that baloney from right wing corporate media that loves that you remain whiners and in the dark. LOL

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

"Big Business, in America, is almost wholly devoid of anything even poetically describable as public spirit. It is frankly on the make, day in and day out, and hence for the sort of politician who gives it the best chance. In order to get that chance it is willing to make any conceivable sacrifice of common sense and the common decencies. Big Business was in favor of Prohibition, believing that a sober workman would make a better slave than the one with a few drinks in him. It was in favor of gross robberies and extortions that went on during the war, and profited by all of them. It was in favor of the crude throttling of free speech that was then undertaken in the name of patriotism, and is still in favor of it." H.L. Mencken

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