Political Cartoon


All of government has been sadly complicit (from the CIA on down through the ranks, otherwise is sadly what we are finding in government), where as government has sat by and watched the tragedy once known as the "United States of America", slip slowly beneath the waves.

The captain's and their crew's are grabbing every life boat available while the million's of civilian's drown.

As we all sit here pondering our vote, and thinking about who needs it the most, one can't help but think about the

1. The sex trafficking that's been allowed to go on in this country.

2. The prescription and illicit drug epidemic that spiraled so far out of control (killing millions now).

3. The abusive call center's that have abused the elderly and taken American job's.

4. The internet being run with no gaurd rails in place, and therefore leaving a wide open doorway to groom and corrupt the young, the gullible, and the impressionable.

5. Senior's being abused, thrown into bankruptcy, threatened daily, killed.

6. Invasion on the borders causing extreme pressures and danger in the 50 state's and communities.

7. Weaponized the system by way of technology in order to spy and set people up.

8. Highjack platforms in order to cover for Democrat's whenever needed.

9. Guns attacked instead of going straight to the source of the problem.

10. American Religion attacked constantly.

11. Agenda's pushed way beyond the limits causing January 6th.

12. Exploiting migrants for cheap almost 1800s style labor forces AGAIN..

13. Attempted assassinations or threats of assassinations on Trump and SC judges.

14. Cover ups and lies by our Premier law enforcement agencies.

15. Treason going without punishment.

16. Backstabbing off of the table going on.

17. Rhino's... Need I say more ?

18.Government and group's allying together to cause chaos in the religious and traditional cultural arenas.
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All of government has been sadly complicit (from the CIA on down through the ranks, otherwise is sadly what we are finding in government), where as government has sat by and watched the tragedy once known as the "United States of America", slip slowly beneath the waves.

The captain's and their crew's are grabbing every life boat available while the million's of civilian's drown.

As we all sit here pondering our vote, and thinking about who needs it the most, one can't help but think about the

1. The sex trafficking that's been allowed to go on in this country.

2. The prescription and illicit drug epidemic that spiraled so far out of control (killing millions now).

3. The abusive call center's that have abused the elderly and taken American job's.

4. The internet being run with no gaurd rails in place, and therefore leaving a wide open doorway to groom and corrupt the young, the gullible, and the impressionable.

5. Senior's being abused, thrown into bankruptcy, threatened daily, killed.

6. Invasion on the borders causing extreme pressures and danger in the 50 state's and communities.

7. Weaponized the system by way of technology in order to spy and set people up.

8. Highjack platforms in order to cover for Democrat's whenever needed.

9. Guns attacked instead of going straight to the source of the problem.

10. American Religion attacked constantly.

11. Agenda's pushed way beyond the limits causing January 6th.

12. Exploiting migrants for cheap almost 1800s style labor forces AGAIN..

13. Attempted assassinations or threats of assassinations on Trump and SC judges.

14. Cover ups and lies by our Premier law enforcement agencies.

15. Treason going without punishment.

16. Backstabbing off of the table going on.

17. Rhino's... Need I say more ?

18.Government and group's allying together to cause chaos in the religious and traditional cultural arenas.
19. Corrupting our children's educational system to the point that people should be going straight to prison.

20. Moving the ball illegally before the people have spoken.


22. Redistribution of wealth using nefarious means and speak without qualifying the truth.

23. Hating Americans in a highly disrespectful way.

24. Unfettered inflation.

25. Wars and rumors of wars.

26. Flip flopping from hell.
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