Political parasites or politicians with parasites?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The powers to be at USMB will probably move this post to conspiracy theories and hey if that happens what the heck. No one will be able to say that I didn't try at least to give All warning. And to you junk science lovers ( sǝʌʅǝsɹnoʎ ʞɔnⅎ oƃ )

Reports came out recently that people were finding parasites coming from the commercial masks that they were wearing. They even took the time to video what they found and shared it for others could see what they were talking about.

Another thing I read in several places was some doctors were treating COVID patients with Ivermectin with success. Also read reports that there are concerns about loss of cognitive function and concerns about prion diseases associated with COVID.

Put those two things together and what might you have? Parasite infection in the brain. Ewww, don't say its so but it is true. If you are wearing those crappy ass masks it is very possible you are already infected.

Idiots can just keep wearing those parasite filled mask and trying to convince everyone to get that experimental jab. Pretty soon we won't have anyone in leadership or in the military that will be capable of mounting a decent defense for the country.

I hope AOC keeps wearing that mask.....
Bless Mike Adams for looking into this.

Bless Mike Adams for looking into this.

Yikes!! Burn your masks!!
The powers to be at USMB will probably move this post to conspiracy theories and hey if that happens what the heck. No one will be able to say that I didn't try at least to give All warning. And to you junk science lovers ( sǝʌʅǝsɹnoʎ ʞɔnⅎ oƃ )

Reports came out recently that people were finding parasites coming from the commercial masks that they were wearing. They even took the time to video what they found and shared it for others could see what they were talking about.

Another thing I read in several places was some doctors were treating COVID patients with Ivermectin with success. Also read reports that there are concerns about loss of cognitive function and concerns about prion diseases associated with COVID.

Where are the reports you speak of? Where's your evidence they are using ivomectin?

Put those two things together and what might you have? Parasite infection in the brain. Ewww, don't say its so but it is true. If you are wearing those crappy ass masks it is very possible you are already infected.


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