Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

Look at Sweden. Before and after the Islam invasion.

View attachment 263498

Brown people would and could destroy the world if we allowed them to.

Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

You're confused bud...in the scenario you describe your brothers company may have benefited but Americans in general did not and capable Americans lost jobs to foreigners.
Is that what you were really trying to illustrate for us....that Americans get fucked while corporations may not?
---------------------------------- waah , but there are NO qualified Americans BLoser

What kind of work are you claiming there are no qualified Americans for? But again, Chinese and Indians are good people and have much to contribute. Though we must be careful with the Chinese and not let them into our defense industries. They have a huge spy network and thus have been able to steal much or not most of our defense technology along with other forms of technology....now that I think more about it, perhaps we should limit the number of chinese immigrants.

It is a error to blame all our immigration policies on quote 'foreigners' not all foreigners are equal. We must and absolutely need to distinguish between those who have something to contribute to America and those who do not.

In fact we need to reduce the number of immigrants altogether. We are being overrun.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah , fureigners , mostly adults with their already formed foreign ways of thinking and already formed loyalties just need more VETTING as i roll my eyes [chuckle] !!

Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
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Look at Sweden. Before and after the Islam invasion.

View attachment 263498

Brown people would and could destroy the world if we allowed them to.

My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

You're confused bud...in the scenario you describe your brothers company may have benefited but Americans in general did not and capable Americans lost jobs to foreigners.
Is that what you were really trying to illustrate for us....that Americans get fucked while corporations may not?
---------------------------------- waah , but there are NO qualified Americans BLoser

What kind of work are you claiming there are no qualified Americans for? But again, Chinese and Indians are good people and have much to contribute. Though we must be careful with the Chinese and not let them into our defense industries. They have a huge spy network and thus have been able to steal much or not most of our defense technology along with other forms of technology....now that I think more about it, perhaps we should limit the number of chinese immigrants.

It is a error to blame all our immigration policies on quote 'foreigners' not all foreigners are equal. We must and absolutely need to distinguish between those who have something to contribute to America and those who do not.

In fact we need to reduce the number of immigrants altogether. We are being overrun.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah , fureigners , mostly adults with their already formed foreign ways of thinking and already formed loyalties just need more VETTING as i roll my eyes [chuckle] !!

Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?
So you think all white men rule as long as they wear different ties?? Looks like a bunch of egomaniacs to me.

Who is leading the Democrat Candidates? Two, old, white, men.

You mean two old wealthy white men.

Haven't they both released their tax returns, not where is tramp getting his money from??

Trump has had his returns audited repeatedly. You need not worry where Trump gets his money from. As President, he's donated every paycheck since getting elected.

His fun money is what you and I earn in a lifetime.
So you think all white men rule as long as they wear different ties?? Looks like a bunch of egomaniacs to me.

Who is leading the Democrat Candidates? Two, old, white, men.

You mean two old wealthy white men.

Haven't they both released their tax returns, not where is tramp getting his money from??

Do you mean corporate or personal returns? Trump can live on dividends and interest income alone.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

So what you are saying is we need diversity because our educational system is failing us? Wouldn't the better solution be to address that problem instead so we wouldn't rely on foreigners to do these jobs?

Diversity as being practiced creates problems, does not solve anything as in we are allowing to many to come in that have nothing to contribute...except for cheap labor which has already been talked about.

Yes, well as I said earlier, diversity is where one party is at an advantage at the disadvantage of the other.

The community I live in was (at one time) top of the county. Great schools, one of the safest places to live, extremely low crime rate, businesses fighting to get in. That all changed because of diversity.

During our prime, we had one of the most visited malls in the country, only to be outdone by another newer mall that attracted people from everywhere in the next city. The actor Ted Knight (famous for his role on the Mary Tyler Moore show as Ted Baxter) did the commercials for the mall.

Thanks to diversity, my property value is half of what I paid for it 25 years ago, and I got a real deal back then. Our city just got out of the red, and our once famous mall is only half full. There is not one department store in a 15 mile radius because the lowlifes robbed or shoplifted them right out of business. In the last 40 days, we've had several shootings resulting in two injuries and two fatalities. Watching this video, it's hard to believe it's the same place.

This is a example of what America is now confronted with and too many especially liberals refuse to admit...a huge minority of which the younger males committ violent crimes out of all proportion to their percentage of the population.

The media bears most if not all of the responsibility of the ignorance of so many in regards to this minority...the media constantly portrays them in the best possible light and constantly promotes the myth of black victimhood.

That's why at this point I think it's better we have two countries instead of one; draw the line right down the middle from north to south. On one side is where the liberals will live, and on the other, us conservatives. We can have one vote as to who gets what side.

However if we voted my side of the country as the conservative side and all the liberals had to move, my property value would triple overnight. With the exit of minorities comes the exit of violent crime. We could layoff half our police department. We could close one of our fire stations. Our home and auto insurance would drop drastically.

What a great world to live in; no more liberals to put up with. The only problem is we would have to build a huge Trump wall to keep them from coming back to our side. Other than that, everything else would improve.
Look at Sweden. Before and after the Islam invasion.

View attachment 263498

Brown people would and could destroy the world if we allowed them to.

You're confused bud...in the scenario you describe your brothers company may have benefited but Americans in general did not and capable Americans lost jobs to foreigners.
Is that what you were really trying to illustrate for us....that Americans get fucked while corporations may not?
---------------------------------- waah , but there are NO qualified Americans BLoser

What kind of work are you claiming there are no qualified Americans for? But again, Chinese and Indians are good people and have much to contribute. Though we must be careful with the Chinese and not let them into our defense industries. They have a huge spy network and thus have been able to steal much or not most of our defense technology along with other forms of technology....now that I think more about it, perhaps we should limit the number of chinese immigrants.

It is a error to blame all our immigration policies on quote 'foreigners' not all foreigners are equal. We must and absolutely need to distinguish between those who have something to contribute to America and those who do not.

In fact we need to reduce the number of immigrants altogether. We are being overrun.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah , fureigners , mostly adults with their already formed foreign ways of thinking and already formed loyalties just need more VETTING as i roll my eyes [chuckle] !!

Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?

---------------------------- WHY would i want them eh ?? And why would i want foreigners in the USA even if they are he nicest people in the world . They grew up as foreigners , they think like foreigners and i generally don't like foreigners with their foreign ideas and ways of thinking , cultures , traditions and non Western ways , etc , etc . Plus i can't understand why the USA needs more people when it already has 320 million legal residents in 2010 census plus millions of illegals .
Look at Sweden. Before and after the Islam invasion.

View attachment 263498

Brown people would and could destroy the world if we allowed them to.

---------------------------------- waah , but there are NO qualified Americans BLoser

What kind of work are you claiming there are no qualified Americans for? But again, Chinese and Indians are good people and have much to contribute. Though we must be careful with the Chinese and not let them into our defense industries. They have a huge spy network and thus have been able to steal much or not most of our defense technology along with other forms of technology....now that I think more about it, perhaps we should limit the number of chinese immigrants.

It is a error to blame all our immigration policies on quote 'foreigners' not all foreigners are equal. We must and absolutely need to distinguish between those who have something to contribute to America and those who do not.

In fact we need to reduce the number of immigrants altogether. We are being overrun.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah , fureigners , mostly adults with their already formed foreign ways of thinking and already formed loyalties just need more VETTING as i roll my eyes [chuckle] !!

Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?

---------------------------- WHY would i want them eh ?? And why would i want foreigners in the USA even if they are he nicest people in the world . They grew up as foreigners , they think like foreigners and i generally don't like foreigners with their foreign ideas and ways of thinking , cultures , traditions and non Western ways , etc , etc . Plus i can't understand why the USA needs more people when it already has 320 million legal residents in 2010 census plus millions of illegals .

My parents were immigrants. Came here legally. They assimilated. Pay a ton in taxes. Had me and now I have kids too. All Americans. There are some good strong immigrants that can make this country better. We are Jews. For whatever that’s worth to you.
so what , big deal and Who cares plus personal stories don't impress me and all i'd say is that you were lucky to get into the best country in the world Azog .
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as i ask , why would i want the nicest people in the world to be imported into the USA ?? We already have Nice people in the USA Azog .
Look at Sweden. Before and after the Islam invasion.

View attachment 263498

Brown people would and could destroy the world if we allowed them to.

What kind of work are you claiming there are no qualified Americans for? But again, Chinese and Indians are good people and have much to contribute. Though we must be careful with the Chinese and not let them into our defense industries. They have a huge spy network and thus have been able to steal much or not most of our defense technology along with other forms of technology....now that I think more about it, perhaps we should limit the number of chinese immigrants.

It is a error to blame all our immigration policies on quote 'foreigners' not all foreigners are equal. We must and absolutely need to distinguish between those who have something to contribute to America and those who do not.

In fact we need to reduce the number of immigrants altogether. We are being overrun.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah , fureigners , mostly adults with their already formed foreign ways of thinking and already formed loyalties just need more VETTING as i roll my eyes [chuckle] !!

Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?

---------------------------- WHY would i want them eh ?? And why would i want foreigners in the USA even if they are he nicest people in the world . They grew up as foreigners , they think like foreigners and i generally don't like foreigners with their foreign ideas and ways of thinking , cultures , traditions and non Western ways , etc , etc . Plus i can't understand why the USA needs more people when it already has 320 million legal residents in 2010 census plus millions of illegals .

My parents were immigrants. Came here legally. They assimilated. Pay a ton in taxes. Had me and now I have kids too. All Americans. There are some good strong immigrants that can make this country better. We are Jews. For whatever that’s worth to you.

Who could have a problem with that?

Our Jewish community is upscale. No crime, no problems, middle-class to upper middle-class living. However that community is now being invaded as well, so I'm looking for that community to head for higher grounds like other white people.
Being 50% Hispanic I grew up in a diverse family. The beauty of it is no one forced us to be diverse, we just were. The forced diversity of today is nothing short of racism packaged neatly with a nice red bow.
Brown people would and could destroy the world if we allowed them to.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah , fureigners , mostly adults with their already formed foreign ways of thinking and already formed loyalties just need more VETTING as i roll my eyes [chuckle] !!

Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?
---------------------------- WHY would i want them eh ?? And why would i want foreigners in the USA even if they are he nicest people in the world . They grew up as foreigners , they think like foreigners and i generally don't like foreigners with their foreign ideas and ways of thinking , cultures , traditions and non Western ways , etc , etc . Plus i can't understand why the USA needs more people when it already has 320 million legal residents in 2010 census plus millions of illegals .

My parents were immigrants. Came here legally. They assimilated. Pay a ton in taxes. Had me and now I have kids too. All Americans. There are some good strong immigrants that can make this country better. We are Jews. For whatever that’s worth to you.

Who could have a problem with that?

Our Jewish community is upscale. No crime, no problems, middle-class to upper middle-class living. However that community is now being invaded as well, so I'm looking for that community to head for higher grounds like other white people.

This is happening here in MA too.
Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?
---------------------------- WHY would i want them eh ?? And why would i want foreigners in the USA even if they are he nicest people in the world . They grew up as foreigners , they think like foreigners and i generally don't like foreigners with their foreign ideas and ways of thinking , cultures , traditions and non Western ways , etc , etc . Plus i can't understand why the USA needs more people when it already has 320 million legal residents in 2010 census plus millions of illegals .

My parents were immigrants. Came here legally. They assimilated. Pay a ton in taxes. Had me and now I have kids too. All Americans. There are some good strong immigrants that can make this country better. We are Jews. For whatever that’s worth to you.

Who could have a problem with that?

Our Jewish community is upscale. No crime, no problems, middle-class to upper middle-class living. However that community is now being invaded as well, so I'm looking for that community to head for higher grounds like other white people.

This is happening here in MA too.

Funny, we were just discussing this and I went back to our local news site and found this:

4 shot after early-morning gunfire breaks out in Pepper Pike

This was a Jewish community that I was talking about. Many people in this county didn't even know it was there because it was never in the news before.
---------------------------------- assimilation , what for , there is probably more freedom in the zhitholes for those on the fringe of society and the imported third worlder bring that FREEDOM here to the USA .

I am white and born in this nation yet I don't want your culture, it sucks...
you tell em Moony....

------------------------------------ i think that my point was , hey , why would they assimilate . And that the problem with importing these third worlders HarryD .
i lived 50 years in S.Cal pissmoe....need i say more?....
------------------------------ so what , you probably like zhit holes and the builders of zhitholes Harry .
went right over your head like most things do around here....
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...

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