Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

the left knows diversity is useful. the right wing merely whines about refugees created by their useless public policies.
thats the key word dannny...."useful"....as long as it is useful to them...its ok...if not,oh well...

“Useful” is the wrong word..People will make ’use’ of almost anything.
Beneficial is the better term. EVERYTHING our elected officials do and say MUST be of clear benefit to American citizens as a whole. That’s the way it was designed to work and that’s the way it was always supposed to work.
Mexicrats have deviated from working for Americans...they have decided to work for their Party and for Mexico....this shit is undeniable, the Party is comprised of traitors.
The nation was at it's best, it's strongest, and most united when our "diversity" consisted of the people of various European nations.
In other words, we were a monoculture.

Diversity never works, people end up divided, and it weakens the nation.
Haven't they both released their tax returns, not where is tramp getting his money from??

Simple, President Donald J. Trump is getting his money from about 500 companies. How is that relevant? When was the last time either one of them drew a paycheck from anywhere other than the government?
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
I would damn sure not like everyone being an exact replica of everyone else that would be boring.

Are you implying that all people of one culture are identical?
Are you that retarded?
That is what you want...I prefer a little color in my life.The French culture is not the same as the German's, who's culture shall we force everyone to adhere to in this so called free nation?

How about ours, shitforbrains? As in "one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all". Or don't those words ring any bells with you, dumbass?
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Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
I would damn sure not like everyone being an exact replica of everyone else that would be boring.

Are you implying that all people of one culture are identical?
Are you that retarded?
That is what you want...I prefer a little color in my life.The French culture is not the same as the German's, who's culture shall we force everyone to adhere to in this so called free nation?

“Free nation”
You realize the U.S. Constitution is not an international document...right?
You realize the U.S. Constitution was framed by Americans for Americans...right?
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
--------------------------------- i have a few examples . See CBP that were smuggling in illegal aliens over the Border a few months ago . See the 'somali' cop government worker that shot an 'aussie' women dead in Minnesota . See 'mrobama' and 'hilary' , both dishonest government workers and the Groper 'joe biden' . See the 'bush and reagan' that messed up this nation forever more with their Amnesty in 1986 . See the government worker that just shot 11 or 12 dead a few days ago at his workplace . Generally speaking though , mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash or throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver Harry .
an example that might explain , lets use 'mailmen' . They are gov workers and are supposed to be trustworthy as they Serve ME and their employers that pay their wages . Same for CBP who are not supposed to be smuggling 'illegal aliens' across the USA border and are supposed to be Trustworthy Harry . [and i think that taxpayers pay CBP wages ]
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i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
------------------------------------ in many cases , NO they can't be trusted but its private business and not government serving ALL Americans like mailmen , CBP and other 'gov' workers Harry .
Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?
---------------------------- WHY would i want them eh ?? And why would i want foreigners in the USA even if they are he nicest people in the world . They grew up as foreigners , they think like foreigners and i generally don't like foreigners with their foreign ideas and ways of thinking , cultures , traditions and non Western ways , etc , etc . Plus i can't understand why the USA needs more people when it already has 320 million legal residents in 2010 census plus millions of illegals .

My parents were immigrants. Came here legally. They assimilated. Pay a ton in taxes. Had me and now I have kids too. All Americans. There are some good strong immigrants that can make this country better. We are Jews. For whatever that’s worth to you.

Who could have a problem with that?

Our Jewish community is upscale. No crime, no problems, middle-class to upper middle-class living. However that community is now being invaded as well, so I'm looking for that community to head for higher grounds like other white people.

This is happening here in MA too.

How so, exactly?
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
--------------------------------- i have a few examples . See CBP that were smuggling in illegal aliens over the Border a few months ago . See the 'somali' cop government worker that shot an 'aussie' women dead in Minnesota . See 'mrobama' and 'hilary' , both dishonest government workers and the Groper 'joe biden' . See the 'bush and reagan' that messed up this nation forever more with their Amnesty in 1986 . See the government worker that just shot 11 or 12 dead a few days ago at his workplace . Generally speaking though , mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash or throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver Harry .
so what now?....am i supposed to give you examples of non-government workers fucking people up at work?...
mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash
those ones are rare and usually get caught pretty soon after they begin...
throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver
most of those people are temporary workers....now im not saying that there are no lazy useless carriers out there,because there are.i worked with a few,but most regulars can get a route done and deliver everything,especially those with their own routes....
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
------------------------------------ in many cases , NO they can't be trusted but its private business and not government serving ALL Americans like mailmen , CBP and other 'gov' workers Harry .
maybe i should ask....what cant you trust them to do?...
take it any way you like . Maybe i just don't like government workers Harry .
the left knows diversity is useful. the right wing merely whines about refugees created by their useless public policies.
thats the key word dannny...."useful"....as long as it is useful to them...its ok...if not,oh well...
our militia acts establish an uniform rule of naturalization. the right wing is simply, clueless and Causeless with nothing but bigotry.
the left knows diversity is useful. the right wing merely whines about refugees created by their useless public policies.
thats the key word dannny...."useful"....as long as it is useful to them...its ok...if not,oh well...
our militia acts establish an uniform rule of naturalization. the right wing is simply, clueless and Causeless with nothing but bigotry.
yea...whatever that has to do with what i said.....
the left knows diversity is useful. the right wing merely whines about refugees created by their useless public policies.
thats the key word dannny...."useful"....as long as it is useful to them...its ok...if not,oh well...
our militia acts establish an uniform rule of naturalization. the right wing is simply, clueless and Causeless with nothing but bigotry.
yea...whatever that has to do with what i said.....
you have no common sense.
The nation was at it's best, it's strongest, and most united when our "diversity" consisted of the people of various European nations.
In other words, we were a monoculture.

Diversity never works, people end up divided, and it weakens the nation.

And yet here the United States is the strongest country in the history of the world.
My views on diversity may be biased, as I am a product of a foreign culture and upbringing. I say biased because having first hand experience has given me some undeniable insight into the common struggles undergone by any and all indigenous and migrating people. The struggles I am referring to include both the difficulty that brought about the initial drive for change as well as the after effects of the adaptation process. In my case the drive towards change came about as the sum of experiences that my family underwent while living in the former Soviet Union. It was precisely this sum of experiences that inspired, and encouraged my family to risk everything for a chance at a better life.

The opportunities created by the influx of diverse cultures are the various specialties and skills that people from other parts of the world bring to our society. America has been benefiting from its diverse make up since its inception. The greatest benefit of a diverse population is the enlightenment that can be derived from it by the populace as a whole. The benefits of vast diversity are no longer specific to one nation as it may have predominately existed in past history. Contemporary times have allowed us to see the effects of diversity on a global scale. It is no longer unusual to see nations once characterized by only a few major ethnic, racial and religious groups, evolving into a plethora of such groups or a microcosm of the world in its entirety. Much of these fairly recent changes can be attributed to technological advancements that have contributed to enhancements in educational opportunities and radical systematic overhauls throughout the world.

The greatest challenges brought on by greater diversity lay in how we adapt to such change. In many cases the additions of new populations have brought out the worst in people as well. It is just as much a part of human nature to embrace and include, as it is to expel and isolate. Adaptation (or lack there of) to diversity is nothing new. We can see countless examples of such shifts throughout history. Time and time again we see how important of a role economic stability plays in a nation’s ability to deal with increasing diversity. Diversity can very easily become viewed as a threat to society if it is accompanied by a lull in economic expansion. A diverse society can either use its differences to unite into a stronger whole or to fragment into a division of many, a nation of none.


If only did the real world run on slogans. You would do very well...
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
------------------------------------ in many cases , NO they can't be trusted but its private business and not government serving ALL Americans like mailmen , CBP and other 'gov' workers Harry .
maybe i should ask....what cant you trust them to do?...

Road work for one. As a truck driver I can't tell you how aggravating road workers are. First off they create truck lanes restrictions. They put trucks in the most dangerous lane to drive in. It's usually against the cement barriers and the lane cars are traveling in. It's usually the most narrow lane as well. Then as you are approaching a construction area, they have a sign that the right lane is closed ahead, so you bust your ass trying to get a break from somebody to let you over into the next lane. Then you find out the MF lane wasn't closed after all, just some stupid MF road worker who didn't think of taking the sign down after they reopened the lane. Now I have to fight to get back into that right lane because my exit is coming up.

They do the same thing with speed limit signs. The speed limit goes down from 70 mph to 50 because of road work. Okay, so you're driving 50, driving 50, diving 50, and then you find out there was no construction after all. Once again, some SMF who works on the road didn't take the signs down when they finished working in the area, or they decided to work at another time. Meanwhile you now have all this congestion on the highway because the morons were too lazy to take down the signs.

I always wondered if they give you an IQ test to work on the roads in my state; not to see if you're smart enough, but to make sure your IQ is under 45 to qualify.

That's what you can't trust them to do.

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