Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

Diversity seems to be just the ticket for creating shit holes, increasing crime, bringing about widespread drug abuse and homelessness while wrecking economies. So what's the problem?

They don't call us Prozac nation for naught.
Bull Troll
The nation was at it's best, it's strongest, and most united when our "diversity" consisted of the people of various European nations.
In other words, we were a monoculture.

Diversity never works, people end up divided, and it weakens the nation.

And yet here the United States is the strongest country in the history of the world.

Yes...in spite of diversity.

How about in spite of oxygen? We've always had that as well. In spite of guns? In spite of medical innovations? In spite of beer? In spite of flavors of ice cream?

Your basic premise is wrong....we have not always had diversity. ......

As a matter of FACT, we have.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

So what you are saying is we need diversity because our educational system is failing us? Wouldn't the better solution be to address that problem instead so we wouldn't rely on foreigners to do these jobs?

Diversity as being practiced creates problems, does not solve anything as in we are allowing to many to come in that have nothing to contribute...except for cheap labor which has already been talked about.
This is actually important. We talk about the widening gap between the rich and poor widening. Cutting off the flow of cheap labor is a way to shrink the wealth gap. For example I have a neighbor who’s a baller. This weekend he paid me $150 to drive his friends around in an rv. Easy gig. If the market was flooded with cheap labor he would have been able to find someone willing to do it for $100.

This raised the price on the rich guy but that’s what we need to do. Soon they will cry they can’t find help paying $20 hr. GOOD! Start paying a living wage. Help college kids afford tuition.

They’ll say it will raise prices. So what? People will pay more but they’re also making more.

Supply and demand. Cut off the flow of immigration until America is great again.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

I am believer in bad cultures, not inherently bad races. Of bad cultures America is currently afflicted with many. Diversity, however, as it pertains to many races living together productively all under the banner of American culture is definitely a great American strength. So long as some meaningful degree of assimilation occurs on the behalf of newly introduced ethnic groups, seems to me there's nothing much to worry about and much benefit to be harvested for our nation as a whole. However, when a radically different culture is dropped point blank among a generationally established and accepted American culture, that's another story indeed and often bad things will result, particularly if said new, hostile culture refuses to assimilate. Additionally, bad domestic cultures exist as well, such as inner city gangsta and narco-terror ones, but in their cases it is more a matter of their refusal to assimilate to the culture of American justice and law. If we could solve the issue of bad cultures seems to me no one would be mentioning race at all in diversification conversations.
Can you tell me just newly introduced ethnic groups we have. I don't think you can.
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
--------------------------------- i have a few examples . See CBP that were smuggling in illegal aliens over the Border a few months ago . See the 'somali' cop government worker that shot an 'aussie' women dead in Minnesota . See 'mrobama' and 'hilary' , both dishonest government workers and the Groper 'joe biden' . See the 'bush and reagan' that messed up this nation forever more with their Amnesty in 1986 . See the government worker that just shot 11 or 12 dead a few days ago at his workplace . Generally speaking though , mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash or throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver Harry .
so what now?....am i supposed to give you examples of non-government workers fucking people up at work?...
mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash
those ones are rare and usually get caught pretty soon after they begin...
throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver
most of those people are temporary workers....now im not saying that there are no lazy useless carriers out there,because there are.i worked with a few,but most regulars can get a route done and deliver everything,especially those with their own routes....

I would be happy just to get a literate one. I put the address on my houses, put the names of the people on the mailbox, and the idiots still can't figure out how to match the address on the letters to the address and names on the boxes.

I know exactly what you mean...so many examples of it. Remember when we first started getting that message on the phone when we tried to call some business...press 1 for spanish, press2 for french, press 3 for Chinese press 4 and get lost if you are an American. hehheh


Oh, the trauma of pressing a number on the phone again! One of the great tragedies to befall those weak of finger as private companies have tailored their marketing to an ever wider customer base.
The nation was at it's best, it's strongest, and most united when our "diversity" consisted of the people of various European nations.
In other words, we were a monoculture.

Diversity never works, people end up divided, and it weakens the nation.

And yet here the United States is the strongest country in the history of the world.

And diversity didn't have a thing to do with it.

How about guns? How about beer?

What do guns and beer have to do with it?

Nothing....the stupid one is just trying to come up with something since he has no valid argument.

We have always had beer in the US, have we not? And guns? And oxygen? Are we the strongest nation in the history of the world in spite of these things?
And yet here the United States is the strongest country in the history of the world.

And diversity didn't have a thing to do with it.

How about guns? How about beer?

What do guns and beer have to do with it?

Nothing....the stupid one is just trying to come up with something since he has no valid argument.

We have always had beer in the US, have we not? And guns? And oxygen? Are we the strongest nation in the history of the world in spite of these things?

Can you please just spit it out already...sifting through your ambiguity is getting old. Are you saying that since we are a rich powerful nation we should pay Mexico to breed on our soil and fuck the place up? You know, because we can afford it and all?
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
--------------------------------- i have a few examples . See CBP that were smuggling in illegal aliens over the Border a few months ago . See the 'somali' cop government worker that shot an 'aussie' women dead in Minnesota . See 'mrobama' and 'hilary' , both dishonest government workers and the Groper 'joe biden' . See the 'bush and reagan' that messed up this nation forever more with their Amnesty in 1986 . See the government worker that just shot 11 or 12 dead a few days ago at his workplace . Generally speaking though , mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash or throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver Harry .
so what now?....am i supposed to give you examples of non-government workers fucking people up at work?...
mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash
those ones are rare and usually get caught pretty soon after they begin...
throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver
most of those people are temporary workers....now im not saying that there are no lazy useless carriers out there,because there are.i worked with a few,but most regulars can get a route done and deliver everything,especially those with their own routes....

I would be happy just to get a literate one. I put the address on my houses, put the names of the people on the mailbox, and the idiots still can't figure out how to match the address on the letters to the address and names on the boxes.

I know exactly what you mean...so many examples of it. Remember when we first started getting that message on the phone when we tried to call some business...press 1 for spanish, press2 for french, press 3 for Chinese press 4 and get lost if you are an American. hehheh


Oh, the trauma of pressing a number on the phone again! One of the great tragedies to befall those weak of finger as private companies have tailored their marketing to an ever wider customer base.

It started by pressing 1 on your phone. From there it advanced to bilingual signs, then bilingual ballots, bilingual literature.

As a child of the 60's, I was born into a very ethnic neighborhood. Yes, many people there off the boat, so signs were written in Polish, mass was conducted in Polish, most of the vendors spoke Polish. But outside our community, it was all English.

Europeans came here with the expectation of changing for our country. Hispanics it's the other way around. They are coming here to change our country.
No. It depends on the diversity. Canada has interesting diversity, so does Spain(for now). China is working on it, cautiously.So is Japan.
The us is where everyon else drops of unwanted puppies at the gate.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

So what you are saying is we need diversity because our educational system is failing us? Wouldn't the better solution be to address that problem instead so we wouldn't rely on foreigners to do these jobs?
Seems pretty simple to me ray. What are the job requirements when you look up these jobs on the internet. Go to school for that.

Why would you blame the educational system and not the idiots going to college for finance or communications or a history degree.

You want to blame everyone but yourselves. Ignorant white bastards.

It's because our colleges are failing us. Look, if we have to depend on foreigners to do jobs our people can't, then yes, part of that are the people, but most of it is our low quality colleges.
the left knows diversity is useful. the right wing merely whines about refugees created by their useless public policies.
thats the key word dannny...."useful"....as long as it is useful to them...its ok...if not,oh well...
our militia acts establish an uniform rule of naturalization. the right wing is simply, clueless and Causeless with nothing but bigotry.
yea...whatever that has to do with what i said.....
you have no common sense.
and you are just plain stupid...
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

You're confused bud...in the scenario you describe your brothers company may have benefited but Americans in general did not and capable Americans lost jobs to foreigners.
Is that what you were really trying to illustrate for us....that Americans get fucked while corporations may not?

How dare you question your corporate masters. Are you suggesting corporations are the problem?

I would also point out we have an illegal employer problem in America. Do you want illegals to go home so wages go up? Have ice start raiding corporations who knowingly hire illegals like we did until bush stopped. Check the records work raids stopped when bush got in. And McCain swore they were here doing jobs Americans wouldn’t do.

Unions warned us

Actually that's happened several times during the Trump administration; two of them here in Ohio.

Yes, place the onus on employers, but keep our sanctuary cities, keep allowing them to have drivers licenses, keep giving them free medical care and education, but let's discourage them with employment.
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
------------------------------------ in many cases , NO they can't be trusted but its private business and not government serving ALL Americans like mailmen , CBP and other 'gov' workers Harry .
maybe i should ask....what cant you trust them to do?...

Road work for one. As a truck driver I can't tell you how aggravating road workers are. First off they create truck lanes restrictions. They put trucks in the most dangerous lane to drive in. It's usually against the cement barriers and the lane cars are traveling in. It's usually the most narrow lane as well. Then as you are approaching a construction area, they have a sign that the right lane is closed ahead, so you bust your ass trying to get a break from somebody to let you over into the next lane. Then you find out the MF lane wasn't closed after all, just some stupid MF road worker who didn't think of taking the sign down after they reopened the lane. Now I have to fight to get back into that right lane because my exit is coming up.

They do the same thing with speed limit signs. The speed limit goes down from 70 mph to 50 because of road work. Okay, so you're driving 50, driving 50, diving 50, and then you find out there was no construction after all. Once again, some SMF who works on the road didn't take the signs down when they finished working in the area, or they decided to work at another time. Meanwhile you now have all this congestion on the highway because the morons were too lazy to take down the signs.

I always wondered if they give you an IQ test to work on the roads in my state; not to see if you're smart enough, but to make sure your IQ is under 45 to qualify.

That's what you can't trust them to do.
lots of road work is contracted out....
And diversity didn't have a thing to do with it.

How about guns? How about beer?

What do guns and beer have to do with it?

Nothing....the stupid one is just trying to come up with something since he has no valid argument.

We have always had beer in the US, have we not? And guns? And oxygen? Are we the strongest nation in the history of the world in spite of these things?

Can you please just spit it out already...sifting through your ambiguity is getting old. Are you saying that since we are a rich powerful nation we should pay Mexico to breed on our soil and fuck the place up? You know, because we can afford it and all?
Ray said diversity didn’t have anything to do with making us great. I have to disagree with that. That’s what this is about. Do any of you u agree with that?
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
--------------------------------- i have a few examples . See CBP that were smuggling in illegal aliens over the Border a few months ago . See the 'somali' cop government worker that shot an 'aussie' women dead in Minnesota . See 'mrobama' and 'hilary' , both dishonest government workers and the Groper 'joe biden' . See the 'bush and reagan' that messed up this nation forever more with their Amnesty in 1986 . See the government worker that just shot 11 or 12 dead a few days ago at his workplace . Generally speaking though , mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash or throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver Harry .
so what now?....am i supposed to give you examples of non-government workers fucking people up at work?...
mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash
those ones are rare and usually get caught pretty soon after they begin...
throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver
most of those people are temporary workers....now im not saying that there are no lazy useless carriers out there,because there are.i worked with a few,but most regulars can get a route done and deliver everything,especially those with their own routes....

I would be happy just to get a literate one. I put the address on my houses, put the names of the people on the mailbox, and the idiots still can't figure out how to match the address on the letters to the address and names on the boxes.
i think we talked about this before ray....
And diversity didn't have a thing to do with it.

How about guns? How about beer?

What do guns and beer have to do with it?

Nothing....the stupid one is just trying to come up with something since he has no valid argument.

We have always had beer in the US, have we not? And guns? And oxygen? Are we the strongest nation in the history of the world in spite of these things?

Can you please just spit it out already...sifting through your ambiguity is getting old. Are you saying that since we are a rich powerful nation we should pay Mexico to breed on our soil and fuck the place up? You know, because we can afford it and all?

Remember when I taught you about straw men?
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
------------------------------------ in many cases , NO they can't be trusted but its private business and not government serving ALL Americans like mailmen , CBP and other 'gov' workers Harry .
maybe i should ask....what cant you trust them to do?...

Road work for one. As a truck driver I can't tell you how aggravating road workers are. First off they create truck lanes restrictions. They put trucks in the most dangerous lane to drive in. It's usually against the cement barriers and the lane cars are traveling in. It's usually the most narrow lane as well. Then as you are approaching a construction area, they have a sign that the right lane is closed ahead, so you bust your ass trying to get a break from somebody to let you over into the next lane. Then you find out the MF lane wasn't closed after all, just some stupid MF road worker who didn't think of taking the sign down after they reopened the lane. Now I have to fight to get back into that right lane because my exit is coming up.

They do the same thing with speed limit signs. The speed limit goes down from 70 mph to 50 because of road work. Okay, so you're driving 50, driving 50, diving 50, and then you find out there was no construction after all. Once again, some SMF who works on the road didn't take the signs down when they finished working in the area, or they decided to work at another time. Meanwhile you now have all this congestion on the highway because the morons were too lazy to take down the signs.

I always wondered if they give you an IQ test to work on the roads in my state; not to see if you're smart enough, but to make sure your IQ is under 45 to qualify.

That's what you can't trust them to do.
lots of road work is contracted out....

And the government can't even do that right.
i was being sarcastic about vetting . No way to 'vet' and the vetters are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits . The only way to be sure is to STOP all importation / immigration of third worlders . Same for first worlders . Bring in some 'englisher' and he may want to take Guns and limit speech . After all , the 'englisher' grew up fearing GUNS and having NO free speech GHornet .
are just 'gov' employees that most likely can't be trusted and are simply working for money and benefits
so what are the private people working for?....and can they be trusted?...
--------------------------------- i have a few examples . See CBP that were smuggling in illegal aliens over the Border a few months ago . See the 'somali' cop government worker that shot an 'aussie' women dead in Minnesota . See 'mrobama' and 'hilary' , both dishonest government workers and the Groper 'joe biden' . See the 'bush and reagan' that messed up this nation forever more with their Amnesty in 1986 . See the government worker that just shot 11 or 12 dead a few days ago at his workplace . Generally speaking though , mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash or throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver Harry .
so what now?....am i supposed to give you examples of non-government workers fucking people up at work?...
mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash
those ones are rare and usually get caught pretty soon after they begin...
throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver
most of those people are temporary workers....now im not saying that there are no lazy useless carriers out there,because there are.i worked with a few,but most regulars can get a route done and deliver everything,especially those with their own routes....

I would be happy just to get a literate one. I put the address on my houses, put the names of the people on the mailbox, and the idiots still can't figure out how to match the address on the letters to the address and names on the boxes.

I know exactly what you mean...so many examples of it. Remember when we first started getting that message on the phone when we tried to call some business...press 1 for spanish, press2 for french, press 3 for Chinese press 4 and get lost if you are an American. hehheh

Surely, I jest but not that much. I called a cab the other day and the guy could not speak a word of english.
i dont think you know what he means....we were talking about govt workers not private...
--------------------------------- i have a few examples . See CBP that were smuggling in illegal aliens over the Border a few months ago . See the 'somali' cop government worker that shot an 'aussie' women dead in Minnesota . See 'mrobama' and 'hilary' , both dishonest government workers and the Groper 'joe biden' . See the 'bush and reagan' that messed up this nation forever more with their Amnesty in 1986 . See the government worker that just shot 11 or 12 dead a few days ago at his workplace . Generally speaking though , mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash or throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver Harry .
so what now?....am i supposed to give you examples of non-government workers fucking people up at work?...
mailmen are fine when they aren't going through the mail looking for checks that they can cash
those ones are rare and usually get caught pretty soon after they begin...
throwing mail away that they are too lazy to deliver
most of those people are temporary workers....now im not saying that there are no lazy useless carriers out there,because there are.i worked with a few,but most regulars can get a route done and deliver everything,especially those with their own routes....

I would be happy just to get a literate one. I put the address on my houses, put the names of the people on the mailbox, and the idiots still can't figure out how to match the address on the letters to the address and names on the boxes.

I know exactly what you mean...so many examples of it. Remember when we first started getting that message on the phone when we tried to call some business...press 1 for spanish, press2 for french, press 3 for Chinese press 4 and get lost if you are an American. hehheh


Oh, the trauma of pressing a number on the phone again! One of the great tragedies to befall those weak of finger as private companies have tailored their marketing to an ever wider customer base.

It started by pressing 1 on your phone. From there it advanced to bilingual signs, then bilingual ballots, bilingual literature. ......

Oh, you poor, fragile little thing! How do you manage to get through the day? Everything is so frightening, and oh, the number pressing!!!!!!

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