Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

Ray said diversity didn’t have anything to do with making us great. I have to disagree with that. That’s what this is about. Do any of you u agree with that?

Speaking strictly statistics, diversity has been harmful. Morally, that's a different matter.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Nonsense...but I have no problem with Jews except for liberal american jews.

Yes Einstein made the Atomic Bomb possible...but the rosenbergs betrayed us and gave it to the russians...and then b. clinton allowed the chinese into los alamos and they stole our modern nuclear secrets...and now they have nukes aimed at L.A. thanx to bill clinton
And trump is selling the saudis nuclear technology. The murderous regime. I wouldn’t trust them.

Isn’t trump selling russia uranium? Of course. Payback for 2016 and because putin has a tape of trump with a Russian prostitute peeing on a bed obama slept in.

liar liar pants on fire
Yeah, all of that was somewhat important a century ago, but what have you done since then?
Nothing. Since Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared.

Ford, gm and Chrysler workers ruled flint Detroit and Saginaw. The world had never seen such a successful middle class. Republicans waged war on unions. Sent their jobs overseas.

Quit with the fake talking points. Republicans can't send jobs anywhere. Only industry can move their jobs overseas, and yes, thanks to unions, government regulation and taxes.

A. You mean high paying jobs where workers are paid what they are worth

B. What regulations drove companies overseas? Your list is the bs talking points.

C. If corporations paid taxes befor3 and our debt is what it is now, what’s going to happen to our taxes and the debt now that corporations pay no taxes?

Corporations are still paying plenty of taxes, just not the most in the entire industrialized world. Now our tax rate is more inline with our foreign competitors.

A worker is only worth as much as his or her employer can pay somebody else to do the same job and same quality of work. That's all. What unions did was force companies to overpay workers worth, and that's why companies either left the country or invested in automation.

But it was more than that. Unions became so strong they eventually ran the company. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they could promote regardless of performance.
Yes I know you side with the corporations view not the workers.

Corporations make America what it is...are you a communist/socialist,democrat, traitor or wht?
Ray said diversity didn’t have anything to do with making us great. I have to disagree with that. That’s what this is about. Do any of you u agree with that?

Speaking strictly statistics, diversity has been harmful. Morally, that's a different matter.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Nonsense...but I have no problem with Jews except for liberal american jews.

Yes Einstein made the Atomic Bomb possible...but the rosenbergs betrayed us and gave it to the russians...and then b. clinton allowed the chinese into los alamos and they stole our modern nuclear secrets...and now they have nukes aimed at L.A. thanx to bill clinton
And trump is selling the saudis nuclear technology. The murderous regime. I wouldn’t trust them.

Isn’t trump selling russia uranium? Of course. Payback for 2016 and because putin has a tape of trump with a Russian prostitute peeing on a bed obama slept in.

liar liar pants on fire
Reagan invented Isis. Charley Wilson’s war. See the movie.
Ray said diversity didn’t have anything to do with making us great. I have to disagree with that. That’s what this is about. Do any of you u agree with that?

Speaking strictly statistics, diversity has been harmful. Morally, that's a different matter.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Scratch out the arabs and I would agree with you....yet all that was long before what we now call diversity came about...I have no problem with Europeans in fact I have claimed we should go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects rammed through congress by essentially lying about it...their new radical immigration bill of 1965 which for the first time favored folks from 3rd world nations....and relegated european immigrants to the back of the bus.
I wouldn’t import any more Muslims either. They’re about 1% of our population. I’m comfortable with 1-2% and they are breeders so cut the flow off. In 100 years their kids will assimilate. Import too many they’ll turn America into west Beirut and vote for sharia law. Lol

Europeans don’t want to come here. Even though greeks are struggling they don’t want to come here like our parents did.

They say we live to work. In Greece they work to live.

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.
Nothing. Since Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared.

Ford, gm and Chrysler workers ruled flint Detroit and Saginaw. The world had never seen such a successful middle class. Republicans waged war on unions. Sent their jobs overseas.

Quit with the fake talking points. Republicans can't send jobs anywhere. Only industry can move their jobs overseas, and yes, thanks to unions, government regulation and taxes.

A. You mean high paying jobs where workers are paid what they are worth

B. What regulations drove companies overseas? Your list is the bs talking points.

C. If corporations paid taxes befor3 and our debt is what it is now, what’s going to happen to our taxes and the debt now that corporations pay no taxes?

Corporations are still paying plenty of taxes, just not the most in the entire industrialized world. Now our tax rate is more inline with our foreign competitors.

A worker is only worth as much as his or her employer can pay somebody else to do the same job and same quality of work. That's all. What unions did was force companies to overpay workers worth, and that's why companies either left the country or invested in automation.

But it was more than that. Unions became so strong they eventually ran the company. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they could promote regardless of performance.
Yes I know you side with the corporations view not the workers.

Corporations make America what it is...are you a communist/socialist,democrat, traitor or wht?
Or wht
Speaking strictly statistics, diversity has been harmful. Morally, that's a different matter.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Nonsense...but I have no problem with Jews except for liberal american jews.

Yes Einstein made the Atomic Bomb possible...but the rosenbergs betrayed us and gave it to the russians...and then b. clinton allowed the chinese into los alamos and they stole our modern nuclear secrets...and now they have nukes aimed at L.A. thanx to bill clinton
And trump is selling the saudis nuclear technology. The murderous regime. I wouldn’t trust them.

Isn’t trump selling russia uranium? Of course. Payback for 2016 and because putin has a tape of trump with a Russian prostitute peeing on a bed obama slept in.

liar liar pants on fire
Reagan invented Isis. Charley Wilson’s war. See the movie.

Hollywood never tells the truth....ISIS was long after reagan
Quit with the fake talking points. Republicans can't send jobs anywhere. Only industry can move their jobs overseas, and yes, thanks to unions, government regulation and taxes.

A. You mean high paying jobs where workers are paid what they are worth

B. What regulations drove companies overseas? Your list is the bs talking points.

C. If corporations paid taxes befor3 and our debt is what it is now, what’s going to happen to our taxes and the debt now that corporations pay no taxes?

Corporations are still paying plenty of taxes, just not the most in the entire industrialized world. Now our tax rate is more inline with our foreign competitors.

A worker is only worth as much as his or her employer can pay somebody else to do the same job and same quality of work. That's all. What unions did was force companies to overpay workers worth, and that's why companies either left the country or invested in automation.

But it was more than that. Unions became so strong they eventually ran the company. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they could promote regardless of performance.
Yes I know you side with the corporations view not the workers.

Corporations make America what it is...are you a communist/socialist,democrat, traitor or wht?
Or wht

or what
Ray said diversity didn’t have anything to do with making us great. I have to disagree with that. That’s what this is about. Do any of you u agree with that?

Speaking strictly statistics, diversity has been harmful. Morally, that's a different matter.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Scratch out the arabs and I would agree with you....yet all that was long before what we now call diversity came about...I have no problem with Europeans in fact I have claimed we should go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects rammed through congress by essentially lying about it...their new radical immigration bill of 1965 which for the first time favored folks from 3rd world nations....and relegated european immigrants to the back of the bus.
I wouldn’t import any more Muslims either. They’re about 1% of our population. I’m comfortable with 1-2% and they are breeders so cut the flow off. In 100 years their kids will assimilate. Import too many they’ll turn America into west Beirut and vote for sharia law. Lol

Europeans don’t want to come here. Even though greeks are struggling they don’t want to come here like our parents did.

They say we live to work. In Greece they work to live.

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.
Oh, the trauma of pressing a number on the phone again! One of the great tragedies to befall those weak of finger as private companies have tailored their marketing to an ever wider customer base.

It started by pressing 1 on your phone. From there it advanced to bilingual signs, then bilingual ballots, bilingual literature. ......

Oh, you poor, fragile little thing! How do you manage to get through the day? Everything is so frightening, and oh, the number pressing!!!!!!

And oh, people can't build up their own countries so they run like hell to the country that's already successful so they don't have to do the work. .......

You're talking about the Irish of the 1800s? The Eastern Europeans, Italians and Jews of 1880-1920? The Chinese in the 1850s? The various Europeans following WWI and WWII? Right?

And they eventually did build up their countries. South and Central America are the same as they were 100 years ago; still shit holes. And they're not lifting a finger to change that.

Europe is great today, but like the US, is being destroyed by immigrants thanks to the liberals over there. The only country that's maintaining their greatness is Poland, and that's because they stopped all immigration to their country.

The polish are fine people except they hate jews.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Nonsense...but I have no problem with Jews except for liberal american jews.

Yes Einstein made the Atomic Bomb possible...but the rosenbergs betrayed us and gave it to the russians...and then b. clinton allowed the chinese into los alamos and they stole our modern nuclear secrets...and now they have nukes aimed at L.A. thanx to bill clinton
And trump is selling the saudis nuclear technology. The murderous regime. I wouldn’t trust them.

Isn’t trump selling russia uranium? Of course. Payback for 2016 and because putin has a tape of trump with a Russian prostitute peeing on a bed obama slept in.

liar liar pants on fire
Reagan invented Isis. Charley Wilson’s war. See the movie.

Hollywood never tells the truth....ISIS was long after reagan
A. You mean high paying jobs where workers are paid what they are worth

B. What regulations drove companies overseas? Your list is the bs talking points.

C. If corporations paid taxes befor3 and our debt is what it is now, what’s going to happen to our taxes and the debt now that corporations pay no taxes?

Corporations are still paying plenty of taxes, just not the most in the entire industrialized world. Now our tax rate is more inline with our foreign competitors.

A worker is only worth as much as his or her employer can pay somebody else to do the same job and same quality of work. That's all. What unions did was force companies to overpay workers worth, and that's why companies either left the country or invested in automation.

But it was more than that. Unions became so strong they eventually ran the company. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they could promote regardless of performance.
Yes I know you side with the corporations view not the workers.

Corporations make America what it is...are you a communist/socialist,democrat, traitor or wht?
Or wht

or what
Isis evolved from the terrorists Reagan armed and backed then abandoned. Did you ever see charley Wilson’s war? No politicians despite the movie. In fact they consulted with charley Wilson. I think Tom Hanks stars in it.

Yes corporations ar essential to our economy but workers ar3 more important than you cons believe. Your way the middle class disappears but th3 rich gets richer.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Nonsense...but I have no problem with Jews except for liberal american jews.

Yes Einstein made the Atomic Bomb possible...but the rosenbergs betrayed us and gave it to the russians...and then b. clinton allowed the chinese into los alamos and they stole our modern nuclear secrets...and now they have nukes aimed at L.A. thanx to bill clinton
And trump is selling the saudis nuclear technology. The murderous regime. I wouldn’t trust them.

Isn’t trump selling russia uranium? Of course. Payback for 2016 and because putin has a tape of trump with a Russian prostitute peeing on a bed obama slept in.

liar liar pants on fire
Reagan invented Isis. Charley Wilson’s war. See the movie.

Hollywood never tells the truth....ISIS was long after reagan
A. You mean high paying jobs where workers are paid what they are worth

B. What regulations drove companies overseas? Your list is the bs talking points.

C. If corporations paid taxes befor3 and our debt is what it is now, what’s going to happen to our taxes and the debt now that corporations pay no taxes?

Corporations are still paying plenty of taxes, just not the most in the entire industrialized world. Now our tax rate is more inline with our foreign competitors.

A worker is only worth as much as his or her employer can pay somebody else to do the same job and same quality of work. That's all. What unions did was force companies to overpay workers worth, and that's why companies either left the country or invested in automation.

But it was more than that. Unions became so strong they eventually ran the company. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they could promote regardless of performance.
Yes I know you side with the corporations view not the workers.

Corporations make America what it is...are you a communist/socialist,democrat, traitor or wht?
Or wht

or what
You sound brainwashed. Hollywood NEVER tells the truth?
Speaking strictly statistics, diversity has been harmful. Morally, that's a different matter.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Scratch out the arabs and I would agree with you....yet all that was long before what we now call diversity came about...I have no problem with Europeans in fact I have claimed we should go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects rammed through congress by essentially lying about it...their new radical immigration bill of 1965 which for the first time favored folks from 3rd world nations....and relegated european immigrants to the back of the bus.
I wouldn’t import any more Muslims either. They’re about 1% of our population. I’m comfortable with 1-2% and they are breeders so cut the flow off. In 100 years their kids will assimilate. Import too many they’ll turn America into west Beirut and vote for sharia law. Lol

Europeans don’t want to come here. Even though greeks are struggling they don’t want to come here like our parents did.

They say we live to work. In Greece they work to live.

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.

So you are saying we have first generation Arab Americans that didn't become radicalized and committed terrorist attacks in the US?

Beyond that and getting back to immigration, I suggest you look up Birther Tourism. Countries are sending their pregnant women here to have children since they would be considered American citizens being born in our country. The mothers return to their countries with child, radicalize them there, and once they turn 18, can return to this country as an American citizen no questions asked. They can just walk on in like they were born in Idaho.

Republicans want to repeal birthright citizenship but the Democrats are willing to fight for it.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Scratch out the arabs and I would agree with you....yet all that was long before what we now call diversity came about...I have no problem with Europeans in fact I have claimed we should go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects rammed through congress by essentially lying about it...their new radical immigration bill of 1965 which for the first time favored folks from 3rd world nations....and relegated european immigrants to the back of the bus.
I wouldn’t import any more Muslims either. They’re about 1% of our population. I’m comfortable with 1-2% and they are breeders so cut the flow off. In 100 years their kids will assimilate. Import too many they’ll turn America into west Beirut and vote for sharia law. Lol

Europeans don’t want to come here. Even though greeks are struggling they don’t want to come here like our parents did.

They say we live to work. In Greece they work to live.

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.

So you are saying we have first generation Arab Americans that didn't become radicalized and committed terrorist attacks in the US?

Beyond that and getting back to immigration, I suggest you look up Birther Tourism. Countries are sending their pregnant women here to have children since they would be considered American citizens being born in our country. The mothers return to their countries with child, radicalize them there, and once they turn 18, can return to this country as an American citizen no questions asked. They can just walk on in like they were born in Idaho.

Republicans want to repeal birthright citizenship but the Democrats are willing to fight for it.
I would be all for repealing that.

If you are visiting so is your baby.

I love these extreme scenario because that’s exactly what the terrorists will try to do. Use our liberal weaknesses against us.

I also worry they will radicalize American born Arab women and then send them to the Middle East to have 3 terrorists each. Raise them radical and then bring them here to commit Bihar. How can we stop these American born women from bringing their kids back with them?
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Scratch out the arabs and I would agree with you....yet all that was long before what we now call diversity came about...I have no problem with Europeans in fact I have claimed we should go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects rammed through congress by essentially lying about it...their new radical immigration bill of 1965 which for the first time favored folks from 3rd world nations....and relegated european immigrants to the back of the bus.
I wouldn’t import any more Muslims either. They’re about 1% of our population. I’m comfortable with 1-2% and they are breeders so cut the flow off. In 100 years their kids will assimilate. Import too many they’ll turn America into west Beirut and vote for sharia law. Lol

Europeans don’t want to come here. Even though greeks are struggling they don’t want to come here like our parents did.

They say we live to work. In Greece they work to live.

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.

So you are saying we have first generation Arab Americans that didn't become radicalized and committed terrorist attacks in the US?

Beyond that and getting back to immigration, I suggest you look up Birther Tourism. Countries are sending their pregnant women here to have children since they would be considered American citizens being born in our country. The mothers return to their countries with child, radicalize them there, and once they turn 18, can return to this country as an American citizen no questions asked. They can just walk on in like they were born in Idaho.

Republicans want to repeal birthright citizenship but the Democrats are willing to fight for it.
I wouldn’t even let an Arab family in if they have a ten year old son. Who is he going to fit in with? He’s going to get picked on and treated like an outsider. Easily radicallized.
Nothing. Since Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared.

Ford, gm and Chrysler workers ruled flint Detroit and Saginaw. The world had never seen such a successful middle class. Republicans waged war on unions. Sent their jobs overseas.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Please show us all how you support your allegation that "SINCE President Ronald Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared. You can't, so you're lying.

Even you know that it was the Auto Unions that destroyed the automakers. Then came Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, and however many other foreign automakers who located where? Any other state but Michigan.

As you know, it wasn't Republicans who destroyed unions, it was the unions that destroyed unions. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly bailed out the auto companies. In fact, his purpose was not to bail out the auto companies, but rather to bail out the auto UNIONS. Had the auto companies gone through a usual bankruptcy procedure, the unions would have been destroyed.

Before you whine about "all those lost jobs". Tell me how many fewer cars would have been built and sold in the United States.
Nothing. Since Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared.

Ford, gm and Chrysler workers ruled flint Detroit and Saginaw. The world had never seen such a successful middle class. Republicans waged war on unions. Sent their jobs overseas.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Please show us all how you support your allegation that "SINCE President Ronald Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared. You can't, so you're lying.

Even you know that it was the Auto Unions that destroyed the automakers. Then came Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, and however many other foreign automakers who located where? Any other state but Michigan.

As you know, it wasn't Republicans who destroyed unions, it was the unions that destroyed unions. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly bailed out the auto companies. In fact, his purpose was not to bail out the auto companies, but rather to bail out the auto UNIONS. Had the auto companies gone through a usual bankruptcy procedure, the unions would have been destroyed.

Before you whine about "all those lost jobs". Tell me how many fewer cars would have been built and sold in the United States.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass
Scratch out the arabs and I would agree with you....yet all that was long before what we now call diversity came about...I have no problem with Europeans in fact I have claimed we should go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects rammed through congress by essentially lying about it...their new radical immigration bill of 1965 which for the first time favored folks from 3rd world nations....and relegated european immigrants to the back of the bus.
I wouldn’t import any more Muslims either. They’re about 1% of our population. I’m comfortable with 1-2% and they are breeders so cut the flow off. In 100 years their kids will assimilate. Import too many they’ll turn America into west Beirut and vote for sharia law. Lol

Europeans don’t want to come here. Even though greeks are struggling they don’t want to come here like our parents did.

They say we live to work. In Greece they work to live.

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.

So you are saying we have first generation Arab Americans that didn't become radicalized and committed terrorist attacks in the US?

Beyond that and getting back to immigration, I suggest you look up Birther Tourism. Countries are sending their pregnant women here to have children since they would be considered American citizens being born in our country. The mothers return to their countries with child, radicalize them there, and once they turn 18, can return to this country as an American citizen no questions asked. They can just walk on in like they were born in Idaho.

Republicans want to repeal birthright citizenship but the Democrats are willing to fight for it.
I wouldn’t even let an Arab family in if they have a ten year old son. Who is he going to fit in with? He’s going to get picked on and treated like an outsider. Easily radicallized.

I do not know why they are so easily radicalized but that is a fact and it has been documented.

Every muslim terroist act here in Ameica since 9/11 was commited
Scratch out the arabs and I would agree with you....yet all that was long before what we now call diversity came about...I have no problem with Europeans in fact I have claimed we should go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects rammed through congress by essentially lying about it...their new radical immigration bill of 1965 which for the first time favored folks from 3rd world nations....and relegated european immigrants to the back of the bus.
I wouldn’t import any more Muslims either. They’re about 1% of our population. I’m comfortable with 1-2% and they are breeders so cut the flow off. In 100 years their kids will assimilate. Import too many they’ll turn America into west Beirut and vote for sharia law. Lol

Europeans don’t want to come here. Even though greeks are struggling they don’t want to come here like our parents did.

They say we live to work. In Greece they work to live.

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.

So you are saying we have first generation Arab Americans that didn't become radicalized and committed terrorist attacks in the US?

Beyond that and getting back to immigration, I suggest you look up Birther Tourism. Countries are sending their pregnant women here to have children since they would be considered American citizens being born in our country. The mothers return to their countries with child, radicalize them there, and once they turn 18, can return to this country as an American citizen no questions asked. They can just walk on in like they were born in Idaho.

Republicans want to repeal birthright citizenship but the Democrats are willing to fight for it.
I wouldn’t even let an Arab family in if they have a ten year old son. Who is he going to fit in with? He’s going to get picked on and treated like an outsider. Easily radicallized.

You are correct.............American-born children of immigrants proving fruitful recruiting ground for jihad in U.S.
Nothing. Since Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared.

Ford, gm and Chrysler workers ruled flint Detroit and Saginaw. The world had never seen such a successful middle class. Republicans waged war on unions. Sent their jobs overseas.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Please show us all how you support your allegation that "SINCE President Ronald Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared. You can't, so you're lying.

Even you know that it was the Auto Unions that destroyed the automakers. Then came Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, and however many other foreign automakers who located where? Any other state but Michigan.

As you know, it wasn't Republicans who destroyed unions, it was the unions that destroyed unions. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly bailed out the auto companies. In fact, his purpose was not to bail out the auto companies, but rather to bail out the auto UNIONS. Had the auto companies gone through a usual bankruptcy procedure, the unions would have been destroyed.

Before you whine about "all those lost jobs". Tell me how many fewer cars would have been built and sold in the United States.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Scratch out the arabs and I would agree with you....yet all that was long before what we now call diversity came about...I have no problem with Europeans in fact I have claimed we should go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects rammed through congress by essentially lying about it...their new radical immigration bill of 1965 which for the first time favored folks from 3rd world nations....and relegated european immigrants to the back of the bus.
I wouldn’t import any more Muslims either. They’re about 1% of our population. I’m comfortable with 1-2% and they are breeders so cut the flow off. In 100 years their kids will assimilate. Import too many they’ll turn America into west Beirut and vote for sharia law. Lol

Europeans don’t want to come here. Even though greeks are struggling they don’t want to come here like our parents did.

They say we live to work. In Greece they work to live.

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.

You are in error...it has been documented that 1st generation muslim offspring are easily radicalied and in fact all the muslim acts of terrorism in America since the attack on the WTC were commited by the sons of muslim immigrants.

Who knows what will happen in a hundred years and it is not relevant to this discussion.

So you are saying we have first generation Arab Americans that didn't become radicalized and committed terrorist attacks in the US?

Beyond that and getting back to immigration, I suggest you look up Birther Tourism. Countries are sending their pregnant women here to have children since they would be considered American citizens being born in our country. The mothers return to their countries with child, radicalize them there, and once they turn 18, can return to this country as an American citizen no questions asked. They can just walk on in like they were born in Idaho.

Republicans want to repeal birthright citizenship but the Democrats are willing to fight for it.
... so lazy they won't even conform to the new country they're moving to. .......

That's a lie. Those are words spoken by the ignorant and fearful at regular intervals throughout US history. They were no doubt spoken about the ancestors of most of the ignorant cowards repeating them again today.

Every village and every message board has a idiot...that is you on this board.
... so lazy they won't even conform to the new country they're moving to. .......

That's a lie. Those are words spoken by the ignorant and fearful at regular intervals throughout US history. They were no doubt spoken about the ancestors of most of the ignorant cowards repeating them again today.

Bull. Did you ever have to press 1 to speak German? How about Polish? How about Italian? How about Swedish? How many bilingual signs in America are written in French?

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i was jokin boyo....as far back as I can remember it was press 1 for spanish.

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