Politicians in Pennsylvania are afraid to speak out about the Haitian issue due to fear of being attacked or fired.

Allowing it happen? They are the facilitators of it! Just ask yourself how 2000 dirt poor Haitians who cannot even afford food, shoes or a car somehow magically all get to America then to PA or Ohio?

The stork didn't bring them.

Worse, who is putting them up in homes, giving them food stamps, jobs and healthcare? The government.

If a woman crashes into you because she ran a stop sign, it isn't sexist to complain of her hitting you. And if a group of people ruin your town for no good reason, it isn't racist to complain about it just because they all came from Haiti.
The store owners and factories and family businesses and small dying city/ govts, appreciate the money and revived life these immigrants bring to the community....

Yes, there is a learning curve....and birthing labor pains...but it will, all work out...

We had a similar situation here with Somalians coming in to a smaller dying community that used to be a thriving paper mill town, that closed....a decade later it was a thriving community for all who lived there...
Allowing it happen? They are the facilitators of it! Just ask yourself how 2000 dirt poor Haitians who cannot even afford food, shoes or a car somehow magically all get to America then to PA or Ohio?

The stork didn't bring them.

Worse, who is putting them up in homes, giving them food stamps, jobs and healthcare? The government.

If a woman crashes into you because she ran a stop sign, it isn't sexist to complain of her hitting you. And if a group of people ruin your town for no good reason, it isn't racist to complain about it just because they all came from Haiti.
And yes, these are legal immigrants on a protective visa, due to the civil unrest in Haiti.... These Visas are for two years at a time, and are renewed for 2 year periods if they keep their nose clean,and until the civil unrest subsides in Haiti....

Those were the initial group of Haitians the fed put there.

What happens after that is via word of mouth among Haitians, that brought and brings other Haitians in other states to their community.

We had a small group of Somalians refugees, it grew via word of mouth, bringing other Somalians there....
The store owners and factories and family businesses and small dying city/ govts, appreciate the money and revived life these immigrants bring to the community....

Yes, there is a learning curve....and birthing labor pains...but it will, all work out...

We had a similar situation here with Somalians coming in to a smaller dying community that used to be a thriving paper mill town, that closed....a decade later it was a thriving community for all who lived there...
Golly ms. princess, you've swallowed the bait. I'm sure the Haitians and the Mayor are LOVING the "money" that's flowing in from the FEDS. FREE housing, FREE drivers licenses, FREE fresh new clothing, and on and on and on.
Let's make America Haiti and Somalia, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!
It would be better if our Federal government would quit INVADING OUR COUNTRY with people that don't BELONG HERE. It's nothing short of TREASON!!!
Our federal government is invading our country? Do you have any idea how crazy that is?
Golly ms. princess, you've swallowed the bait. I'm sure the Haitians and the Mayor are LOVING the "money" that's flowing in from the FEDS. FREE housing, FREE drivers licenses, FREE fresh new clothing, and on and on and on.
Let's make America Haiti and Somalia, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!
Much of that comes from charities, working with govt.
Remember how we keep on hearing about Haitians receiving threats. The left-wing media has played that again and again. Of course those threats might actually be coming from left wingers just trying to stir up the pot.

What we don’t hear much about are the politicians in small towns in Pennsylvania, that literally by their own words are afraid to go on camera and speak their mind about the issue. Out of fear of being attacked, being called a racist or losing their job. Or being sued. In one town in Pennsylvania that has about 4000 people…. they have recently received 2000 Haitian immigrants.

The poor and working class Americans of the small Pennsylvania town both black-and-white are struggling every day. And then they see these Haitian immigrants with brand new cars, tons of cash and the ability to buy groceries like there’s no tomorrow.

Now to stress, this is entirely the fault of the US government for allowing this to happen. Including Republicans. So racism or anything like that should never be directed at the Haitians. But that probably will happen in rare occurrences. I mean if 10,000 white people all of a sudden showed up in the Congo and they were receiving cash and driving around in BMWs…. There’s probably going to be some amount t of racism toward those white people by the Africans. Again, it’s not good, but it’s just human nature.

Hopefully this issue can be resolved. Because anyway any of us look at it, it might be easy to blame Democrats, but also Republicans were either involved in the process or they did not do enough about it. There could be Republican store owners employing these black Haitians with a lower wage then what Americans might accept. And we are at this point because also Republicans haven’t done enough to stop it. I think we would all like to see Democrats go back to traditional ways and do something about the situation as well.

Remember how we keep on hearing about Haitians receiving threats. The left-wing media has played that again and again. Of course those threats might actually be coming from left wingers just trying to stir up the pot.

What we don’t hear much about are the politicians in small towns in Pennsylvania, that literally by their own words are afraid to go on camera and speak their mind about the issue. Out of fear of being attacked, being called a racist or losing their job. Or being sued. In one town in Pennsylvania that has about 4000 people…. they have recently received 2000 Haitian immigrants.

The poor and working class Americans of the small Pennsylvania town both black-and-white are struggling every day. And then they see these Haitian immigrants with brand new cars, tons of cash and the ability to buy groceries like there’s no tomorrow.

Now to stress, this is entirely the fault of the US government for allowing this to happen. Including Republicans. So racism or anything like that should never be directed at the Haitians. But that probably will happen in rare occurrences. I mean if 10,000 white people all of a sudden showed up in the Congo and they were receiving cash and driving around in BMWs…. There’s probably going to be some amount t of racism toward those white people by the Africans. Again, it’s not good, but it’s just human nature.

Hopefully this issue can be resolved. Because anyway any of us look at it, it might be easy to blame Democrats, but also Republicans were either involved in the process or they did not do enough about it. There could be Republican store owners employing these black Haitians with a lower wage then what Americans might accept. And we are at this point because also Republicans haven’t done enough to stop it. I think we would all like to see Democrats go back to traditional ways and do something about the situation as well.

Car accidents lol
Inundated with car accidents ....shocker


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