Politicians in Pennsylvania are afraid to speak out about the Haitian issue due to fear of being attacked or fired.

Remember how we keep on hearing about Haitians receiving threats. The left-wing media has played that again and again. Of course those threats might actually be coming from left wingers just trying to stir up the pot.

What we don’t hear much about are the politicians in small towns in Pennsylvania, that literally by their own words are afraid to go on camera and speak their mind about the issue. Out of fear of being attacked, being called a racist or losing their job. Or being sued. In one town in Pennsylvania that has about 4000 people…. they have recently received 2000 Haitian immigrants.

The poor and working class Americans of the small Pennsylvania town both black-and-white are struggling every day. And then they see these Haitian immigrants with brand new cars, tons of cash and the ability to buy groceries like there’s no tomorrow.

Now to stress, this is entirely the fault of the US government for allowing this to happen. Including Republicans. So racism or anything like that should never be directed at the Haitians. But that probably will happen in rare occurrences. I mean if 10,000 white people all of a sudden showed up in the Congo and they were receiving cash and driving around in BMWs…. There’s probably going to be some amount t of racism toward those white people by the Africans. Again, it’s not good, but it’s just human nature.

Hopefully this issue can be resolved. Because anyway any of us look at it, it might be easy to blame Democrats, but also Republicans were either involved in the process or they did not do enough about it. There could be Republican store owners employing these black Haitians with a lower wage then what Americans might accept. And we are at this point because also Republicans haven’t done enough to stop it. I think we would all like to see Democrats go back to traditional ways and do something about the situation as well.

There is a long history of bigotry towards immigrants of all colors in this country. Going back to Irish immigrants in the mid 19th century, as shown in the movie Gangs of New York.

You are a racist and a bigot, pretending that racism and bigotry is not occurring. An uneducated MAGAt such as yourself is obviously the wrong messenger for this topic.
There is a long history of bigotry towards immigrants of all colors in this country. Going back to Irish immigrants in the mid 19th century, as shown in the movie Gangs of New York.

You are a racist and a bigot, pretending that racism and bigotry is not occurring. An uneducated MAGAt such as yourself is obviously the wrong messenger for this topic.
There is a worldwide history of racism and bigotry. America was probably the most liberal country in world history. For a long time now the United States has been the number one destination in the world for black refugees from Africa. You are woefully uninformed, par for the course for the radical left-winger.

And you are uninformed indeed, as you clearly did not watch the video so you’re just making things ie Claiming that Trump supporters are a racist with zero evidence.

When it is the radical left that is clearly the most racist group in the country. And they’re racism permeates our media and Hollywood. There is no racism from white people in any position of power.

Get educated take the time to watch some of the interviews from the video in the original post. And understand the problems that small towns like the one in Pennsylvania are going through.
There is a worldwide history of racism and bigotry. America was probably the most liberal country in world history. For a long time now the United States has been the number one destination in the world for black refugees from Africa. You are woefully uninformed, par for the course for the radical left-winger.
And what does this have to do with the Republican Party being racist?

And you are uninformed indeed, as you clearly did not watch the video so you’re just making things ie Claiming that Trump supporters are a racist with zero evidence.

When it is the radical left that is clearly the most racist group in the country. And they’re racism permeates our media and Hollywood. There is no racism from white people in any position of power.

Get educated take the time to watch some of the interviews from the video in the original post. And understand the problems that small towns like the one in Pennsylvania are going through.
Dude, you are whining about how racist MAGA Republican politicians are afraid to whine about their racism towards Haitians.

No, they are not afraid. They've been doing it constantly.

Even Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has told racist Republicans in Congress to knock this shit off. Even he is smart enough to see that this is hurting the Republican Party. Too bad you are not smart enough to see that.

So stop blaming liberals, when even Republicans leaders in Congress are telling racist Republicans to stop.

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