Poll Showing Palin At 64% vs Rick Perry Who's At 35% For The Rep Nomination

To vote in the New Jersey Primary you have to declare for one party or the other at the voting booth. Once you do that, you are registered in that party
So NJ has NO Independent or any other ? Are YOU saying there is no there is no other way to register...ONE or the other? Hard to belive.

And incidentally? *YOU* are NOT a Republican. YOU are a Statist. (Even by present Republican standards).

You can register as independent, but you are not allowed to vote in the primary

I'm a proud Republican...I was even invited to Bush's inauguration

T is a Statist by GOP standards.
So NJ has NO Independent or any other ? Are YOU saying there is no there is no other way to register...ONE or the other? Hard to belive.

And incidentally? *YOU* are NOT a Republican. YOU are a Statist. (Even by present Republican standards).

You can register as independent, but you are not allowed to vote in the primary

I'm a proud Republican...I was even invited to Bush's inauguration

T is a Statist by GOP standards.
T is a Constitutionalist. Unlike you Jokey. But do plod on. You are too amusing to take serious any longer.
This poll is only significant if Rick Perry is a force to be dealt with in the Republican primaries. I don't feel he is at all.
Bible Lice is more like it. Romney is the people's choice.

He'll prolly have to pick a wing-nut for a running mate as bait to the base- voters no?

Romney will be weighted down with a TeaTard running mate or a platform so full of wing nut agenda that he won't have a prayer

Disagree with you. I have known RP a long time (not well) and that sunuvabuck knows how to stir up the social values base. He has a solid 36 to 39% sv base in red Texas, so he has created a one-party dictatorship throughout all of the executive areas of government at the state levels and in many of the rural counties.

He will wow the hard right base of the GOP, and if Romney can swing independents and centrists, Obama will be in a real fight.

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