Poll shows Americans oppose entitlement cuts to deal with debt problem

I don't have the time today to do the research but there is one area that the voters will love.

Cut the compensation and benefits of congress, they are clearly overpaid and not doing their job. Next step is to fire them next election.
And please show me where our Constitution calls for the US to have the ability to "respond to anything anywhere anytime?" Or even grants us the authority for that matter.
-That- authority is granted to the CinC as he, and those he appoints, create the plans necessary to defend the people of the US from whatever threat or threats there might be.
Va you are making me dizzy with all that spinning today :)

Spinning? Please show me where espionage is spelled out in the Constitution as an official power of our military for defense.

FindLaw: U.S. Constitution: Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Let us not forget:
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Is it necessary and proper to have the capacity to gather information on 'other' states in order for the CinC to effectively defend the United States?
Of course it is. Game over.
It's NOT. That is espionage. The USSR was never a threat for invasion of the CONUS.
False premise, that the only legitimate military threat is invasion.
False premise, that gathering information on a state that presents a legitimate threat is not a function of national defense.

With all of the technlogy we have available today, we do not need to be "over there" to protect the citizens "over here".
It's NOT. That is espionage. The USSR was never a threat for invasion of the CONUS.
False premise, that the only legitimate military threat is invasion.
False premise, that gathering information on a state that presents a legitimate threat is not a function of national defense.
With all of the technlogy we have available today, we do not need to be "over there" to protect the citizens "over here".
Your statement doesn't in any way speak to what I said, or make your premise any less false.

But, you do offer another false premise, in that the only legitimate function of national defense is to protect only that which exists, literally, within the borders of the US. The national interests of the US extend far beyond her borders.
Spinning? Please show me where espionage is spelled out in the Constitution as an official power of our military for defense.

FindLaw: U.S. Constitution: Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Let us not forget:
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Is it necessary and proper to have the capacity to gather information on 'other' states in order for the CinC to effectively defend the United States?
Of course it is. Game over.

W/o it, we may have been nuked by Cuba, never knowing they had any.
False premise, that the only legitimate military threat is invasion.
False premise, that gathering information on a state that presents a legitimate threat is not a function of national defense.
With all of the technlogy we have available today, we do not need to be "over there" to protect the citizens "over here".
Your statement doesn't in any way speak to what I said, or make your premise any less false.

But, you do offer another false premise, in that the only legitimate function of national defense is to protect only that which exists, literally, within the borders of the US. The national interests of the US extend far beyond her borders.

Please be specific on the "national interests" far beyond our borders. And no, I do not wish to engage in another discussion about us being bound by treaties and such.

I don't see the "fuck up" you speak of, nor do I see any question you posed?

you asked where the constitution gave the authority to do espionage. The espoinage in question was defensive so i said the pre-amble, you did not agree nor disagree.

in the other thread instead of entertaining the request of the OP and explaining why you were against cuts or if you were for them you just popped out the "but george bush sucked too" comment.

LOL and yes people it said fuck up before but i edited before he quoted me.
Last edited:
I am not sure where yank lived but the USSR was considered a very real threat in the 50/s and 60's and on in to the 70". I agree with most of the department and homeland security is a joke as is the head person in charge, good ole Janet. I think the biggest threat to our nation today is in DC, they all work there. If we cut their salaries enough maybe they will quit and get a real job.
FindLaw: U.S. Constitution: Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Let us not forget:
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Is it necessary and proper to have the capacity to gather information on 'other' states in order for the CinC to effectively defend the United States?
Of course it is. Game over.

W/o it, we may have been nuked by Cuba, never knowing they had any.

So, our local defenses are inadequate, while we over extend our military to protect our allies?
Here is the US budget for this year.


Total expected spending: $3.8 trillion.
Total expected tax revenue: $2.2 trillion.

Deficit: $1.6 trillion.

Social security, $800 billion.
Cut to $0
Medicare and medicaid, $800 billion.
Cot to $0
Defense, $800 billion
Interest, $200 billion. (Can't cut that though.)
Everything else, $1.2 trillion.

Budget balanced.

OK. So you're OK with fucking over the people who paid for it their whole lives; But are you also OK with continuing to tax for FICA even as you've eliminated all the benefits?

If not, you're really about $900B off your mark.

I don't see the "fuck up" you speak of, nor do I see any question you posed?

you asked where the constitution gave the authority to defend (through espionage), i said the pre-amble.

in the other thread instead of entertaining the request of the OP and explaining why you were against cuts or if you were for them you just popped out the "but george bush sucked too" comment.

LOL and yes people it said fuck up before but i edited before he quoted me.

I am taking a tongue in cheek approach to this whole Constitution thing as I was recently in a heated debate with a Tea Partier who demanded that the only things our government has the authority to do are those which are implicitly laid out in the Constitution. I have never seen espionage implicitly spelled out in the Constitution, see?
I don't see the "fuck up" you speak of, nor do I see any question you posed?

you asked where the constitution gave the authority to defend (through espionage), i said the pre-amble.

in the other thread instead of entertaining the request of the OP and explaining why you were against cuts or if you were for them you just popped out the "but george bush sucked too" comment.

LOL and yes people it said fuck up before but i edited before he quoted me.

I am taking a tongue in cheek approach to this whole Constitution thing as I was recently in a heated debate with a Tea Partier who demanded that the only things our government has the authority to do are those which are implicitly laid out in the Constitution. I have never seen espionage implicitly spelled out in the Constitution, see?

I do understand the semantics you are using. The common defense, to me, means anything to defend the united states as a whole which I feel the type of espionage used in the example falls under.
Social security, $800 billion.
Cut to $0
Medicare and medicaid, $800 billion.
Cot to $0
Defense, $800 billion
Interest, $200 billion. (Can't cut that though.)
Everything else, $1.2 trillion.

Really good thinking. Screw those who have worked paid taxes, fought our wars and now you cut the things that we paid in advance for. Drop by my place anytime and we can talk. You bring a whole new meaning to the quote"a village idiot"

I don't see the "fuck up" you speak of, nor do I see any question you posed?

you asked where the constitution gave the authority to do espionage. The espoinage in question was defensive so i said the pre-amble, you did not agree nor disagree.

in the other thread instead of entertaining the request of the OP and explaining why you were against cuts or if you were for them you just popped out the "but george bush sucked too" comment.

LOL and yes people it said fuck up before but i edited before he quoted me.

Concerning your second question, as I have stated numerous times in numerous threads, I am all for cuts. However, I want cuts across the board. Our DoD budget for 2011 is more than half of the total Federal spending, and yet, the new conservative GOP coudln't come up with ONE thing to cut in there? Really??
you asked where the constitution gave the authority to defend (through espionage), i said the pre-amble.

in the other thread instead of entertaining the request of the OP and explaining why you were against cuts or if you were for them you just popped out the "but george bush sucked too" comment.

LOL and yes people it said fuck up before but i edited before he quoted me.

I am taking a tongue in cheek approach to this whole Constitution thing as I was recently in a heated debate with a Tea Partier who demanded that the only things our government has the authority to do are those which are implicitly laid out in the Constitution. I have never seen espionage implicitly spelled out in the Constitution, see?

I do understand the semantics you are using. The common defense, to me, means anything to defend the united states as a whole which I feel the type of espionage used in the example falls under.

The question then becomes, do we NEED it. Is it a good thing? Sure. Can we afford it? I don't know.

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