Pope Francis is a Liberation Theologist! YIKES!!!


Apr 22, 2007
What is liberation theologist? See the three definitions below!

Liberation theology was a radical movement that grew up in South America. It said said the church should act to bring about social change, and should ally itself with the working class to do so. The late Pope John Paul II opposed the movement.

liberation theology - definition of liberation theology by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
A school of theology, especially prevalent in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America, that finds in the Gospel a call to free people from political, social, and material oppression.

Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a political movement in Catholic theology which interprets the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to a liberation from unjust economic, political, or social conditions. It has been described by proponents as "an interpretation of Christian faith through the poor's suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor",

What does it sound like?

communism - definition of communism by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
communism [ˈkɒmjʊˌnɪzəm]

1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) advocacy of a classless society in which private ownership has been abolished and the means of production and subsistence belong to the community
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any social, economic, or political movement or doctrine aimed at achieving such a society

Just like communism removal of all social, political and economic oppression to make us all equal sounds great on paper and in theory, but is disasterous in practice, leads to further oppression of the people and ultimate suffering of all the inhabitants of such a society.

This is what the new ITALIAN (might have been born in Argentina, but he was born to Italian immigrants) Pope believes. Scary thought!

Pope Francis: the humble pontiff with practical approach to poverty | World news | guardian.co.uk
A champion of liberation theology which some thought might have been too much for conservatives in the Vatican, he nonetheless is considered a candidate that everyone in the higher echelons of the church respects. He becomes the church's first Latin American pope.

Much is made of his humility: he gave up the grandiose setting of the cardinal's residence in the Argentine capital for the trappings of a small apartment, and rejected the notion of a chauffeur driven car for public transport.

On a more positive note - he approves contraceptives to prevent disease (not pregnancy) and while he doesn't support homosexuality or gay marriage, he believe gays must be treated with compasion and free from oppression or persecution.
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Pope only got one lung...
Pope's 1 lung shouldn't affect duties
14 Mar.`13 — The new pope has daunting challenges ahead ranging from the church sex abuse scandal to reinvigorating the flock.
And Francis will have to do it all with just one lung. The Argentine pontiff lost the greater part of one lung to a teenage infection. "He feels it today," says his authorized biographer Sergio Rubin. "He's a little bit slowed by it, but he's OK." Doctors said that losing one lung doesn't necessarily compromise the pope's health or reduce his life span, though it means no strenuous exercise since he no longer has as much air capacity as people with two lungs. "He probably wouldn't be able to run marathons, but I don't think that would be on his schedule," said Dr. Peter Openshaw, director of the Centre for Respiratory Infection at Imperial College London. "Having one lung should be enough as long as there is no other disease in that lung."

Openshaw didn't think a papal schedule would be too taxing for Francis' one lung, though he noted the pope's rib cage might look slightly unusual. "His X-ray will probably look rather alarming, but understandable once you know he only has one lung," he said. Openshaw said Francis' existing lung would probably have expanded to fill the space left by the missing one, and that his rib cage would have shrunk slightly in size. His diaphragm may also have moved up slightly higher than normal. But none of those changes should affect Francis' normal activities, he said. He said the pope's remaining lung should be able to compensate for the missing one, similar to how parts of the brain may pick up functions of other regions damaged by a stroke. "The other lung can gain capacity but there will be limits," he said, comparing it to a car engine that now runs slightly slower. "You may not be able to accelerate as hard but it still works just as well."

Experts said it would be rare nowadays to remove a lung. Antibiotics would be used to treat most lung infections including tuberculosis, though part of the organ might be removed to treat advanced lung cancer. Back when Francis had his lung removed, the available antibiotics weren't as powerful. "In the past, doctors used to try all kinds of strange things to try to treat lung infections," said Dr. Jennifer Quint, a respiratory expert at London's School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She said physicians even used to stick ping pong balls into peoples' lungs in an attempt to starve the lung of oxygen, to kill the bacteria. Quint said the fact that Francis appears so fit and healthy at 76 bodes well for his future. "If he were going to have any major complications from the surgery (to remove the lung), he would have had them by now," she said. She said Francis' main challenge will be to keep his remaining lung healthy. "I would recommend a yearly flu vaccination and an occasional pneumonia vaccine to avoid infection," she said.

Jeremy Ward, a professor of respiratory physiology at King's College London, said he was only mildly concerned about the pope's health — unless he gets sick. "If he gets any sort of infection, it could be much more serious in him than in someone else with two lungs. ... That could make him susceptible to pneumonia, which would be very dangerous for him." he said, adding it would either take the pope longer to recover or debilitate him. Still, Ward didn't think Francis would have to take any unusual measures to avoid getting sick and faced the same problems as all elderly people. "Unfortunately as you get older, nothing works as well as it should," he said. "He will have to deal with that like everybody else."

Pope's 1 lung shouldn't affect duties - Yahoo! News

See also:

Pope, in first homily, says Church should focus on Gospels
3/14/2013 - In his first public Mass, Pope Francis urged the Catholic Church on Thursday to stick to its roots and shun modern temptations, warning that it would become just "a compassionate NGO" if it forgot its true mission.
The Argentinian pope, addressing cardinals in the Sistine Chapel where he was elected pontiff on Wednesday, said the Church should be more focused on the Gospels of Jesus Christ. "We can walk all we want, we can build many things, but if we don't proclaim Jesus Christ, something is wrong. We would become a compassionate NGO and not a Church which is the bride of Christ," he said, speaking in Italian without notes. "He who does not pray to the Lord prays to the devil. When we don't proclaim Jesus Christ, we proclaim the worldliness of the devil, the worldliness of the demon."

Francis took the helm of the 1.2 billion-member Church at a time of strife and intrigue, with the Vatican rocked by a string of sex abuse scandals, by accusations of infighting within its central government and by allegations of financial wrongdoing. "We must always walk in the presence of the Lord, in the light of the Lord, always trying to live in an irreprehensible way," he said in a heartfelt homily of a parish priest, loaded with biblical references and simple imagery. "When we walk without the cross, when we build without the cross and when we proclaim Christ without the cross, we are not disciples of the Lord. We are worldly," he said. "We may be bishops, priests, cardinals, popes, all of this, but we are not disciples of the Lord," he said.

He said those who build on worldly values instead of spiritual values were like children building sand castles on a beach. "Then everything comes crashing down," he said. His sermon was a stark contrast to that of his predecessor, Pope Benedict, who read out his first homily in Latin in 2005, establishing his broad vision for Church. Benedict abdicated last month, saying he no longer had the strength to lead the world's largest organization.

Pope, in first homily, says Church should focus on Gospels - Yahoo! News
Granny says mebbe dey could have early mass fer the poor Catholics, an' den the rich Catholics could sleep in an' go to late mass - dat would liberate the got-rocks from havin' to rub elbows with the have nots...
Pope Francis wants 'poor Church for the poor'
16 March 2013 - Pope Francis has said he wants "a poor Church, for the poor" following his election as head of the world's 1.2bn Catholics on Wednesday.
He said he chose the name Francis after 12-13th Century St Francis of Assisi, who represented "poverty and peace". He urged journalists to get to know the Church with its "virtues and sins" and to share its focus on "truth, goodness and beauty". Pope Francis takes over from Benedict XVI, who abdicated last month. The former Argentine cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, was the surprise choice of cardinals meeting in Rome to choose a new head of the Church. In his first audience at the Vatican, he said Jesus Christ and not the Pope was the centre of the Church, which he stressed was "spiritual not political" in nature. He said the Holy Spirit had inspired the resignation of Benedict XVI and guided the cardinals choosing him as the next pontiff.


The Pope on why he chose the name Francis, and the kind of Church he wants to see

The Pope said he had been inspired to take the name Francis by a Brazilian colleague who embraced him and whispered "don't forget the poor" when it was announced that he had been elected Pope. He said he immediately thought of St Francis of Assisi, the Italian founder of the Franciscan Order who was devoted to the poor. As well as representing poverty and peace, he said St Francis "loved and looked after" creation - and he noted that humanity was "not having a good relationship with nature at the moment". St Francis of Assisi is said to have loved animals as his "brothers and sisters" and even to have preached to birds.


There had been speculation that Pope Francis - who was a member of the Jesuit order - had chosen his name in honour of St Francis Xavier, a 16th Century Jesuit missionary in Asia. But he said this was not the case. The new Pope's style is very different to that of his predecessor, BBC Vatican correspondent David Willey says. He talks in simple, easy to understand terms about ethical values and shows a remarkable sense of humour, our correspondent says. Earlier, the Vatican said Pope Francis would visit his predecessor Pope emeritus Benedict next week. Pope Benedict, 85, became the first Pope in 600 years to abdicate last month when he said old age and health meant he could no longer continue in the job.

BBC News - Pope Francis wants 'poor Church for the poor'
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He is a Jesuit and yes, he is a marxist. Those who follow liberation theology and support it are marxists after all. Liberation theology is obamas religion. Communism is a religion you know..... they just found a cute title for it......"Liberation"! Catchy title, eh?

Well they forced the other pope to resign 6 days after Obama announces his trip to Israel on the 20th of March ( same day Jesus took the historical ride through town on a donkey - coincidence? ) and they installed the new one just in time to line up with whatever Obama plans on doing in Israel. Will Kissinger arrange Project bluebeam to drop a hologram of a star over his head while he's there? Will he seal the deal for a new peace deal? Only Project bluebeam and Henry Kissinger know for sure! Stay tuned! - Jere'
Granny says mebbe dey could have early mass fer the poor Catholics, an' den the rich Catholics could sleep in an' go to late mass - dat would liberate the got-rocks from havin' to rub elbows with the have nots...
Pope Francis wants 'poor Church for the poor'
16 March 2013 - Pope Francis has said he wants "a poor Church, for the poor" following his election as head of the world's 1.2bn Catholics on Wednesday.
He said he chose the name Francis after 12-13th Century St Francis of Assisi, who represented "poverty and peace". He urged journalists to get to know the Church with its "virtues and sins" and to share its focus on "truth, goodness and beauty". Pope Francis takes over from Benedict XVI, who abdicated last month. The former Argentine cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, was the surprise choice of cardinals meeting in Rome to choose a new head of the Church. In his first audience at the Vatican, he said Jesus Christ and not the Pope was the centre of the Church, which he stressed was "spiritual not political" in nature. He said the Holy Spirit had inspired the resignation of Benedict XVI and guided the cardinals choosing him as the next pontiff.


The Pope on why he chose the name Francis, and the kind of Church he wants to see

The Pope said he had been inspired to take the name Francis by a Brazilian colleague who embraced him and whispered "don't forget the poor" when it was announced that he had been elected Pope. He said he immediately thought of St Francis of Assisi, the Italian founder of the Franciscan Order who was devoted to the poor. As well as representing poverty and peace, he said St Francis "loved and looked after" creation - and he noted that humanity was "not having a good relationship with nature at the moment". St Francis of Assisi is said to have loved animals as his "brothers and sisters" and even to have preached to birds.


There had been speculation that Pope Francis - who was a member of the Jesuit order - had chosen his name in honour of St Francis Xavier, a 16th Century Jesuit missionary in Asia. But he said this was not the case. The new Pope's style is very different to that of his predecessor, BBC Vatican correspondent David Willey says. He talks in simple, easy to understand terms about ethical values and shows a remarkable sense of humour, our correspondent says. Earlier, the Vatican said Pope Francis would visit his predecessor Pope emeritus Benedict next week. Pope Benedict, 85, became the first Pope in 600 years to abdicate last month when he said old age and health meant he could no longer continue in the job.

BBC News - Pope Francis wants 'poor Church for the poor'

He has a very dark countenance and looks totally evil to me. I'm serious. This is the first time I'm really looking at his face and he is one dark dude. Jesuits. lots of satanists mixed in with the Marxists you know. Karl Marx is buried in Highgate cemetary and satanists perform rituals at his gravesite to this very day.. they are hoping to tap into his powers. Karl Marx was a high priest for the satanic church and the soviets kept this secret for years until Richard Wurmbrand came out with his book that rocked the communist world. The name of the book is Marx & Satan by Richard Wurmbrand and you can order it at VOM ( Voice of the Martyrs ) He is the founder of VOM. Another great book for outing the Jesuit satanists is Father Malachi Martin who wrote the book Windswept House to let the world know about the satanic element of the Jesuits - liberation theology - communists inside the vatican that were taking over - doing satanic rituals right there in the vatican! He was a witness to it. Actually I believe Malachi Martin was a bishop. He told the pope he could not stay while that was going on and moved to Israel where he stayed until he died. He said the book was true. He wrote it as a novel in order to keep others from being murdered for his telling of what they were into. - Jeremiah
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I do believe the other pope was forced to resign as he was quite vocal in his condemnation of liberation theology, marxism, communism, and Islam. Obama wanted him out of there from the day he stepped into the oval office. There was no secret about that. Funny how Obama schedules his trip to israel march 20th and in between that time the anti communist pope steps down and the pope that replaces him is a marxist that follows exact same ideas as Obama. Things that make you wonder, eh?
He is a Jesuit and yes, he is a marxist. Those who follow liberation theology and support it are marxists after all. Liberation theology is obamas religion. Communism is a religion you know..... they just found a cute title for it......"Liberation"! Catchy title, eh?

Well they forced the other pope to resign 6 days after Obama announces his trip to Israel on the 20th of March ( same day Jesus took the historical ride through town on a donkey - coincidence? ) and they installed the new one just in time to line up with whatever Obama plans on doing in Israel. Will Kissinger arrange Project bluebeam to drop a hologram of a star over his head while he's there? Will he seal the deal for a new peace deal? Only Project bluebeam and Henry Kissinger know for sure! Stay tuned! - Jere'

Yes, anyone who thinks that the poor should have the same rights to an education as the wealthy, or anyone who believes that the poor should have access to adequate healthcare just like the wealthy, or anyone who believes that the poor should not be left to fend for themselves in shanty towns and slums the likes of those in New Dehli, Mumbai, or even those in Buenos Aries, those are your dastardly Communists. Beware them because they are coming for you.
There's a difference between ensuring that black and latino children don't suffer from inferior educational facilities and overpriced healthcare, as opposed to giving them handouts (Marxism redistribution). There's a difference between creating programs to loan money at low interest and LOWER taxes to increase small business and employment, as opposed to giving them free housing.

Not every attempt to help the poor is Marxist, it's how you do it.

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