Postage stamps too dangerous for children's eyes~!


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
Courtesy of Walter Olson of the Cato Institute and Overlawyered comes this silly piece of news regarding a series of postage stamps meant to commemorate first lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” youth anti-obesity program. The existence of the postage stamps in the first place is not the silly news, though it certainly is silly. No, the United States Postal Service (heavily in debt, mind you) is destroying the entire run of stamps because some of the activities illustrated on them have been deemed unsafe:

“Three of the stamps in the fifteen stamp series raised safety concerns among sports figures on the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. The stamps in question depicted children performing a cannonball dive, skateboarding without kneepads, and doing a headstand without a helmet. The unsafe depictions came to light after USPS Marketing chief Nagisa Manabe asked Michelle Obama to take part in a first day ceremony for the stamps. That was apparently the first time the stamps had been reviewed by the Sports Council.”

Cannonballs! Headstands without helmets! The horrors!

When Postage Stamps Are Too Dangerous for Children?s Eyes - Hit & Run :
Sure the USPS is bleeding money, we have a huge national deficit and these idiots are destroying stamps because it might encourage some kid to do a head stand without a helmet? WTF has the USA lost it's collective mind?

This I did as a kid and survived:

yard gymnastic's without a helmet.

riding a bicycle without a helmet

Hopped fences;I ripped the seat of my pants more than one time doing that.

drinking from the hose

Ate food without an expiration date on the label. If the milk smelled right and tasted right, you drank it.

climbed trees

wandered the neighborhood

Whittled sticks with a jack knife

played jarts (pointy shaped dart type game similar to horse shoes)

A good ass whoopin didn't hurt any of us mentally,it kept us in line and taught us to respect authority.

Went barefoot everywhere in the summer.

played games with real balls not nerf balls

had jungle gyms,tall slides, those things that you spin until you fall off

Rollerskated indoors and out without a helmet

took St Joseph baby asprin, I never knew anyone who ever got Rhye Syndrome

skate boarded without protection

I started cooking at age 10

I was a latch key kid and came home everyday by myself to an empty house at age 10.

Ate pizza that sat on the coffee table all night

Ate butter that was kept in the cabinette in a butter dish and not the frig. You just had to keep it in a cool,dry place.

my boloney sandwich with mayo sat in my unrefrigerated lunch box all morning,just sayin.

My thermos had a glass lining. As a matter of fact pretty much everything came in a glass or tin container.We were green before it was cool,lol. My Parents thought I had enough good sense to be careful.

baited my own fish hook

cut my own food

My sister pierced her ears using a frozen chicken leg and a needle. As a matter of fact quite a few of my GF's pierced their own ears.

and I certainly did cannonballs into the water.

Either we should wrap our kids in bubble wrap until they are 18 or stop being whiney bitches and let them be kids. Getting hurt is a lesson learned. I can tell you after I hit a wall sled riding(no helmet and had a dislocated nose) I never went down a steep hill on a sheet of Ice again. Oh and when the doctor snapped my nose back into place he didn't numb anything up, he just said this will pinch a bit and voila it was straight again.
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Remember Jungle Gyms that were set up over bare concrete? Games of Smear the Queer overseen by the PE teacher? Parents telling you to be out of the house by 9am and not to be home before dinner?
Sometimes I run with scissors.
Well, walk briskly anyway...
When my friends would visit, we always went to the river. We told my mother that another friend's parents were there but they were not. We would swim in the river with no supervision. I don't know what kept us from getting killed.

I know my own kids did dangerous stuff. A few years ago I told them that they had reached the age that people tell their parents what they REALLY did. After a few of their stories, I told them to stop. I couldn't listen to any more of it.

This country has become sick. Really sick.
Sure the USPS is bleeding money, we have a huge national deficit and these idiots are destroying stamps because it might encourage some kid to do a head stand without a helmet? WTF has the USA lost it's collective mind?

This I did as a kid and survived:

yard gymnastic's without a helmet.

riding a bicycle without a helmet

Hopped fences;I ripped the seat of my pants more than one time doing that.

drinking from the hose

Ate food without an expiration date on the label. If the milk smelled right and tasted right, you drank it.

climbed trees

wandered the neighborhood

Whittled sticks with a jack knife

played jarts (pointy shaped dart type game similar to horse shoes)

A good ass whoopin didn't hurt any of us mentally,it kept us in line and taught us to respect authority.

Went barefoot everywhere in the summer.

played games with real balls not nerf balls

had jungle gyms,tall slides, those things that you spin until you fall off

Rollerskated indoors and out without a helmet

took St Joseph baby asprin, I never knew anyone who ever got Rhye Syndrome

skate boarded without protection

I started cooking at age 10

I was a latch key kid and came home everyday by myself to an empty house at age 10.

Ate pizza that sat on the coffee table all night

Ate butter that was kept in the cabinette in a butter dish and not the frig. You just had to keep it in a cool,dry place.

my boloney sandwich with mayo sat in my unrefrigerated lunch box all morning,just sayin.

My thermos had a glass lining. As a matter of fact pretty much everything came in a glass or tin container.We were green before it was cool,lol. My Parents thought I had enough good sense to be careful.

baited my own fish hook

cut my own food

My sister pierced her ears using a frozen chicken leg and a needle. As a matter of fact quite a few of my GF's pierced their own ears.

and I certainly did cannonballs into the water.

Either we should wrap our kids in bubble wrap until they are 18 or stop being whiney bitches and let them be kids. Getting hurt is a lesson learned. I can tell you after I hit a wall sled riding(no helmet and had a dislocated nose) I never went down a steep hill on a sheet of Ice again. Oh and when the doctor snapped my nose back into place he didn't numb anything up, he just said this will pinch a bit and voila it was straight again.

that was the good old days

did most of that add and

rode horses rode horses swimming across lakes rode horses on roadways

shot sling shots bows and arrows and "jarts"

played with fireworks firecrackers and made Polish bazookas
When my friends would visit, we always went to the river. We told my mother that another friend's parents were there but they were not. We would swim in the river with no supervision. I don't know what kept us from getting killed.

I know my own kids did dangerous stuff. A few years ago I told them that they had reached the age that people tell their parents what they REALLY did. After a few of their stories, I told them to stop. I couldn't listen to any more of it.

This country has become sick. Really sick.

its odd that the kiddies would be compelled to do hand stands -cannon balls and run a

skateboard without a helmet

because of viewing crudely drawn stamps

yet those same kiddies suffer no ill effects from the violence pumped

out to them via Hollywood on a daily basis
Remember Jungle Gyms that were set up over bare concrete? Games of Smear the Queer overseen by the PE teacher? Parents telling you to be out of the house by 9am and not to be home before dinner?

My Mom kicked me out of the house all the time. We had a fire siren that went off at noon and six o'clock. All the neighborhood kids would be at the play ground and the siren would go off with the long whistle and it everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and went home to eat. Until then we were to be outside. Oddly enough when I did something wrong she always found out about it. It seems the neighborhood mothers had a system of calling eachother and reporting what trouble we got into. lol
When my friends would visit, we always went to the river. We told my mother that another friend's parents were there but they were not. We would swim in the river with no supervision. I don't know what kept us from getting killed.

I know my own kids did dangerous stuff. A few years ago I told them that they had reached the age that people tell their parents what they REALLY did. After a few of their stories, I told them to stop. I couldn't listen to any more of it.

This country has become sick. Really sick.

Kids back in the day were given rules and responsibilities and expected to follow through with them. I played near the river but I knew better then to go in because the current was bad. We never went near the Railroad tracks even though it wasn't fenced in, or got to close to the incinerators when they were lit(Outdoor cinderblock fire pits used by businesses to burn their garbage.). How did we survive? We weren't stupid.
I guess the liberal lefty loons want kids during playground recess to be covered in bubble wrap and to just stand in place so they won't get hurt. .. :doubt:
When my friends would visit, we always went to the river. We told my mother that another friend's parents were there but they were not. We would swim in the river with no supervision. I don't know what kept us from getting killed.

I know my own kids did dangerous stuff. A few years ago I told them that they had reached the age that people tell their parents what they REALLY did. After a few of their stories, I told them to stop. I couldn't listen to any more of it.

This country has become sick. Really sick.

its odd that the kiddies would be compelled to do hand stands -cannon balls and run a

skateboard without a helmet

because of viewing crudely drawn stamps

yet those same kiddies suffer no ill effects from the violence pumped

out to them via Hollywood on a daily basis

Exactly. most of said children play grand theft auto. Well except my kids because I refused to get that type of video game in the first place. I'm such a mean mom. lol
I guess the liberal lefty loons want kids during playground recess to be covered in bubble wrap and to just stand in place so they won't get hurt. .. :doubt:

Yup, and when you do that what happens? Our kids become fat,whiney little cupcakes that can't tell the difference between a video game and real life.
Seriously, what this site needs is more anecdotal comments about how far members had to walk to school in 10 foot snowdrifts 100 years ago...

"When I was a kid we didn't have any fancy shmancy helmets, we just took headers into the asphalt and opened are brains on the street! AND WE LIKED IT!"
Seriously, what this site needs is more anecdotal comments about how far members had to walk to school in 10 foot snowdrifts 100 years ago...


Actually it was a 1/4 mile one way and yes we did walk in the snow cause most kids were walkers. We only had two school buses, one for kindergarteners and one for everyone else. I missed the bus route zone by two streets. School also didn't cancel at the first flake,they waited until there was a couple of inches on the ground and a few more expected before they canceled out. Oh and we threw snowballs at eachother all the way home.
Seriously, what this site needs is more anecdotal comments about how far members had to walk to school in 10 foot snowdrifts 100 years ago...


that was to and from school

it was up hill both ways btw
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