Predict the Electoral Vote

Harris needs at least a 4% advantage in the popular vote to overcome Trump's advantage in the Electoral College. My prediction is that she wins the popular vote by 2%, and loses in the Electoral College, so Trump will be our next president.

I want Trump to lose, because my hatred for him is visceral. :mad:
This election year is 2016.
When I get a rent increase, I do not blame Harris. I blame my landlord. :mad:
Typical leftist. Prices are higher on everything due to leftist policies. I bet you also want to vote for Harris because she wants to pass price gouging legislation even as she admits that there is no price gouging contributing to today's high prices.

The economy tanking? What do you call a soft landing from COVID related supply chain issues with low unemployment and solid GDP gains.

The stock markets tanking? Tanking is recording record highs.

We can't live anymore? Hilariously idiotic.

A belief in crime? The FBI just released a report that crime is down.

Wars and immigrants? Find a rock bud.
I think we should get rid of the Electoral College. But, I guess that's a subject for a different thread.
You want California and New York to elect the President every single time? Elect people in the popular vote and no one will campaign anywhere else in the country? Nebraska is in contention right now over whether to deliver all five electoral votes winner take all or by Congressional district. If you go by popular vote, Nebraska will matter about .1%.
269-269. The election then goes to the House as per Constitutional provisions. Popular election of the President or Senate was never intended by the Framers..

The economy tanking? What do you call a soft landing from COVID related supply chain issues with low unemployment and solid GDP gains.

The stock markets tanking? Tanking is recording record highs.

We can't live anymore? Hilariously idiotic.

A belief in crime? The FBI just released a report that crime is down.

Wars and immigrants? Find a rock bud.
The fed was so worried about the economy tanking they lowered interest rates by 50 points and plan to lower more. Unemployment is going up and consumer confidence is going way down.

I think we should get rid of the Electoral College. But, I guess that's a subject for a different thread.
You need a constitutional amendment for that and the small population states aren't going to agree to it because then they'd have no political power on the national stage.

The economy tanking? What do you call a soft landing from COVID related supply chain issues with low unemployment and solid GDP gains.

The stock markets tanking? Tanking is recording record highs.
Yep. GDP (3.0%) is higher than Trumps' when COVID hit (2.3%), stock market at all time high.

You're dealing with the alternate universe here. It's what they're told, and they won't question it for the slightest moment.

There's no way to communicate with that.
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If the Left (CIA, Iran etc.) doesn't assassinate him first:

Trump AT LEAST 312.

First Republican to win the popular vote since 1988.


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