Predict the Electoral Vote

The fact that they haven’t won the popular vote in almost 40 years doesn’t really align with the claim that the GOP is the “silent majority”…..

The fact they're about to in six weeks doesn't really align with your grasp of reality.
Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 9.44.34 AM.png

PA is the KEY.
269-269. The election then goes to the House as per Constitutional provisions. Popular election of the President or Senate was never intended by the Framers..
There are lots of things that were never intended by The Framers.
1) They never intended for Blacks to be free citizens---only slaves. So, they didn't intend for them to vote. Blacks got voting rights after the Civil War. (Some of them did)
2) They never intended for women to have the right to vote.
3) They never intended for poor people who didn't own property to be able to vote.
4) They never intended for Native Americans to vote. They weren't given citizenship rights until 1924.

I sure am glad there have been amendments to correct these things overlooked by The Framers.

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