
Republicans are going to get demolished in the midterm elections. The reason they were put into power in the first place was to repeal Obamacare. The fact that congress has been so impotent in doing anything on healthcare will ultimately lead to their demise. Trump still has a chance in 2020, but that hinges on the economy and a southern boarder wall.

they are going to lose in the primary

challengers like trump will step up to bat

as with the leftists it is time to drain the swamp

also true that parasitic progressives reside in the Republican party

that need to be drained as well
How much is the far right willing to take?

They have been promised a repeal of Obamacare, a balanced budget, reduced debt, tax reform, a big beautiful wall

They will have none of it by 2018

The far right did not promise to repeal, the Republican party did.
Too funny

It's not just a right wing sentiment to want to get rid of Obamacare. Everyone who was paying for insurance saw their premiums go up while Medicaid expanded and Obamacare insurance started. The thing was a massive transfer of wealth scheme. The thing is people with Obamacare want to opt out. They aren't happy. That's what socialism is - no one is happy.

Yet, the Republican alternative would have raised premiums 20% and thrown tens of millions off of healthcare

Doesn't conventional wisdom tell you that if you throw tens of millions off their insurance that other people are paying for then the cost to the people paying will go down?
Republicans are going to get demolished in the midterm elections. The reason they were put into power in the first place was to repeal Obamacare. The fact that congress has been so impotent in doing anything on healthcare will ultimately lead to their demise. Trump still has a chance in 2020, but that hinges on the economy and a southern boarder wall.
So people are going to vote Dim because they want Obamacare repealed?


No but people will stay at home
Wish we would focus on the now, start looking at the people put in high office & see what kind of job they are doing. are things being put in place that help Americans, or just help the 1%? if there are things that help the average American what are they. just yelling at each other accomplish nothing.
Obama watching Republicans try to repeal Obamacare

The Supreme Court will continue to be an issue. If the Democrats take over congress I expect any nominations in 2019 to be voted down and any in 2020 not to even be called before congress.
Trump watching Republicans try to repeal Obamacare

Republicans are going to get demolished in the midterm elections. The reason they were put into power in the first place was to repeal Obamacare. The fact that congress has been so impotent in doing anything on healthcare will ultimately lead to their demise. Trump still has a chance in 2020, but that hinges on the economy and a southern boarder wall.

I'm sure voters will rush right out and vote for Hillary's party :eusa_think: oh wait, they won't. :laugh:
How much is the far right willing to take?

They have been promised a repeal of Obamacare, a balanced budget, reduced debt, tax reform, a big beautiful wall

They will have none of it by 2018

The far right did not promise to repeal, the Republican party did.
Too funny
Is Hillary laughing?

Obama is laughing at your pathetic attempt to repeal Obamacare?
/----/ And Hitler's laughed at the British who tried to defeat him.
Republicans aren't going to get demolished by democrats. They might be demolished by being primaried out by better republicans.
Republicans aren't going to get demolished by democrats. They might be demolished by being primaried out by better republicans.

Okay but...never underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory they have done it many times. They attempted to lose to Hillary only months ago, fortunately Trump whipped their ass and Hillary's.
How much is the far right willing to take?

They have been promised a repeal of Obamacare, a balanced budget, reduced debt, tax reform, a big beautiful wall

They will have none of it by 2018

The far right did not promise to repeal, the Republican party did.
Too funny

It's not just a right wing sentiment to want to get rid of Obamacare. Everyone who was paying for insurance saw their premiums go up while Medicaid expanded and Obamacare insurance started. The thing was a massive transfer of wealth scheme. The thing is people with Obamacare want to opt out. They aren't happy. That's what socialism is - no one is happy.

Yet, the Republican alternative would have raised premiums 20% and thrown tens of millions off of healthcare
Yes tens of millions that never wanted Obamacare and resent paying high premiums for other people.
Republicans are going to get demolished in the midterm elections. The reason they were put into power in the first place was to repeal Obamacare. The fact that congress has been so impotent in doing anything on healthcare will ultimately lead to their demise. Trump still has a chance in 2020, but that hinges on the economy and a southern boarder wall.
Sorry, but I disagree. The fact Trump is an ineffectual boob dosen't matter, the reason people voted republican is because they feel disenfranchised and ineffectual already, and this feeds into a larger sense of frustration. By hook or by crook, the huge differences between liberals conservatives will have to be resolved.
How much is the far right willing to take?

They have been promised a repeal of Obamacare, a balanced budget, reduced debt, tax reform, a big beautiful wall

They will have none of it by 2018

The far right did not promise to repeal, the Republican party did.
Too funny
Is Hillary laughing?

Obama is laughing at your pathetic attempt to repeal Obamacare?
/----/ And Hitler's laughed at the British who tried to defeat him.

Can Trump accomplish anything?
How much is the far right willing to take?

They have been promised a repeal of Obamacare, a balanced budget, reduced debt, tax reform, a big beautiful wall

They will have none of it by 2018

The far right did not promise to repeal, the Republican party did.
Too funny

It's not just a right wing sentiment to want to get rid of Obamacare. Everyone who was paying for insurance saw their premiums go up while Medicaid expanded and Obamacare insurance started. The thing was a massive transfer of wealth scheme. The thing is people with Obamacare want to opt out. They aren't happy. That's what socialism is - no one is happy.

Yet, the Republican alternative would have raised premiums 20% and thrown tens of millions off of healthcare
Yes tens of millions that never wanted Obamacare and resent paying high premiums for other people.

You need to get with the times
55% approve of Obamacare and only 17% want it repealed
The far right did not promise to repeal, the Republican party did.
Too funny
Is Hillary laughing?

Obama is laughing at your pathetic attempt to repeal Obamacare?
/----/ And Hitler's laughed at the British who tried to defeat him.

Can Trump accomplish anything?
/---/ he placed a true conservative on the USSC and is eliminating 16 regs from the CFR for every new one issued. That's for starters.
The far right did not promise to repeal, the Republican party did.
Too funny

It's not just a right wing sentiment to want to get rid of Obamacare. Everyone who was paying for insurance saw their premiums go up while Medicaid expanded and Obamacare insurance started. The thing was a massive transfer of wealth scheme. The thing is people with Obamacare want to opt out. They aren't happy. That's what socialism is - no one is happy.

Yet, the Republican alternative would have raised premiums 20% and thrown tens of millions off of healthcare
Yes tens of millions that never wanted Obamacare and resent paying high premiums for other people.

You need to get with the times
55% approve of Obamacare and only 17% want it repealed
/---/ Trump was elected on repealing obozocare now everybody loves it? Are you that gullible?
The far right did not promise to repeal, the Republican party did.
Too funny
Is Hillary laughing?

Obama is laughing at your pathetic attempt to repeal Obamacare?
/----/ And Hitler's laughed at the British who tried to defeat him.

Can Trump accomplish anything?
He already has. A Supreme Court justice, a travel ban, and he has you in a panic.
Republicans are going to get demolished in the midterm elections. The reason they were put into power in the first place was to repeal Obamacare. The fact that congress has been so impotent in doing anything on healthcare will ultimately lead to their demise. Trump still has a chance in 2020, but that hinges on the economy and a southern boarder wall.
More predictions of the demise of the Republicans, when will you guys learn?

The Republicans won because the Democrats suck even more. That is all.

The democrats lost on the local, state and federal level. the worm will turn but not because Obamacare didn't get repealed, that is NOT why Republicans won. That line of thinking is just more left wing BS and wishful thinking.

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