
How much is the far right willing to take?

They have been promised a repeal of Obamacare, a balanced budget, reduced debt, tax reform, a big beautiful wall

They will have none of it by 2018
I get to tell what the right thinks, not you. We were promised a country without Hillary and that is exactly what we got. We gave the establishment the big middle finger and it feels so good. Just seeing the left crying is great but having Hillary whine is just icing on the cake.

Obama is laughing at your pathetic attempt to repeal Obamacare?
/----/ And Hitler's laughed at the British who tried to defeat him.

Can Trump accomplish anything?
/---/ he placed a true conservative on the USSC and is eliminating 16 regs from the CFR for every new one issued. That's for starters.
Republicans stole a seat

No honor in that
How much is the far right willing to take?

They have been promised a repeal of Obamacare, a balanced budget, reduced debt, tax reform, a big beautiful wall

They will have none of it by 2018
I get to tell what the right thinks, not you. We were promised a country without Hillary and that is exactly what we got. We gave the establishment the big middle finger and it feels so good. Just seeing the left crying is great but having Hillary whine is just icing on the cake.
That made for a great night didn't it?
But what do you have to show for it?

Does the right ever grow tired of being played for fools?
Republicans are going to get demolished in the midterm elections. The reason they were put into power in the first place was to repeal Obamacare. The fact that congress has been so impotent in doing anything on healthcare will ultimately lead to their demise. Trump still has a chance in 2020, but that hinges on the economy and a southern boarder wall.
You are correct that the Republicans will not do as well as they should given their built-in advantage with gerrymandered constituencies but not for the reason you say. Most voters would want to keep the Affordable Care Act and it must be doubted that they voted Republican because they wanted to be dropped from health coverage. Rather, the reason Democrats will get support is because they look more efficient and caring in government and Americans are generally embarrassed with Donald Trump.
Is Hillary laughing?

Obama is laughing at your pathetic attempt to repeal Obamacare?
/----/ And Hitler's laughed at the British who tried to defeat him.

Can Trump accomplish anything?
/---/ he placed a true conservative on the USSC and is eliminating 16 regs from the CFR for every new one issued. That's for starters.
Republicans stole a seat

No honor in that
/----/ Stole a seat?? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Obama is laughing at your pathetic attempt to repeal Obamacare?
/----/ And Hitler's laughed at the British who tried to defeat him.

Can Trump accomplish anything?
/---/ he placed a true conservative on the USSC and is eliminating 16 regs from the CFR for every new one issued. That's for starters.
Republicans stole a seat

No honor in that
/----/ Stole a seat?? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Republicans are going to get demolished in the midterm elections. The reason they were put into power in the first place was to repeal Obamacare. The fact that congress has been so impotent in doing anything on healthcare will ultimately lead to their demise. Trump still has a chance in 2020, but that hinges on the economy and a southern boarder wall.
You are correct that the Republicans will not do as well as they should given their built-in advantage with gerrymandered constituencies but not for the reason you say. Most voters would want to keep the Affordable Care Act and it must be doubted that they voted Republican because they wanted to be dropped from health coverage. Rather, the reason Democrats will get support is because they look more efficient and caring in government and Americans are generally embarrassed with Donald Trump.

If those tax cuts go through the Democrats are toast, burnt toast.
Republicans are going to get demolished in the midterm elections. The reason they were put into power in the first place was to repeal Obamacare. The fact that congress has been so impotent in doing anything on healthcare will ultimately lead to their demise. Trump still has a chance in 2020, but that hinges on the economy and a southern boarder wall.
You are correct that the Republicans will not do as well as they should given their built-in advantage with gerrymandered constituencies but not for the reason you say. Most voters would want to keep the Affordable Care Act and it must be doubted that they voted Republican because they wanted to be dropped from health coverage. Rather, the reason Democrats will get support is because they look more efficient and caring in government and Americans are generally embarrassed with Donald Trump.

If those tax cuts go through the Democrats are toast, burnt toast.
You really think Republicans are capable of passing legislation?
Tax cuts mean debt increase which means you can't use reconciliation and need 60 votes in the Senate
I would think people would have learned the lesson about making election predictions by now.

You guys really need to shut the fuck up already. It's politics people are going to make predictions about elections. We get it, trump won and a lot of people were wrong. Let's move on from stupid talking points.
I would think people would have learned the lesson about making election predictions by now.

You guys really need to shut the fuck up already. It's politics people are going to make predictions about elections. We get it, trump won and a lot of people were wrong. Let's move on from stupid talking points.
And you guys really need to realize that making election predictions over a year before an election is fucking stupid and always will be. But hey if it helps you get through the day have a blast
I would think people would have learned the lesson about making election predictions by now.

You guys really need to shut the fuck up already. It's politics people are going to make predictions about elections. We get it, trump won and a lot of people were wrong. Let's move on from stupid talking points.
And you guys really need to realize that making election predictions over a year before an election is fucking stupid and always will be. But hey if it helps you get through the day have a blast

Ok I apologize for being rude. Yes it's a bit early to know what is going to happen by the midterms, but speculating on what's going to happen in the future maybe interesting for some. It's a little annoying whenever someone makes a prediction another person has to take the wind out of their sail by bringing up trump. I say this and keep in mind, I voted for trump.

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