*Prepare The Nukes: Aim Them At Mecca NOW!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Tomorrow is the tenth year since arab *fuckchops* attacked America.
2. I think the military should be ready.
3. *Lock And Load* my fellows.
4. Lets not be caught flat footed again men.:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

How would that prevent a 911?

1. For one, the *crazy fuckchops* would know if they attack USA, then Mecca goes, *bye-bye*.
2. Its the least we should be doing, so, *Lets do it*!!!!
3. I think if we were real men, we wouldn't think twice about having this threat over the *crazy fuckchops* heads.

Sorry bout that,

How would that prevent a 911?

Since all terrorists are Muslim, if you destroy Mecca, you destroy Islam and all terrorism goes away.

Conservative logic is a wonderful thing.

1. *Liberal Logic* says, "Hey lets all go to the windows of the high rise buildings in NYC, and just watch what happens"
2. And if anything does happen, lets just lay down and die.
3. Needing a building to fall on them in order to wonder what to do, and after the fact, it does not matter.

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Sorry bout that,

How would that prevent a 911?

1. For one, the *crazy fuckchops* would know if they attack USA, then Mecca goes, *bye-bye*.
2. Its the least we should be doing, so, *Lets do it*!!!!
3. I think if we were real men, we wouldn't think twice about having this threat over the *crazy fuckchops* heads.


Threats are useless if we are not prepared to carry them out and the response from Russia and China might be to launch some our way.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

How would that prevent a 911?

1. For one, the *crazy fuckchops* would know if they attack USA, then Mecca goes, *bye-bye*.
2. Its the least we should be doing, so, *Lets do it*!!!!
3. I think if we were real men, we wouldn't think twice about having this threat over the *crazy fuckchops* heads.


Threats are useless if we are not prepared to carry them out and the response from Russia and China might be to launch some our way.

1. If Moscow or Beijing, were attacked like we were I am sure Mecca would already be dust.
2. And they wouldn't be sitting on their hands right now either, ten years after.
3. And China would dust another city tomorrow, just for good measure.
4. Russia more than likely would as well.

Sorry bout that,
i hope you're just kidding mate. You do realize the ramifications of such an action right? american interests and citizens would be targeted all over the world , there would be a violent backlash from the millions of muslims all over the world..China just needs an excuse to bomb a country. fuck em.
Sorry bout that,

How would that prevent a 911?

Since all terrorists are Muslim, if you destroy Mecca, you destroy Islam and all terrorism goes away.

Conservative logic is a wonderful thing.

1. *Liberal Logic* says, "Hey lets all go to the windows of the high rise buildings in NYC, and just watch what happens"
2. And if anything does happen, lets just lay down and die.
3. Needing a building to fall on them in order to wonder what to do, and after the fact, it does not matter.


just like Bush did.
Sorry bout that,

i hope you're just kidding mate. You do realize the ramifications of such an action right? american interests and citizens would be targeted all over the world , there would be a violent backlash from the millions of muslims all over the world..China just needs an excuse to bomb a country. fuck em.

1. Nope not kidding mate.
2. We are already seeing the ramifications, so what would change?
3. China and Russia also have *the muslim problem*.
4. *The muslim problem* is all over the planet, there is no part of the globe which doesn't have it.
5. China, Russia, and USA will gang up on *the muslims*, sooner or later.:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Tomorrow is the tenth year since arab *Fuckchops* attacked America.
2. I think the military should be ready.
3. *Lock and Load* my fellows.
4. Lets not be caught flat footed again men.:eusa_hand:


frightened little man

1. No, not, just not into political correctness.
2. We all know that islam is the problem, just read their book, and look at the poor buggers.
3. Unless Americans learn to open their eyes, they will just continue to be *victims*.

You are a maniac, you are no different than the faggots who commited 9/11, please eat a shit sandwich, shit it out, make another shit sandwich and eat that. :thup:
Dropping the World Trade Centre destroyed capitalism.
Bombing the Eiffel Tower would destroy the French.
Blowing up the Tower Of London would put an end to England.
A fire at the Guiness factory would end Ireland...that one might be true...

Anyone can play this game...
Sorry bout that,

You are a maniac, you are no different than the faggots who commited 9/11, please eat a shit sandwich, shit it out, make another shit sandwich and eat that. :thup:

1. Still using the, *one liner* posting method eh homo?
2. Are you missing the gay parade in SF, California?
3. Everyone here actually knows your a fag now.
4. Might as well come out.

Ok, the "fuckchop" thing was funny at one time but now you are relying on it to camouflage a retarded thread.
Sorry bout that,

i hope you're just kidding mate. You do realize the ramifications of such an action right? american interests and citizens would be targeted all over the world , there would be a violent backlash from the millions of muslims all over the world..China just needs an excuse to bomb a country. fuck em.

1. Nope not kidding mate.
2. We are already seeing the ramifications, so what would change?
3. China and Russia also have *the muslim problem*.
4. *The muslim problem* is all over the planet, there is no part of the globe which doesn't have it.5. China, Russia, and USA will gang up on *the muslims*, sooner or later.:eusa_hand:


How many Muslims are in Antartica?

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