President and First Lady send condolences to family of Missouri teen Michael Brown

Did Obama send condolences to every family that lost someone everyday?

No? What a bastard!

Did he take the first opportunity to pander to race baiters and exploit the death of a kid to flame hatred towards whitie?

Yes. What a bastard!

Yeah because everyone was cool with that kid getting murdered....Until Obama said something!!! :evil:

You do love the good death of a black kid when there's a pandering opportunity. So does Obama. He's not pro-black, he just likes to exploit them.
Par for the course on this board. Obama releases a statement where he doesn't place blame on anyone, just says that the death is "heartbreaking" and urges people in Ferguson and elsewhere to basically calm down and talk instead of fight, and this board goes "He's race baiting! He's trying to incite riots in the streets! What a scumbag!"

Has it occurred to any of you that Obama only released a statement to try to calm down a very volatile situation? Maybe THAT'S why he chose to say something about this particular death?

For fuck's sake you guys, seriously, stop being so goddamn stupid all the time.
Then why the fuck doesn't BOBO take off his golf gear and go to Ferg. and tell the fucking simians to stop making themselves once again look like they have just climbed down from the tree tops?
B/c he knows they don't have the collective IQ to even begin to comprehend what a bunch of savages they look like to the rest of the world.
Ya right. He wants a photo op with a bunch of ******* 'flashing' gang signs behind his back.
You said that last time and you are ignoring how often this happens to make it seem equal.

Even more than that.. how many blacks are killed by blacks... daily?

A helluva lot more than this. And yet you race hustlers remain silent.

By remain silent what do you mean? Or are you not aware that no one is remaining silent?

Uh, I meant what I said... do you really require further explanation?

Did he take the first opportunity to pander to race baiters and exploit the death of a kid to flame hatred towards whitie?

Yes. What a bastard!

Yeah because everyone was cool with that kid getting murdered....Until Obama said something!!! :evil:

You do love the good death of a black kid when there's a pandering opportunity. So does Obama. He's not pro-black, he just likes to exploit them.

Boom, like that.
Did he take the first opportunity to pander to race baiters and exploit the death of a kid to flame hatred towards whitie?

Yes. What a bastard!

Yeah because everyone was cool with that kid getting murdered....Until Obama said something!!! :evil:

You do love the good death of a black kid when there's a pandering opportunity. So does Obama. He's not pro-black, he just likes to exploit them.

Yes we all do we were just waiting until Obama said something to act outraged about. :D
Witness To Michael Brown's Shooting Opens Up: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal'

Just days before he was supposed to head to college, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by a police officer in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri.

Ferguson police have yet to speak with witness Dorian Johnson, Michael Brown's friend who was with him at the time of the shooting, however NBC News interviewed the 22-year-old about the events leading up to Brown's death.

Johnson clocked the altercation with the officer at about 2 p.m. on Saturday, while he and Brown were walking in their neighborhood.

He said the confrontation quickly escalated from the officer ordering them onto the sidewalk to grabbing hold of Brown and threatening him with his weapon. After an initial shot was fired, both Brown and Johnson ran, the former ducking behind a car.

Johnson offered an emotional account of the incident, saying Brown turned to the officer with his hands in the air to explain he was unarmed but was unable to finish before the officer fired several shots at him. Johnson said he never once heard "freeze," "stop" or "hold."

More: Witness To Michael Brown's Shooting Opens Up: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal'

How many gangbangers are headed to college? Just imagine the sacrifices this kid's parents probably made for him to be headed to college.
If this cop murdered this young man. Like I said earlier, I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison. A lot of the witnesses are saying that he outright murdered this young man.

I am NOT talking about Brown here. I am talking about the black community using this as a reason to attack whites and burn businesses down.
Witness To Michael Brown's Shooting Opens Up: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal'

Just days before he was supposed to head to college, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by a police officer in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri.

Ferguson police have yet to speak with witness Dorian Johnson, Michael Brown's friend who was with him at the time of the shooting, however NBC News interviewed the 22-year-old about the events leading up to Brown's death.

Johnson clocked the altercation with the officer at about 2 p.m. on Saturday, while he and Brown were walking in their neighborhood.

He said the confrontation quickly escalated from the officer ordering them onto the sidewalk to grabbing hold of Brown and threatening him with his weapon. After an initial shot was fired, both Brown and Johnson ran, the former ducking behind a car.

Johnson offered an emotional account of the incident, saying Brown turned to the officer with his hands in the air to explain he was unarmed but was unable to finish before the officer fired several shots at him. Johnson said he never once heard "freeze," "stop" or "hold."

More: Witness To Michael Brown's Shooting Opens Up: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal'

How many gangbangers are headed to college? Just imagine the sacrifices this kid's parents probably made for him to be headed to college.

If this is true. I hope the cop gets the fucking death penalty. Still nothing justifies the looting and destruction of innocent peoples property!
It's campaign season and democrats are in trouble. Obama and Co. are delighted with this gift. Liekhota will do her part by post innuendo and gossip to inflame the lie.
Witness To Michael Brown's Shooting Opens Up: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal'

Just days before he was supposed to head to college, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot by a police officer in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri.

Ferguson police have yet to speak with witness Dorian Johnson, Michael Brown's friend who was with him at the time of the shooting, however NBC News interviewed the 22-year-old about the events leading up to Brown's death.

Johnson clocked the altercation with the officer at about 2 p.m. on Saturday, while he and Brown were walking in their neighborhood.

He said the confrontation quickly escalated from the officer ordering them onto the sidewalk to grabbing hold of Brown and threatening him with his weapon. After an initial shot was fired, both Brown and Johnson ran, the former ducking behind a car.

Johnson offered an emotional account of the incident, saying Brown turned to the officer with his hands in the air to explain he was unarmed but was unable to finish before the officer fired several shots at him. Johnson said he never once heard "freeze," "stop" or "hold."

More: Witness To Michael Brown's Shooting Opens Up: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal'

How many gangbangers are headed to college? Just imagine the sacrifices this kid's parents probably made for him to be headed to college.

If this is true. I hope the cop gets the fucking death penalty. Still nothing justifies the looting and destruction of innocent peoples property!

I agree. The mayor of Ferguson said the looters were out-of-towners.

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