President and First Lady send condolences to family of Missouri teen Michael Brown

You do love the good death of a black kid when there's a pandering opportunity. So does Obama. He's not pro-black, he just likes to exploit them.

Yes we all do we were just waiting until Obama said something to act outraged about. :D

So why do you condone vandalism, riots, and looting?

I dont allow it but I understand that when people are wronged and they dont have a voice they get frustrated. This is the result.

Your turn:

Why this entire time have you focused on the response and not the murder?
In an interview on Tuesday with MSNBC, Dorian Johnson, a friend of Mr. Brown’s, gave the following description of the shooting: He said that he and Mr. Brown had been walking in the street when an officer drove up and told them to get onto the sidewalk. The two stayed in the street after telling the officer that they were close to Mr. Johnson’s house. The officer, who had passed them, then backed up, almost hitting them in doing so. He then tried to open his door, which hit Mr. Brown, and when the door bounced shut, the officer reach out and grabbed Mr. Brown.

“Mike was trying to get away from being choked,” Mr. Johnson told MSNBC. At that point, he said, the officer pulled a gun and fired, striking Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown “did not reach for the officer’s weapon at all,” he said.

Mr. Johnson said that he and Mr. Brown began to run, and while he ducked behind a car, Mr. Brown kept going. After Mr. Brown was shot a second time, Mr. Johnson said, he turned to face the officer with his hands up, the officer fired several more shots and Mr. Brown fell.

Police Cite Threats in Deciding Not to Name Officer Who Shot Missouri Teenager - The New York Times

This certainly doesn't sound good for the police officer. His life is toast.

Ah, yes...the "eye witness" that also happens to be a buddy of the guy who got shot! I want you to actually THINK about Johnson's statement. He and Brown are walking in the street. There is a sidewalk...but they are walking in the street. A police officer tells them to get out of the street (because as most intelligent people understand...the street is for cars and sidewalks are for pedestrians!) and our two young men decline to do so because they are close to Johnson's home. A confrontation between the police officer and the two men then takes place. Johnson says that Brown was being "choked" by the policeman and was "trying to get away". Brown's nickname is "Big Mike" because...he's a really big dude! So try this at home, Kiddies...sit your ass down in your car...then reach out and try and choke someone who's really tall and standing outside of that car. See how that works for you! Then stand outside and see how easy it is to fend someone off who's trying to choke you from a seated position inside the car.

There is a REASON why most criminal defense lawyers advise their clients to say as little as possible. They invariably screw up when they're trying to craft a story that makes them look good and someone else look bad!

Were there any black cops involved? did you bother to check?

Of course he didnt. That doesnt matter to him because as long as 1 white cop was evolved it is about race. It is always about race to him ..
Yes we all do we were just waiting until Obama said something to act outraged about. :D

So why do you condone vandalism, riots, and looting?

I dont allow it but I understand that when people are wronged and they dont have a voice they get frustrated. This is the result.

Your turn:

Why this entire time have you focused on the response and not the murder?

It isn't a murder until a jury says it is..... that's how it works. You really need to educate yourself before you come on here and say such ignorant shit.
Yes we all do we were just waiting until Obama said something to act outraged about. :D

So why do you condone vandalism, riots, and looting?

I dont allow it but I understand that when people are wronged and they dont have a voice they get frustrated. This is the result.

Your turn:

Why this entire time have you focused on the response and not the murder?

What does "don't have a voice" mean?
Par for the course on this board. Obama releases a statement where he doesn't place blame on anyone, just says that the death is "heartbreaking" and urges people in Ferguson and elsewhere to basically calm down and talk instead of fight, and this board goes "He's race baiting! He's trying to incite riots in the streets! What a scumbag!"

Has it occurred to any of you that Obama only released a statement to try to calm down a very volatile situation? Maybe THAT'S why he chose to say something about this particular death?

For fuck's sake you guys, seriously, stop being so goddamn stupid all the time.

Same reason he did for trayvon...To justify the rioting and hate. You must be blind..

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Obama released a statement urging CALM and REFLECTION over violence and it's to "justify the rioting and hate".

Are you fucking kidding me?
So why do you condone vandalism, riots, and looting?

I dont allow it but I understand that when people are wronged and they dont have a voice they get frustrated. This is the result.

Your turn:

Why this entire time have you focused on the response and not the murder?

It isn't a murder until a jury says it is..... that's how it works. You really need to educate yourself before you come on here and say such ignorant shit.

Call it whatever you want, why have none of you spoken one word about that and only about the response to that thing?
Par for the course on this board. Obama releases a statement where he doesn't place blame on anyone, just says that the death is "heartbreaking" and urges people in Ferguson and elsewhere to basically calm down and talk instead of fight, and this board goes "He's race baiting! He's trying to incite riots in the streets! What a scumbag!"

Has it occurred to any of you that Obama only released a statement to try to calm down a very volatile situation? Maybe THAT'S why he chose to say something about this particular death?

For fuck's sake you guys, seriously, stop being so goddamn stupid all the time.
Then why the fuck doesn't BOBO take off his golf gear and go to Ferg. and tell the fucking simians to stop making themselves once again look like they have just climbed down from the tree tops?
B/c he knows they don't have the collective IQ to even begin to comprehend what a bunch of savages they look like to the rest of the world.
Ya right. He wants a photo op with a bunch of ******* 'flashing' gang signs behind his back.

Super logical.

Quick, someone get word to Obama that this racist piece of shit has figured out the solution for him!
I dont allow it but I understand that when people are wronged and they dont have a voice they get frustrated. This is the result.

Your turn:

Why this entire time have you focused on the response and not the murder?

It isn't a murder until a jury says it is..... that's how it works. You really need to educate yourself before you come on here and say such ignorant shit.

Call it whatever you want, why have none of you spoken one word about that and only about the response to that thing?

Maybe because as normal, sentient beings... we're gonna wait and see what really happened before we go off like a bunch of ignoramus'?

You should try it...
I dont allow it but I understand that when people are wronged and they dont have a voice they get frustrated. This is the result.

Your turn:

Why this entire time have you focused on the response and not the murder?

It isn't a murder until a jury says it is..... that's how it works. You really need to educate yourself before you come on here and say such ignorant shit.

Call it whatever you want, why have none of you spoken one word about that and only about the response to that thing?

We've had cops shoot innocent people here. No one rioted, no vandalism, no looting. The case was solved and the cop is in prison. Are black people different?
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Par for the course on this board. Obama releases a statement where he doesn't place blame on anyone, just says that the death is "heartbreaking" and urges people in Ferguson and elsewhere to basically calm down and talk instead of fight, and this board goes "He's race baiting! He's trying to incite riots in the streets! What a scumbag!"

Has it occurred to any of you that Obama only released a statement to try to calm down a very volatile situation? Maybe THAT'S why he chose to say something about this particular death?

For fuck's sake you guys, seriously, stop being so goddamn stupid all the time.

Same reason he did for trayvon...To justify the rioting and hate. You must be blind..

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Obama released a statement urging CALM and REFLECTION over violence and it's to "justify the rioting and hate".

Are you fucking kidding me?


This goes back to my point that he should be doing it within our innercities that end up slaughtering 4,500 blacks per year. There is a political reason that he speaks about this one event.
It isn't a murder until a jury says it is..... that's how it works. You really need to educate yourself before you come on here and say such ignorant shit.

Call it whatever you want, why have none of you spoken one word about that and only about the response to that thing?

We've had cops shoot innocent people here. No one rioted, no vandalism, no looting. The case was solved and the cop us in prison. Are black people different?

It's called "The soft bigotry of low expectations" and it is deplorable.
Yes we all do we were just waiting until Obama said something to act outraged about. :D

So why do you condone vandalism, riots, and looting?

I dont allow it but I understand that when people are wronged and they dont have a voice they get frustrated. This is the result.

Your turn:

Why this entire time have you focused on the response and not the murder?

LOL, where are all the liberals crying that Bergdahl hasn't been convicted of anything in a court of law and therefore we cannot even say he's guilty?

Hey, maybe some white cop somewhere is beating a black kid. Would that make your day or what?
It isn't a murder until a jury says it is..... that's how it works. You really need to educate yourself before you come on here and say such ignorant shit.

Call it whatever you want, why have none of you spoken one word about that and only about the response to that thing?

Maybe because as normal, sentient beings... we're gonna wait and see what really happened before we go off like a bunch of ignoramus'?

You should try it...

You already know what happened, police shot a guy. Why has your only focus been on the response to that guy being shot and nothing on the shooting?

Oh because you're waiting for a judge to tell you when you can give a statement on it :eusa_boohoo: Sure buddy!
Why won't they do this for the other 4,000/year slaughtered on our streets by the hands of their brothers??? Oh'yess,,it wouldn't cause enough hatred against whites. They don't care about how many blacks die.

This is all about hatred of white people.

I am NOT SAYING for a second that this police officer shouldn't go to prison if he is shown to be guilty. BUT make no mistake this is about hatred and not the hatred you think it is.

Your hatred seem very selective. This story is about a black teenager shot by a cop (probably white) for doing nothing wrong according to a witness.

And yet no messages from the President to the thousands killed across the Country by gang bangers,

thats different....they were not killed by cops....
So why do you condone vandalism, riots, and looting?

I dont allow it but I understand that when people are wronged and they dont have a voice they get frustrated. This is the result.

Your turn:

Why this entire time have you focused on the response and not the murder?

LOL, where are all the liberals crying that Bergdahl hasn't been convicted of anything in a court of law and therefore we cannot even say he's guilty?

Hey, maybe some white cop somewhere is beating a black kid. Would that make your day or what?

I didnt say he;s guilty or innocent. Funny because you couldnt wait to call that guy a traitor but I guess you've changed since then :doubt:

I said why have none of you said anything about the incident and only focused on the response? Seems like everyone is dancing...and we all know why :eusa_boohoo:
When is lameass gonna do something for the living hero marine in the Mexican jail?

Let that jackass rot. He went back to Mexico in the middle of the night, why? To get laid?

All gun nutters should take up arms and cross the boarder.

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