President and First Lady send condolences to family of Missouri teen Michael Brown

I agree. This kid's life was snuffed out for supposedly jay walking. Reportedly, he was about to head off to college, so he had every right to feel proud of himself. He was an 18-year-old kid. I feel so sorry for his parents. I hope justice is served.

Michael Brown was not simply jay walking. He was using a thug tactic he learned at his high school.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.

Brown should not have shot as it has been reported. Peaceful protestors should not be harassed by police. But rioting looters should be arrested or shot.

"Thug tactic"? Did you know Michael Brown personally? He was reportedly about ready to head off to college. You're trying to portray him as a thug - with no proof.

The word thug has become synonymous with being black. The guy was black therefore in his mind that equals thug which usually refers to a criminal... Thats why they are interchanging them. Black = criminal

They are going to do a toxicology report on this kid. I'll bet any amount of money weed is in his system and I'll be any amount of money that will be used as the newest excuse why its ok to shoot an unarmed black person
Michael Brown was not simply jay walking. He was using a thug tactic he learned at his high school.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.

Brown should not have shot as it has been reported. Peaceful protestors should not be harassed by police. But rioting looters should be arrested or shot.

"Thug tactic"? Did you know Michael Brown personally? He was reportedly about ready to head off to college. You're trying to portray him as a thug - with no proof.

The word thug has become synonymous with being black. The guy was black therefore in his mind that equals thug which usually refers to a criminal... Thats why they are interchanging them. Black = criminal

They are going to do a toxicology report on this kid. I'll bet any amount of money weed is in his system and I'll be any amount of money that will be used as the newest excuse why its ok to shoot an unarmed black person

Sadly, you may be right.

When The Media Treats White Suspects And Killers Better Than Black Victims
I agree. This kid's life was snuffed out for supposedly jay walking. Reportedly, he was about to head off to college, so he had every right to feel proud of himself. He was an 18-year-old kid. I feel so sorry for his parents. I hope justice is served.

Michael Brown was not simply jay walking. He was using a thug tactic he learned at his high school.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.

Brown should not have shot as it has been reported. Peaceful protestors should not be harassed by police. But rioting looters should be arrested or shot.

"Thug tactic"? Did you know Michael Brown personally? He was reportedly about ready to head off to college. You're trying to portray him as a thug - with no proof.

College? :lol: That's another crock of shit. He was supposedly going to go to Vatterott College to learn to work on air conditioners. That place is a vocational tech school that teach what most vo-tech kids learn in high school or at home in their fathers garage. I know the kids in his Normandy HS & Vatterott. That school takes all the losers, his grades must have sucked, otherwise he would have went to UMSL, SLU or Wash-U.

I guarantee you he purposely walked down the middle of the street instead of the sidewalk that is clearly there, just to piss off drivers just like they do at his Normandy HS. It's the only place I have ever seen this done & the students there do it on a daily basis. He mouthed off & or did something to the cop or his car as he drove by. The cop was also injured during this encounter.

Still it is not a justified reason to kill Brown, but it sure as hell was not a aspiring bright college kid walking across the street.
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Michael Brown was not simply jay walking. He was using a thug tactic he learned at his high school.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.

Brown should not have shot as it has been reported. Peaceful protestors should not be harassed by police. But rioting looters should be arrested or shot.

"Thug tactic"? Did you know Michael Brown personally? He was reportedly about ready to head off to college. You're trying to portray him as a thug - with no proof.

College? :lol: That's another crock of shit. He was supposedly going to go to Vatterott College to learn to work on air conditioners. That place is a vocational tech school that teach what most vo-tech kids learn in high school or at home in their fathers garage. I know the kids in his Normandy HS & Vatterott. That school takes all the losers, his grades must have sucked, otherwise he would have went to UMSL, SLU or Wash-U.

I guarantee you he purposely walked down the middle of the street instead of the sidewalk that is clearly there, just to piss off drivers just like they do at his Normandy HS. It's the only place I have ever seen this done. He mouthed off & or did something to the cop or his car as he drove by. The cop was also injured during this encounter.

Still it is not a justified reason to kill Brown, but it sure as hell was not a aspiring bright college kid walking across the street.
You don't learn to work on air conditioners in your father's garage, idiot.

According to wikipedia:

Vatterott offers a range of diploma programs, associate degrees and bachelor degrees. Vatterott College also provides many students the ability to take courses online, though not available in all states.

Shut your elitist pie hole. He was obviously on of those evil negroes that want to better themselves.
Michael Brown was not simply jay walking. He was using a thug tactic he learned at his high school.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.

Brown should not have shot as it has been reported. Peaceful protestors should not be harassed by police. But rioting looters should be arrested or shot.

"Thug tactic"? Did you know Michael Brown personally? He was reportedly about ready to head off to college. You're trying to portray him as a thug - with no proof.

College? :lol: That's another crock of shit. He was supposedly going to go to Vatterott College to learn to work on air conditioners. That place is a vocational tech school that teach what most vo-tech kids learn in high school or at home in their fathers garage. I know the kids in his Normandy HS & Vatterott. That school takes all the losers, his grades must have sucked, otherwise he would have went to UMSL, SLU or Wash-U.

I guarantee you he purposely walked down the middle of the street instead of the sidewalk that is clearly there, just to piss off drivers. He mouthed off & or did something to the cop or his car as he drove by. The cop was also injured during this encounter.

Still it is not a justified reason to kill Brown, but it sure as hell was not a aspiring bright college kid walking across the street.

In other words, you're just stereotyping (profiling). You don't know jack shit about him personally. Sounds like the kid was simply jaywalking while black in a town that is 67% black with a 94% white police force.
It receives more attention when unarmed black kids are shot by white cops. Comprende?

yes it does....but yet all you supposedly "i give a shit people" dont say much when an unarmed little black kid is walking home from school and gets blown away by some fucking gangers shooting at a guy on the other side of the kids,who by the way doesnt get "concerned" fuckers dont say much about ya?...comprende?....
I think the gangers should be arrested and charged and have their day in court. Ditto with this cop.

Fact is, you expect gangers to be murderers but you don't expect cops to be murderers.

Do you honestly think jay walking is something someone should die over?

went right over your head Ravi....why are you even commenting if you dont understand what i said?...i expect it of Lakota....but not you....
yes it does....but yet all you supposedly "i give a shit people" dont say much when an unarmed little black kid is walking home from school and gets blown away by some fucking gangers shooting at a guy on the other side of the kids,who by the way doesnt get "concerned" fuckers dont say much about ya?...comprende?....
I think the gangers should be arrested and charged and have their day in court. Ditto with this cop.

Fact is, you expect gangers to be murderers but you don't expect cops to be murderers.

Do you honestly think jay walking is something someone should die over?

I agree. This kid's life was snuffed out for supposedly jay walking. Reportedly, he was about to head off to college, so he had every right to feel proud of himself. He was an 18-year-old kid. I feel so sorry for his parents. I hope justice is served.

see this is the answer i expect out of a meatball like Lakota.....he doesnt want to comment on all these other kids who die daily in this country by being has to be a white cop shooting a black kid before he spouts....
Michael Brown was not simply jay walking. He was using a thug tactic he learned at his high school.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.

Brown should not have shot as it has been reported. Peaceful protestors should not be harassed by police. But rioting looters should be arrested or shot.

"Thug tactic"? Did you know Michael Brown personally? He was reportedly about ready to head off to college. You're trying to portray him as a thug - with no proof.

The word thug has become synonymous with being black. The guy was black therefore in his mind that equals thug which usually refers to a criminal... Thats why they are interchanging them. Black = criminal

They are going to do a toxicology report on this kid. I'll bet any amount of money weed is in his system and I'll be any amount of money that will be used as the newest excuse why its ok to shoot an unarmed black person

only if people like Katz N Dogs comment on it.....
Civil Rights icon asking Obama to declare martial law in Ferguson.

Rep. John Lewis On Ferguson: 'Declare Martial Law'

Does the Good Representative know what he is asking for? Do you?

Wikipedia, Martial Law:

Typically, the imposition of martial law accompanies curfews, the suspension of civil law, civil rights, habeas corpus, and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunal (court-martial).
Your hatred seem very selective. This story is about a black teenager shot by a cop (probably white) for doing nothing wrong according to a witness.

You are very selective. You only focus on a specific story about a black teenager shot. Black teenagers are shot every night and you people go about your business.

It receives more attention when unarmed black kids are shot by white cops. Comprende?

I saw a few stats yesterday which seems to indicate a systemic problem in Ferguson. It shows that while Blacks make up 60% of the population, only 3 of Ferguson's 53 police officers are Black. Furthermore, 86% of car stops involved Blacks and 483 Black people were arrested compared to only 36 Whites.

But if you can show a community where unarmed White teens are being shot by Black police who hold 95% of the police force jobs in a community that is 60% White, I would sure love to see it. How long should I wait?
yes it does....but yet all you supposedly "i give a shit people" dont say much when an unarmed little black kid is walking home from school and gets blown away by some fucking gangers shooting at a guy on the other side of the kids,who by the way doesnt get "concerned" fuckers dont say much about ya?...comprende?....
I think the gangers should be arrested and charged and have their day in court. Ditto with this cop.

Fact is, you expect gangers to be murderers but you don't expect cops to be murderers.

Do you honestly think jay walking is something someone should die over?

went right over your head Ravi....why are you even commenting if you dont understand what i said?...i expect it of Lakota....but not you....

My point went right over your head, too. As for those getting shot on a daily basis, quit making it so easy for criminals to get their hands on guns.
I think the gangers should be arrested and charged and have their day in court. Ditto with this cop.

Fact is, you expect gangers to be murderers but you don't expect cops to be murderers.

Do you honestly think jay walking is something someone should die over?

I agree. This kid's life was snuffed out for supposedly jay walking. Reportedly, he was about to head off to college, so he had every right to feel proud of himself. He was an 18-year-old kid. I feel so sorry for his parents. I hope justice is served.

Michael Brown was not simply jay walking. He was using a thug tactic he learned at his high school.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.

Brown should not have shot as it has been reported. Peaceful protestors should not be harassed by police. But rioting looters should be arrested or shot.

Teenagers of all races are known for being self-absorbed and rude. There's nothing new there. But you're willing to bet that's what Michael Brown was doing? How much?

Regardless, if a teenager is arrested for jay walking or any other petty offense, the punishment for being a typical teenager is not a death sentence, and it's certainly not the kind of offense that warrants being shot by the police since the person would hardly be considered a danger to the community.
It's a few months before an election and democrats are in trouble. Thankfully, this is a beautiful gift and Obama and his cronies are going to wring all they can out of it. Corrupt trash.
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In an interview on Tuesday with MSNBC, Dorian Johnson, a friend of Mr. Brown’s, gave the following description of the shooting: He said that he and Mr. Brown had been walking in the street when an officer drove up and told them to get onto the sidewalk. The two stayed in the street after telling the officer that they were close to Mr. Johnson’s house. The officer, who had passed them, then backed up, almost hitting them in doing so. He then tried to open his door, which hit Mr. Brown, and when the door bounced shut, the officer reach out and grabbed Mr. Brown.

“Mike was trying to get away from being choked,” Mr. Johnson told MSNBC. At that point, he said, the officer pulled a gun and fired, striking Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown “did not reach for the officer’s weapon at all,” he said.

Mr. Johnson said that he and Mr. Brown began to run, and while he ducked behind a car, Mr. Brown kept going. After Mr. Brown was shot a second time, Mr. Johnson said, he turned to face the officer with his hands up, the officer fired several more shots and Mr. Brown fell.

Police Cite Threats in Deciding Not to Name Officer Who Shot Missouri Teenager - The New York Times

This certainly doesn't sound good for the police officer. His life is toast.

I don't know what happened, can't even speculate; however, this scenario is one which will be easily proved or disproved by the forensic evidence. If it is true, the officer will be doing some serious jail time and there will be a slam-dunk multimillion dollar lawsuit
Michael Brown was not simply jay walking. He was using a thug tactic he learned at his high school.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.

Brown should not have shot as it has been reported. Peaceful protestors should not be harassed by police. But rioting looters should be arrested or shot.

"Thug tactic"? Did you know Michael Brown personally? He was reportedly about ready to head off to college. You're trying to portray him as a thug - with no proof.

College? :lol: That's another crock of shit. He was supposedly going to go to Vatterott College to learn to work on air conditioners. That place is a vocational tech school that teach what most vo-tech kids learn in high school or at home in their fathers garage. I know the kids in his Normandy HS & Vatterott. That school takes all the losers, his grades must have sucked, otherwise he would have went to UMSL, SLU or Wash-U.

I guarantee you he purposely walked down the middle of the street instead of the sidewalk that is clearly there, just to piss off drivers just like they do at his Normandy HS. It's the only place I have ever seen this done & the students there do it on a daily basis. He mouthed off & or did something to the cop or his car as he drove by. The cop was also injured during this encounter.

Still it is not a justified reason to kill Brown, but it sure as hell was not a aspiring bright college kid walking across the street.

You don't know anything because no info has been released on the events from the police perspective only from witnesses to the event..
Obama could turn muffelleta into a shite sandwich without ever eating it. He's like Houdini to disaster.
1. Blacks KILL twice as many whites ever year then the other way around.
2. The police are shooting everyone, no matter what color.

Of course, obama and the rest of his racist kind has to turn this fucking issue into race. Blacks think of themselves as teh center of the fucking universe.

I blame everyone that loses property or is murdered within this area on OBAMA and on racist blacks for doing this shit.
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"Thug tactic"? Did you know Michael Brown personally? He was reportedly about ready to head off to college. You're trying to portray him as a thug - with no proof.

College? :lol: That's another crock of shit. He was supposedly going to go to Vatterott College to learn to work on air conditioners. That place is a vocational tech school that teach what most vo-tech kids learn in high school or at home in their fathers garage. I know the kids in his Normandy HS & Vatterott. That school takes all the losers, his grades must have sucked, otherwise he would have went to UMSL, SLU or Wash-U.

I guarantee you he purposely walked down the middle of the street instead of the sidewalk that is clearly there, just to piss off drivers just like they do at his Normandy HS. It's the only place I have ever seen this done & the students there do it on a daily basis. He mouthed off & or did something to the cop or his car as he drove by. The cop was also injured during this encounter.

Still it is not a justified reason to kill Brown, but it sure as hell was not a aspiring bright college kid walking across the street.

You don't know anything because no info has been released on the events from the police perspective only from witnesses to the event..

I could post a dozen whites that have been murdered by the police for little reason. I wish people would stop with the racism shit and wait for the evidence.
College? :lol: That's another crock of shit. He was supposedly going to go to Vatterott College to learn to work on air conditioners. That place is a vocational tech school that teach what most vo-tech kids learn in high school or at home in their fathers garage. I know the kids in his Normandy HS & Vatterott. That school takes all the losers, his grades must have sucked, otherwise he would have went to UMSL, SLU or Wash-U.

I guarantee you he purposely walked down the middle of the street instead of the sidewalk that is clearly there, just to piss off drivers just like they do at his Normandy HS. It's the only place I have ever seen this done & the students there do it on a daily basis. He mouthed off & or did something to the cop or his car as he drove by. The cop was also injured during this encounter.

Still it is not a justified reason to kill Brown, but it sure as hell was not a aspiring bright college kid walking across the street.

You don't know anything because no info has been released on the events from the police perspective only from witnesses to the event..

I could post a dozen whites that have been murdered by the police for little reason. I wish people would stop with the racism shit and wait for the evidence.

No you couldnt . i

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