President and First Lady send condolences to family of Missouri teen Michael Brown

Sad and unfortunate occurrence with the dreaded racial overtones.

I would like to congratulate Obama on having delivered a message which did not pre-judge the he has done before.

He cares too much about least about Central American children who might one day vote spend his time on a racial issue the Courts will have to sort out...when many many children are dying of thirst on a hot mountain in Irag.

Al Sharpton is in St. Louis looking for a payday and some camera time.

But, the pictures of the children starving to death on the mountain will break your heart. Iraq has only four helicopters flying in to help them survive. A reporter got on one and they were begging to get on...all while they were unloading supplies. That same helicopter went back later in the day....and so many of the dying clung to it that it tipped over on take-off and the heroic pilot was killed....on his second mission of mercy that day.

Fuck Al Sharpton....and Fuck Obama, on whatever golf hole he is on now in Martha's Vineyard.

His negligence, his incompetency, and his Machiavellian political machinations has killed many many children on a mountain in Iraq.
He said that he and Mr. Brown had been walking in the street when an officer drove up and told them to get onto the sidewalk. The two stayed in the street after telling the officer that they were close to Mr. Johnson’s house.

[ame=]Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police! - YouTube[/ame]
Wouldn't it be prudent for the former community activist to wait for the verdict from the experts before they reach out to a family of an alleged felon? Maybe the guy who sat on his father's knee and learned about how to hate the Constitution and America in general is just fanning the fires of anarchy like he always did.
Well, I'm sure we can all agree that it's nice for the President and First Lady to send their condolences to the family.

Not when he politicizes the event, like with Trayvon "my son" Martin, a hoodrat who was pummeling the head of an honest citizen into the pavement and trying to kill him.

Siding with criminals instead of honest citizens introduces a political agenda in the mix. Best stay silent.
Your hatred seem very selective. This story is about a black teenager shot by a cop (probably white) for doing nothing wrong according to a witness.

And yet no messages from the President to the thousands killed across the Country by gang bangers,

Oh shut up already...God you people are just lame.

Sad and unfortunate occurrence with the dreaded racial overtones.

I would like to congratulate Obama on having delivered a message which did not pre-judge the he has done before.

He cares too much about least about Central American children who might one day vote spend his time on a racial issue the Courts will have to sort out...when many many children are dying of thirst on a hot mountain in Irag.

Al Sharpton is in St. Louis looking for a payday and some camera time.

But, the pictures of the children starving to death on the mountain will break your heart. Iraq has only four helicopters flying in to help them survive. A reporter got on one and they were begging to get on...all while they were unloading supplies. That same helicopter went back later in the day....and so many of the dying clung to it that it tipped over on take-off and the heroic pilot was killed....on his second mission of mercy that day.

Fuck Al Sharpton....and Fuck Obama, on whatever golf hole he is on now in Martha's Vineyard.

His negligence, his incompetency, and his Machiavellian political machinations has killed many many children on a mountain in Iraq.

And FUCK YOU for not giving him credit for trying to help. Iraq asked him for help and he agreed.
Sad and unfortunate occurrence with the dreaded racial overtones.

I would like to congratulate Obama on having delivered a message which did not pre-judge the he has done before.

He cares too much about least about Central American children who might one day vote spend his time on a racial issue the Courts will have to sort out...when many many children are dying of thirst on a hot mountain in Irag.

Al Sharpton is in St. Louis looking for a payday and some camera time.

But, the pictures of the children starving to death on the mountain will break your heart. Iraq has only four helicopters flying in to help them survive. A reporter got on one and they were begging to get on...all while they were unloading supplies. That same helicopter went back later in the day....and so many of the dying clung to it that it tipped over on take-off and the heroic pilot was killed....on his second mission of mercy that day.

Fuck Al Sharpton....and Fuck Obama, on whatever golf hole he is on now in Martha's Vineyard.

His negligence, his incompetency, and his Machiavellian political machinations has killed many many children on a mountain in Iraq.

And FUCK YOU for not giving him credit for trying to help. Iraq asked him for help and he agreed.[/QUOTE]
The tension in a St. Louis suburb following the shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer was thrown into stark relief Sunday night in a video captured by CNN of a police officer yelling a derogatory phrase at protesters.

"Bring it, all you fucking animals! Bring it!" the officer said in the exchange.

Police Officer Caught On Video Calling Michael Brown Protesters 'F***ing Animals'

Well, that won't look good on his resume.
The tension in a St. Louis suburb following the shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer was thrown into stark relief Sunday night in a video captured by CNN of a police officer yelling a derogatory phrase at protesters.

"Bring it, all you fucking animals! Bring it!" the officer said in the exchange.

Police Officer Caught On Video Calling Michael Brown Protesters 'F***ing Animals'

Well, that won't look good on his resume.

You appear to be enjoying this-are you ?
The tension in a St. Louis suburb following the shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer was thrown into stark relief Sunday night in a video captured by CNN of a police officer yelling a derogatory phrase at protesters.

"Bring it, all you fucking animals! Bring it!" the officer said in the exchange.

Police Officer Caught On Video Calling Michael Brown Protesters 'F***ing Animals'

Well, that won't look good on his resume.

How dare a police officer call rioters animals for destroying property and looting.

I keep having to purposely dumb myself down and try to think like a liberal - the truth or falsity of a claim is immaterial, what matters is whether a claim boosts the self-esteem of the audience. Clearly this police officer made the rioters feel badly about themselves and so he's a big booboo and this won't look good on his resume.
Why does that asshole feel the need to interject himself in every controversy like this? We don't know all the facts. There hasnt been any report. And yet he jumps the gun and sends condolences. Is he going to send condolences to all the people whose businesses got burned by those hoodlums?
The tension in a St. Louis suburb following the shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer was thrown into stark relief Sunday night in a video captured by CNN of a police officer yelling a derogatory phrase at protesters.

"Bring it, all you fucking animals! Bring it!" the officer said in the exchange.

Police Officer Caught On Video Calling Michael Brown Protesters 'F***ing Animals'

Well, that won't look good on his resume.

How dare a police officer call rioters animals for destroying property and looting.

I keep having to purposely dumb myself down and try to think like a liberal - the truth or falsity of a claim is immaterial, what matters is whether a claim boosts the self-esteem of the audience. Clearly this police officer made the rioters feel badly about themselves and so he's a big booboo and this won't look good on his resume.

Isn't that better than killing racist police officers for shooting an unarmed teenager?
The tension in a St. Louis suburb following the shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer was thrown into stark relief Sunday night in a video captured by CNN of a police officer yelling a derogatory phrase at protesters.

"Bring it, all you fucking animals! Bring it!" the officer said in the exchange.

Police Officer Caught On Video Calling Michael Brown Protesters 'F***ing Animals'

Well, that won't look good on his resume.

How dare a police officer call rioters animals for destroying property and looting.

I keep having to purposely dumb myself down and try to think like a liberal - the truth or falsity of a claim is immaterial, what matters is whether a claim boosts the self-esteem of the audience. Clearly this police officer made the rioters feel badly about themselves and so he's a big booboo and this won't look good on his resume.

Isn't that better than killing racist police officers for shooting an unarmed teenager?

you're enjoying this aren't you
President Obama said today that the police shooting death of unarmed Missouri teen Michael Brown was "heartbreaking," and he urged those who are upset over the incident to remain calm.

Brown, an 18-year-old African American man, was shot multiple times and killed Saturday by a Ferguson, Mo., police officer. The days since the shooting have been marked by tense standoffs between Brown's supporters and heavily-armed police officers, along with riots and looting of stores on Sunday night.

"The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time," Obama said.

"I know the events of the past few days have prompted strong passions, but as details unfold, I urge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri, and across the country, to remember this young man through reflection and understanding," the President said in a statement. "We should comfort each other and talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds. Along with our prayers, that’s what Michael and his family, and our broader American community, deserve."

Obama emphasized that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice will be investigating the shooting as well as local police in St. Louis County, Missouri.

More: President Obama Calls Shooting of Missouri Teen 'Heartbreaking' - ABC News

This is really sad, especially since the young teen was reportedly unarmed. I hope justice will be served. It brings back memories of Trayvon Martin.
Another gaffe and another breach of presidential protocol.
Why this guy has to have something to say about everything is a mystery.
In an interview on Tuesday with MSNBC, Dorian Johnson, a friend of Mr. Brown’s, gave the following description of the shooting: He said that he and Mr. Brown had been walking in the street when an officer drove up and told them to get onto the sidewalk. The two stayed in the street after telling the officer that they were close to Mr. Johnson’s house. The officer, who had passed them, then backed up, almost hitting them in doing so. He then tried to open his door, which hit Mr. Brown, and when the door bounced shut, the officer reach out and grabbed Mr. Brown.

“Mike was trying to get away from being choked,” Mr. Johnson told MSNBC. At that point, he said, the officer pulled a gun and fired, striking Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown “did not reach for the officer’s weapon at all,” he said.

Mr. Johnson said that he and Mr. Brown began to run, and while he ducked behind a car, Mr. Brown kept going. After Mr. Brown was shot a second time, Mr. Johnson said, he turned to face the officer with his hands up, the officer fired several more shots and Mr. Brown fell.

Police Cite Threats in Deciding Not to Name Officer Who Shot Missouri Teenager - The New York Times

This certainly doesn't sound good for the police officer. His life is toast.

Right. The FBI is conducting the only investigation.
Heads will roll. As they should.
The POTUS has NO business sticking his nose into this.
Why won't they do this for the other 4,000/year slaughtered on our streets by the hands of their brothers??? Oh'yess,,it wouldn't cause enough hatred against whites. They don't care about how many blacks die.

This is all about hatred of white people.

I am NOT SAYING for a second that this police officer shouldn't go to prison if he is shown to be guilty. BUT make no mistake this is about hatred and not the hatred you think it is.

Your hatred seem very selective. This story is about a black teenager shot by a cop (probably white) for doing nothing wrong according to a witness.

Thanks for expressing you racist agenda.. Probably white.....
In an interview on Tuesday with MSNBC, Dorian Johnson, a friend of Mr. Brown’s, gave the following description of the shooting: He said that he and Mr. Brown had been walking in the street when an officer drove up and told them to get onto the sidewalk. The two stayed in the street after telling the officer that they were close to Mr. Johnson’s house. The officer, who had passed them, then backed up, almost hitting them in doing so. He then tried to open his door, which hit Mr. Brown, and when the door bounced shut, the officer reach out and grabbed Mr. Brown.

“Mike was trying to get away from being choked,” Mr. Johnson told MSNBC. At that point, he said, the officer pulled a gun and fired, striking Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown “did not reach for the officer’s weapon at all,” he said.

Mr. Johnson said that he and Mr. Brown began to run, and while he ducked behind a car, Mr. Brown kept going. After Mr. Brown was shot a second time, Mr. Johnson said, he turned to face the officer with his hands up, the officer fired several more shots and Mr. Brown fell.

Police Cite Threats in Deciding Not to Name Officer Who Shot Missouri Teenager - The New York Times

This certainly doesn't sound good for the police officer. His life is toast.

Right. The FBI is conducting the only investigation.
Heads will roll. As they should.
The POTUS has NO business sticking his nose into this.

President Obama and the First Lady have every right to send their condolences to the Brown family. I applaud their concern. This appears to be a civil rights violation. Maybe even a hate crime.
The tension in a St. Louis suburb following the shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer was thrown into stark relief Sunday night in a video captured by CNN of a police officer yelling a derogatory phrase at protesters.

"Bring it, all you fucking animals! Bring it!" the officer said in the exchange.

Police Officer Caught On Video Calling Michael Brown Protesters 'F***ing Animals'

Well, that won't look good on his resume.

He was right. They were animals and looters.

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