President and First Lady send condolences to family of Missouri teen Michael Brown


Moral lesson: Never steal cigars - while black.
Moral Lesson...LaDorka supports CRIMINALS.
Moral lesson. Walking on an empty sidewalk after robbing a store can save your life!
Yep. And after this robbery? He thought he could take on a cop that was doing his duty...the adrenalin was flowing...he chose the wrong path. He paid for it and rightfully so.
Would Muslims execute an unarmed black kid for stealing cigars? Just ignore the fact that the officer didn't know about the cigars when he murdered him.
The MSM media and the left is seething. Funny shit.
Yes it is...they chose the Treyvon Martin path...HOPING they could resurrect that crap...they jumped the shark...spoke out of their asses as usual. And they wonder WHY their numbers dwindle?
Would Muslims execute an unarmed black kid for stealing cigars? Just ignore the fact that the officer didn't know about the cigars when he murdered him.

Would a Muslim wipe his ass with his right hand? Just ignore the fact there was toilet paper.
Would Muslims execute an unarmed black kid for stealing cigars? Just ignore the fact that the officer didn't know about the cigars when he murdered him.

Would a Muslim wipe his ass with his right hand? Just ignore the fact there was toilet paper.

Which is why you NEVER wave at a Muslim with the LEFT is the same as throwing SHIT on them in their demented minds. Ever wonder why when punishment is carried out in Muslim societies the RIGHT HAND is chopped off first?
Police officers who shoot innocents need to be put down, period. They won't get any sympathy from me if they are gunned down in revenge. When police don't obey the law, it is a state of anarchy.

Why would anyone jump to the conclusion that this 18 year old 6'4" 290 lb child that just robbed a mini mart and beat up a cop was innocent. He decided his own fate when he attacked the cop. Maybe anarchy is what these protesters want.
Police officers who shoot innocents need to be put down, period. They won't get any sympathy from me if they are gunned down in revenge. When police don't obey the law, it is a state of anarchy.

Why would anyone jump to the conclusion that this 18 year old 6'4" 290 lb child that just robbed a mini mart and beat up a cop was innocent. He decided his own fate when he attacked the cop. Maybe anarchy is what these protesters want.

Really? Where's your proof? At least THREE witnesses say otherwise.
Police officers who shoot innocents need to be put down, period. They won't get any sympathy from me if they are gunned down in revenge. When police don't obey the law, it is a state of anarchy.

Why would anyone jump to the conclusion that this 18 year old 6'4" 290 lb child that just robbed a mini mart and beat up a cop was innocent. He decided his own fate when he attacked the cop. Maybe anarchy is what these protesters want.

Really? Where's your proof? At least THREE witnesses say otherwise.

Wait till they get on the stand under oath.
Prospective is what pisses me off. 4,000 dead blacks murdered by other blacks = silence, but this equals all hell breaking loose. Police blow away people all the time for justified and unjustified reasons. Why is this a bitchfest about race? I've read a dozen cases where the victim was white including my own brother.

you may have forgotten Obamas "My Brothers Keeper" pledge
Prospective is what pisses me off. 4,000 dead blacks murdered by other blacks = silence, but this equals all hell breaking loose. Police blow away people all the time for justified and unjustified reasons. Why is this a bitchfest about race? I've read a dozen cases where the victim was white including my own brother.

you may have forgotten Obamas "My Brothers Keeper" pledge

Where is the outrage regarding the Southside of Chicago where over 200 black youths have died this year in gang violence?

Selective OUTRAGE.
Police officers who shoot innocents need to be put down, period. They won't get any sympathy from me if they are gunned down in revenge. When police don't obey the law, it is a state of anarchy.

Innocent? Really? See this is why people need to slow down and get all the facts before flying off the handle. This so called Innocent "Kid" Robbed a store earlier in the day, and struggled with the officer.
Police officers who shoot innocents need to be put down, period. They won't get any sympathy from me if they are gunned down in revenge. When police don't obey the law, it is a state of anarchy.

Innocent? Really? See this is why people need to slow down and get all the facts before flying off the handle. This so called Innocent "Kid" Robbed a store earlier in the day, and struggled with the officer.
And it wouldn't surprise me if the thug tried to take the officer's weapon.

The guy was a THUG...YEAH the officer didn't KNOW this guy was fingered in the earlier was high on adrenalin, he paid for his stupidity.

And the MEDIA got OWNED again.
"There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."
Booker T. Washington
Why won't they do this for the other 4,000/year slaughtered on our streets by the hands of their brothers??? Oh'yess,,it wouldn't cause enough hatred against whites. They don't care about how many blacks die.

This is all about hatred of white people.

I am NOT SAYING for a second that this police officer shouldn't go to prison if he is shown to be guilty. BUT make no mistake this is about hatred and not the hatred you think it is.

The police officer was attacked. He had an obligation to put that boy down I case he got ahold of the officer's gun.

Moral lesson: Never steal cigars - while black.

Notice his pants are low and exposing his underwear just like a thug would wear them. Looks like he was up to no good. There is video of him roughing up an elderly shop keeper.
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Would Muslims execute an unarmed black kid for stealing cigars? Just ignore the fact that the officer didn't know about the cigars when he murdered him.
Murder? Ratchet down the hysteria.

Well, at least THREE witnesses have stated that Michael Brown's hands were raised when he was murdered. What would you call it?
Police officers who shoot innocents need to be put down, period. They won't get any sympathy from me if they are gunned down in revenge. When police don't obey the law, it is a state of anarchy.

Innocent? Really? See this is why people need to slow down and get all the facts before flying off the handle. This so called Innocent "Kid" Robbed a store earliers in the day, and struggled with the officer.
we need protest marchers in favor of the cop.
Another thug bites the dust.... First Veyron, now this scumbag! The POTUS is a POS!!!

Robbery Tape Humiliates Media's 'Gentle Giant' Narrative (Michael Brown/Ferguson, Missouri)

Breitbart's Big Government ^

(VIDEO-AT-LINK)With the release of tape today by the Ferguson Police Department of a man who appears to be Michael Brown allegedly physically assaulting a much smaller clerk while stealing Swisher Sweet cigars, the media’s narrative has collapsed. The media – and top-level politicians across the political spectrum – portrayed Michael Brown in saintlike fashion. That narrative no longer holds. The report from the police department states: Brown grabbed a box of Swisher Sweet cigars and handed them to Johnson. [REDACTED] witnessed [REDACTED] tell Brown that he had to pay for those cigars first. That is when Brown reached across the...




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