President and First Lady send condolences to family of Missouri teen Michael Brown

The tension in a St. Louis suburb following the shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer was thrown into stark relief Sunday night in a video captured by CNN of a police officer yelling a derogatory phrase at protesters.

"Bring it, all you fucking animals! Bring it!" the officer said in the exchange.

Police Officer Caught On Video Calling Michael Brown Protesters 'F***ing Animals'

Well, that won't look good on his resume.

So? That proves notating.
The kid was unarmed and minding his own business. The cop instigated needless violence. At face value - it looks like 1st degree murder.

looks like a justified shooting, the ****** made the first aggressive move, all the fucking banger had to do was obey a lawful order and not confront the cop, had he done so he could still be alive to continue his illegal activities until he confronted another cop who also would filled his worthless fucking carcass full of lead.., dieing by lead poisoning seems quite common in da hood. .... :lmao:

ooooh...... :fu:

In other words - you hate *******. Thanks for sharing.

NO !! i despise them, i do admire black folks who are hard working honest citizens, i am sure you will agree ?

i can call you a "******" and be correct.., i believe "*******" come in al colors, agree ?
Too bad the oBUMa never offered condolences to the families of any of the police officers or border patrol agents killed by his fellow bums.

How do you know he didn't?

Lakabrain.., he did NOT, if he had his controlled media would have made another attempt to shower him with praises to no end. :up:

You don't know, and you make yourself look stupid by pretending you do. You can bet that Obama, like all presidents, is very selective about what he releases to the press - especially personal things like condolences.
From the AP:

Officer Was A 6-Year Veteran

Missouri police are releasing a few more details about the officer who fatally shot an unarmed teenager but are still not identifying him.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson says the officer had been with the force for about six years and was on a routine patrol when he encountered Michael Brown Jr. and a friend walking in the street.

Authorities have said previously that a scuffle ensued after the officer asked the teens to move to the side. Witnesses have said Brown's hands were raised when he was shot multiple times. Witnesses also have said the officer was white. The youths were black.

Jackson says the Ferguson police force has 53 officers, of which just three are black. He said the city has had trouble recruiting and retaining black officers.

Ferguson Police Department Will Not Release Name Of Officer Involved In Michael Brown Shooting

It doesn't look good for whitey.
Why does that asshole feel the need to interject himself in every controversy like this? We don't know all the facts. There hasnt been any report. And yet he jumps the gun and sends condolences. Is he going to send condolences to all the people whose businesses got burned by those hoodlums?

Just like him injecting himself into the Travon Martin attack on Zimmerman case. Fortunately the jury saw thru the bullshit and declare George innocent.
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From the AP:

Officer Was A 6-Year Veteran

Missouri police are releasing a few more details about the officer who fatally shot an unarmed teenager but are still not identifying him.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson says the officer had been with the force for about six years and was on a routine patrol when he encountered Michael Brown Jr. and a friend walking in the street.

Authorities have said previously that a scuffle ensued after the officer asked the teens to move to the side. Witnesses have said Brown's hands were raised when he was shot multiple times. Witnesses also have said the officer was white. The youths were black.

Jackson says the Ferguson police force has 53 officers, of which just three are black. He said the city has had trouble recruiting and retaining black officers.

Ferguson Police Department Will Not Release Name Of Officer Involved In Michael Brown Shooting

It doesn't look good for whitey.

Doesn't look good for the BLACKIE business owners in da hood either.

Racist fucktard
George Zimmerman is probably headed for Missouri looking for another Trayvon Martin to murder in cold blood.

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