President and First Lady send condolences to family of Missouri teen Michael Brown

CaféAuLait;9616980 said:
You are showing us your hate blacky campaign...

Really? I did not see that at all. I see someone saying there were a ton of other youth gunned down and Obama did not reach out. Why not? Why pick a racially charged case? All this does IMO is move the hate forward since it beings more attention ( the FBI is already on the case) to the issue. It is a he said, she said case right now.

The investigation has not taken place, what if the kids are lying? It does not mean the parents do not deserve condolences but it means circumstance may be much different, where a kid may have tried to kill a cop as the cop stated? I've read the conflicting statements already and what I would call BS coming from the kid who was with Brown.

The tension of the Henry Gates affair became much worse after Obama opened his mouth without knowing the facts. Ultimately, there was no racial issue and Gates was found to be at fault for ratcheting up the situation, while the cop could have waited to cuff him and tone the situation down. the cops black colleagues said he was not racist and supported him 100 percent in how he handled the situation.

Cops back each other up even when they break the law daily.. I doubt we can trust them in every situation. First off cops are parasitic union members. Oh my!

Gates himself said he was wrong and amped up the situation and the resulting independent investigation even said Gates WAS wrong and both were responsible for the issue and it was not racially charged.
President Obama said today that the police shooting death of unarmed Missouri teen Michael Brown was "heartbreaking," and he urged those who are upset over the incident to remain calm.

Brown, an 18-year-old African American man, was shot multiple times and killed Saturday by a Ferguson, Mo., police officer. The days since the shooting have been marked by tense standoffs between Brown's supporters and heavily-armed police officers, along with riots and looting of stores on Sunday night.

"The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time," Obama said.

"I know the events of the past few days have prompted strong passions, but as details unfold, I urge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri, and across the country, to remember this young man through reflection and understanding," the President said in a statement. "We should comfort each other and talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds. Along with our prayers, that’s what Michael and his family, and our broader American community, deserve."

Obama emphasized that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice will be investigating the shooting as well as local police in St. Louis County, Missouri.

More: President Obama Calls Shooting of Missouri Teen 'Heartbreaking' - ABC News

This is really sad, especially since the young teen was reportedly unarmed. I hope justice will be served. It brings back memories of Trayvon Martin.

Just as with the Trayvon debacle, here we have the Chief Law Enforcement Officer weighing in on un un-litigated, media-hyped case simply because of the color of the victim's skin. It is unprofessional and weak to voice an opinion in such a case as it fuels one side against the other. Pitty, we have such low character in the Big house.

Condolences to you is unwarranted until the investigation is over?

From the POTUS, yes.

1. It changes the nature of the case. There is precedent there...
2. It shows prejudice, which leads to #1 above.
3. Kids get killed every day all over the world, and the POTUS correctly speaks not a wit. But when he choses a situation such as this to weigh in, it leads to #1 above.

To be Presidential, he should have provided condolences to all victims of crime and should vow to make things better (which he is incapable of doing, of course).
Just as with the Trayvon debacle, here we have the Chief Law Enforcement Officer weighing in on un un-litigated, media-hyped case simply because of the color of the victim's skin. It is unprofessional and weak to voice an opinion in such a case as it fuels one side against the other. Pitty, we have such low character in the Big house.

Condolences to you is unwarranted until the investigation is over?

From the POTUS, yes.

1. It changes the nature of the case. There is precedent there...
2. It shows prejudice, which leads to #1 above.
3. Kids get killed every day all over the world, and the POTUS correctly speaks not a wit. But when he choses a situation such as this to weigh in, it leads to #1 above.

To be Presidential, he should have provided condolences to all victims of crime and should vow to make things better (which he is incapable of doing, of course).

So are you, I have yet to see any empathy from your side at all...It's a free country last I checked, but what you want is for people to act as you think they should, don't work that way...
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I would like to see the investigation take place.

There have been many high profile issues taking place where someone claimed something and it has been total bull, much dealing with racism and bigotry.

Waitress claiming the n word written on her check-- totally lied. Caused much racial friction and her to get thousands in donations.

Lesbian chick did the same, got thousands. Lied through her teeth

Kid finds the words N*gger on his house, entire football team is suspended, turns out the Mom did it.

White chick claims black man rapes her and said awful stuff about whites and thus her rape.

All of this shit gets spun up and the hate divides us further.
HATE CRIME!!!!! When are you going to condemn this you racist piece of shit, Obama!

Couple of tweets saying that the woman shot in the head was white.

From Reddit:
-Gas (station? -— scanner cut for a moment) on Compton on fire, fire alarm is confirmed to be activated

“Just counted 40+ police cars heading eastbound on 70 near St. Charles Rock Road”

“It must be a complete madhouse @ Chambers & Halls Ferry. Sirens haven’t stopped for a solid 2-3 minutes straight now. Horns blaring. I can see lights flying down Chambers outside of my house. First loud, then fading into the night, rinse, repeat.”
Tweet from Valerie Schremp Hahn, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

St. Louis County police tell me woman shot in the head and that a Lt. on scene said she’s “alert and gonna live.”

Tweets saying a “group” was going around shooting at random white people.

BLACK RACIAL HATRED AGAINST WHITES! Obama did you approve of this violence?
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Damnnnnn! Isn't multiculturalism great? Who needs this shit? No multiculturalism and no race riots, no racism, just a more pleasant society.
President Obama said today that the police shooting death of unarmed Missouri teen Michael Brown was "heartbreaking," and he urged those who are upset over the incident to remain calm.

Brown, an 18-year-old African American man, was shot multiple times and killed Saturday by a Ferguson, Mo., police officer. The days since the shooting have been marked by tense standoffs between Brown's supporters and heavily-armed police officers, along with riots and looting of stores on Sunday night.

"The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time," Obama said.

"I know the events of the past few days have prompted strong passions, but as details unfold, I urge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri, and across the country, to remember this young man through reflection and understanding," the President said in a statement. "We should comfort each other and talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds. Along with our prayers, that’s what Michael and his family, and our broader American community, deserve."

Obama emphasized that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice will be investigating the shooting as well as local police in St. Louis County, Missouri.

More: President Obama Calls Shooting of Missouri Teen 'Heartbreaking' - ABC News

This is really sad, especially since the young teen was reportedly unarmed. I hope justice will be served. It brings back memories of Trayvon Martin.

A local shooting and that fucking bag of shit obama is sending in Holder to make fucking political hay out of this.

obama is the lowest form of life to sit in the White House since fdr.

rot in hell you racist pile of shit

It looks like a civil rights violation and maybe a hate crime. It's FBI stuff. Burn, whitey, burn.

sure thing

But why Holder?

b/c obama is a racist bag of shit, and so are you.
If this officer killed this young men in cold blood. I'd like everyone on this forum to know that I hope he goes down hard. Just that this kind of hate and destruction is utter bullshit. Most of the people they're targeting never did anything wrong.

Obama just stuck his foot in his mouth today.
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President Obama said today that the police shooting death of unarmed Missouri teen Michael Brown was "heartbreaking," and he urged those who are upset over the incident to remain calm.

Brown, an 18-year-old African American man, was shot multiple times and killed Saturday by a Ferguson, Mo., police officer. The days since the shooting have been marked by tense standoffs between Brown's supporters and heavily-armed police officers, along with riots and looting of stores on Sunday night.

"The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time," Obama said.

"I know the events of the past few days have prompted strong passions, but as details unfold, I urge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri, and across the country, to remember this young man through reflection and understanding," the President said in a statement. "We should comfort each other and talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds. Along with our prayers, that’s what Michael and his family, and our broader American community, deserve."

Obama emphasized that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice will be investigating the shooting as well as local police in St. Louis County, Missouri.

More: President Obama Calls Shooting of Missouri Teen 'Heartbreaking' - ABC News

This is really sad, especially since the young teen was reportedly unarmed. I hope justice will be served. It brings back memories of Trayvon Martin.

Just as with the Trayvon debacle, here we have the Chief Law Enforcement Officer weighing in on un un-litigated, media-hyped case simply because of the color of the victim's skin. It is unprofessional and weak to voice an opinion in such a case as it fuels one side against the other. Pitty, we have such low character in the Big house.

Condolences to you is unwarranted until the investigation is over?

what part of obama doesn't give a fuck is going over your head?

he only cares that a white guy killed a black guy, so he can create more hate and division.

He's not "The Great Divider" for nothing
Condolences to you is unwarranted until the investigation is over?

From the POTUS, yes.

1. It changes the nature of the case. There is precedent there...
2. It shows prejudice, which leads to #1 above.
3. Kids get killed every day all over the world, and the POTUS correctly speaks not a wit. But when he choses a situation such as this to weigh in, it leads to #1 above.

To be Presidential, he should have provided condolences to all victims of crime and should vow to make things better (which he is incapable of doing, of course).

So are you, I have yet to see any empathy from your side at all...It's a free country last I checked, but what you want is for people to act as you think they should, don't work that way...

My side? Sounds like you need a hug. And a perspective!

Empathy or sympathy? You've got no evidence of the lack of either emotion of "the other side". On the contrary.

Why would I want "them" to think "as I think?" What has any of that got to do with this tragic event? Nothing, of course.

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