President Bush speeches making it clear Iraq war is about oil


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"Immediately after the Iraqi invasion, I ordered an embargo of all trade with Iraq and, together with many other nations, announced sanctions that both freeze all Iraqi assets in this country and protected Kuwait's assets. The stakes are high. Iraq is already a rich and powerful country that possesses the world's second largest reserves of oil and over a million men under arms. It's the fourth largest military in the world. Our country now imports nearly half the oil it consumes and could face a major threat to its economic independence. Much of the world is even more dependent upon imported oil and is even more vulnerable to Iraqi threats.
I will ask oil-producing nations to do what they can to increase production in order to minimize any impact that oil flow reductions will have on the world economy. And I will explore whether we and our allies should draw down our strategic petroleum reserves. Conservation measures can also help; Americans everywhere must do their part. And one more thing: I'm asking the oil companies to do their fair share. They should show restraint and not abuse today's uncertainties to raise prices.
Address on Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)
George H. W. Bush
Address on Iraq?s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)?Miller Center

Anyone who claims operations in Iraq now are about anything but oil is either deliberately lying, or ignorant.
"Immediately after the Iraqi invasion, I ordered an embargo of all trade with Iraq and, together with many other nations, announced sanctions that both freeze all Iraqi assets in this country and protected Kuwait's assets. The stakes are high. Iraq is already a rich and powerful country that possesses the world's second largest reserves of oil and over a million men under arms. It's the fourth largest military in the world. Our country now imports nearly half the oil it consumes and could face a major threat to its economic independence. Much of the world is even more dependent upon imported oil and is even more vulnerable to Iraqi threats.
I will ask oil-producing nations to do what they can to increase production in order to minimize any impact that oil flow reductions will have on the world economy. And I will explore whether we and our allies should draw down our strategic petroleum reserves. Conservation measures can also help; Americans everywhere must do their part. And one more thing: I'm asking the oil companies to do their fair share. They should show restraint and not abuse today's uncertainties to raise prices.
Address on Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)
George H. W. Bush
Address on Iraq?s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)?Miller Center

Anyone who claims operations in Iraq now are about anything but oil is either deliberately lying, or ignorant.

Depends on which invasion you're talking about.
"Immediately after the Iraqi invasion, I ordered an embargo of all trade with Iraq and, together with many other nations, announced sanctions that both freeze all Iraqi assets in this country and protected Kuwait's assets. The stakes are high. Iraq is already a rich and powerful country that possesses the world's second largest reserves of oil and over a million men under arms. It's the fourth largest military in the world. Our country now imports nearly half the oil it consumes and could face a major threat to its economic independence. Much of the world is even more dependent upon imported oil and is even more vulnerable to Iraqi threats.
I will ask oil-producing nations to do what they can to increase production in order to minimize any impact that oil flow reductions will have on the world economy. And I will explore whether we and our allies should draw down our strategic petroleum reserves. Conservation measures can also help; Americans everywhere must do their part. And one more thing: I'm asking the oil companies to do their fair share. They should show restraint and not abuse today's uncertainties to raise prices.
Address on Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)
George H. W. Bush
Address on Iraq?s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)?Miller Center

Anyone who claims operations in Iraq now are about anything but oil is either deliberately lying, or ignorant.

I'd say many if not most honest political observers knew that protecting Mideast oil supplies was and still is a major component of our foreign policy and it is the right thing to do. Imagine the global economic and human tragedy of a prolonged disruption. I will spell it out but I believe you are bright enough to figure it out. :D
Oh I completely agree oil's a strategic commodity and asset that needs to be protected. I just can't stand when people try lying to me about stuff. :)
"Immediately after the Iraqi invasion, I ordered an embargo of all trade with Iraq and, together with many other nations, announced sanctions that both freeze all Iraqi assets in this country and protected Kuwait's assets. The stakes are high. Iraq is already a rich and powerful country that possesses the world's second largest reserves of oil and over a million men under arms. It's the fourth largest military in the world. Our country now imports nearly half the oil it consumes and could face a major threat to its economic independence. Much of the world is even more dependent upon imported oil and is even more vulnerable to Iraqi threats.
I will ask oil-producing nations to do what they can to increase production in order to minimize any impact that oil flow reductions will have on the world economy. And I will explore whether we and our allies should draw down our strategic petroleum reserves. Conservation measures can also help; Americans everywhere must do their part. And one more thing: I'm asking the oil companies to do their fair share. They should show restraint and not abuse today's uncertainties to raise prices.
Address on Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)
George H. W. Bush
Address on Iraq?s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)?Miller Center

Anyone who claims operations in Iraq now are about anything but oil is either deliberately lying, or ignorant.

I'd say many if not most honest political observers knew that protecting Mideast oil supplies was and still is a major component of our foreign policy and it is the right thing to do. Imagine the global economic and human tragedy of a prolonged disruption. I will spell it out but I believe you are bright enough to figure it out. :D

We baited Iraq into invading Kuwait. We "freed" Kuwait at the behest of the Saudis who financed that operation. We didn't follow it up by going on to Baghdad.
"Immediately after the Iraqi invasion, I ordered an embargo of all trade with Iraq and, together with many other nations, announced sanctions that both freeze all Iraqi assets in this country and protected Kuwait's assets. The stakes are high. Iraq is already a rich and powerful country that possesses the world's second largest reserves of oil and over a million men under arms. It's the fourth largest military in the world. Our country now imports nearly half the oil it consumes and could face a major threat to its economic independence. Much of the world is even more dependent upon imported oil and is even more vulnerable to Iraqi threats.
I will ask oil-producing nations to do what they can to increase production in order to minimize any impact that oil flow reductions will have on the world economy. And I will explore whether we and our allies should draw down our strategic petroleum reserves. Conservation measures can also help; Americans everywhere must do their part. And one more thing: I'm asking the oil companies to do their fair share. They should show restraint and not abuse today's uncertainties to raise prices.
Address on Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)
George H. W. Bush
Address on Iraq?s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)?Miller Center

Anyone who claims operations in Iraq now are about anything but oil is either deliberately lying, or ignorant.

He was right we did import almost half of our oil. But not from the middle east. Actually less than 8 percent of our oil imports are from the middle east. Most come from Canada and South American countries. But hey, don't let the facts get in your way.
Oh I completely agree oil's a strategic commodity and asset that needs to be protected. I just can't stand when people try lying to me about stuff. :)

Who's lying to you ? George 1 freed Kuwait and ran the Iraqi's back to Baghdad to fulfill our obligation to protect Saudi Arabia.
George II invaded the whole country because the neocons convinvced him it for the best.
"Immediately after the Iraqi invasion, I ordered an embargo of all trade with Iraq and, together with many other nations, announced sanctions that both freeze all Iraqi assets in this country and protected Kuwait's assets. The stakes are high. Iraq is already a rich and powerful country that possesses the world's second largest reserves of oil and over a million men under arms. It's the fourth largest military in the world. Our country now imports nearly half the oil it consumes and could face a major threat to its economic independence. Much of the world is even more dependent upon imported oil and is even more vulnerable to Iraqi threats.
I will ask oil-producing nations to do what they can to increase production in order to minimize any impact that oil flow reductions will have on the world economy. And I will explore whether we and our allies should draw down our strategic petroleum reserves. Conservation measures can also help; Americans everywhere must do their part. And one more thing: I'm asking the oil companies to do their fair share. They should show restraint and not abuse today's uncertainties to raise prices.
Address on Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)
George H. W. Bush
Address on Iraq?s Invasion of Kuwait (August 8, 1990)?Miller Center

Anyone who claims operations in Iraq now are about anything but oil is either deliberately lying, or ignorant.

Ah, but you left out an important and obvious option! One who claims such a thing might actually also be smart and experienced and not so easily baffled by sound bites and myopia.

What the portion of that speech was referring to, obviously, is strategic, economic pressure needed to be applied to achieve a greater victory. Oil is pretty much all they got, and so hitting them in the pocket book, so to speak, is/was an obvious tactic.

If it was all about oil, we would have confiscated their oil fields. If it were all about oil, we would have crushed the middle east economy by, gasp, drilling for our own oil in our own, oil-rich territory. We did neither, rocket scientist!! It speaks for itself.

Note how you ended your post by projecting and attempting to eliminate all argument by insisting on your own conclusions. Sorry, didn't work.

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