President John F. Kennedy's Definition of a Liberal.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
President John F. Kennedy's Definition of a Liberal. (sorry Right Wing World, you lose)

I know many kooks and cons keep saying that JFK would not be a Democrat or a Liberal today. But kooks and cons have warped memories if they truly believe this bullcrap. I suggest they know right well JFK would be a liberal Democrat today. How do I know this? JFK in his own words:

"What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label, "Liberal"...if by a "Liberal," they mean...someone who cares about the welfare of the people - their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties...if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say that I'm a "Liberal." "[Applause.]

- Address of John F. Kennedy upon Accepting the Liberal Party Nomination for President, New York, New York, September 14, 1960 - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum


"Tonight we salute George Meany as a symbol of that struggle and as a reminder that the fight to eliminate poverty and human exploitation is a fight that goes on in our day...And tonight we salute Adlai Stevenson as an eloquent spokesman..."

- A Liberal Definition by JFK


as you can see, the kooks and cons would have you believe they think a conservative would salute those two fine gentlemen JFK saluted. :lol:

What conservative politician today ran on or dares to admit wanting to care about the people's ", their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties." as a politician?

They kept telling us for decades now that it is not the government's or a politician's business.

If they cared they'd have to do something about it. You can't do something when you say the government has no role.
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so of you simply "care" about someone, you have to provide them with whatever that is?

That's fucked up.

How can you be so brain dead to not understand that it is better to teach a man to fish than to just give him fish.

People like you are a cancer.
So people who can read and comprehend the English language is stupid to you?

Can't say I am surprised. You live under a rock.
The more I study the more I grow impatient with socialist welfare morons....


look at:
and now the UK

just for some recent examples.

Is that what you want? Rioting? Violence?

The liberals of today are nothing more than confused, insolent, and lazy people who want something for nothing, or openly want theft and violence committed against their fellow citizen at the threat of government force. And when you don't get your way? You attack the government. It is the liberals who are violent, the people who would rather earn nothing but have everything rather than earn everything themselves.

Makes me want to throw up my oatmeal to be honest. Get a fucking life.
JFK thought the Federal government had a responsibility in the areas of health, housing, schools, jobs, as well as civil rights.
He was right about civil rights.
JFK also praised ...omg...:eek:... union Bosses!!! :clap2:
Unions have become that which they were created to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money and power.

They also protect the lazy and incompetent.
JFK thought the Federal government had a responsibility in the areas of health, housing, schools, jobs, as well as civil rights.
He was right about civil rights.
JFK also praised ...omg...:eek:... union Bosses!!! :clap2:
Unions have become that which they were created to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money and power.

They also protect the lazy and incompetent.

That is an unfair opinion but it is a popular one. Depending on what union people look at and at what actions, unions can be a godsend. Many places I worked at as I traveled around had dumb union rules. Many were well meaning protections that ended up getting abused.

Unions pay out retirement benefits. Many companies like Polaroid stole people's retirement benefits. Many previously good companies became just as bad or worse, than the worst unions. What changed?

Corporate raiders. The investors, the wealthy, the private wealth firms cannibalized good companies and not only threw people out of work, they killed companies and stole the pension plans of generations.

Go to Massachusetts and meet people who worked for Polaroid.
JFK thought the Federal government had a responsibility in the areas of health, housing, schools, jobs, as well as civil rights.
He was right about civil rights.
JFK also praised ...omg...:eek:... union Bosses!!! :clap2:
Unions have become that which they were created to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money and power.

They also protect the lazy and incompetent.

I campaigned for the Kennedy family. Most all held true to the memories and values of JFK. They were all mostly liberal to moderate depending n the issue. Some were more conservative than others on how fiscal issues.

I've always believed oversight and regulation of government programs, as well as business practices, should minimize the abuse that follows human nature.
JFK thought the Federal government had a responsibility in the areas of health, housing, schools, jobs, as well as civil rights.
He was right about civil rights.
JFK also praised ...omg...:eek:... union Bosses!!! :clap2:
Unions have become that which they were created to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money and power.

They also protect the lazy and incompetent.

That is an unfair opinion but it is a popular one. Depending on what union people look at and at what actions, unions can be a godsend. Many places I worked at as I traveled around had dumb union rules. Many were well meaning protections that ended up getting abused.

Unions pay out retirement benefits. Many companies like Polaroid stole people's retirement benefits. Many previously good companies became just as bad or worse, than the worst unions. What changed?

Corporate raiders. The investors, the wealthy, the private wealth firms cannibalized good companies and not only threw people out of work, they killed companies and stole the pension plans of generations.

Go to Massachusetts and meet people who worked for Polaroid.
Sure, there have been some corporate abuses. There have also been union abuses.

Unions have become the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. Do you suppose that represents conservative union members?
JFK thought the Federal government had a responsibility in the areas of health, housing, schools, jobs, as well as civil rights.
He was right about civil rights.
JFK also praised ...omg...:eek:... union Bosses!!! :clap2:
Unions have become that which they were created to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money and power.

They also protect the lazy and incompetent.

I campaigned for the Kennedy family. Most all held true to the memories and values of JFK. They were all mostly liberal to moderate depending n the issue. Some were more conservative than others on how fiscal issues.

I've always believed oversight and regulation of government programs, as well as business practices, should minimize the abuse that follows human nature.
Kennedy was further right than today's Democrats.
Unions have become the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. Do you suppose that represents conservative union members?

Enforcement arm?

That's rich.

What do they do? "Send a coupla knuckle busters to ya house.."?

"Some guy named Vinny"?

He was right about civil rights.

Unions have become that which they were created to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money and power.

They also protect the lazy and incompetent.

I campaigned for the Kennedy family. Most all held true to the memories and values of JFK. They were all mostly liberal to moderate depending n the issue. Some were more conservative than others on how fiscal issues.

I've always believed oversight and regulation of government programs, as well as business practices, should minimize the abuse that follows human nature.
Kennedy was further right than today's Democrats.

Kennedy was not further right than the Democratic party, he was further right than the left wing fringe, of today and yesterday. Liberals are NOT left wing. They are n the left of conservatism.

I posted a link to JFK's speech on what a liberal is in his eyes.

I see no one on the right ever attack or debate what JFK ever said about being a liberal. I see the types of arguments you are trying to make.

Now, I believe JFK was more of a moderate than many of the Democrats people like to attack for being leftists, but like Clinton and the DCL, Kennedy was a common sense liberal.

but we digress, JFK's values would be anathema to the GOP of today. JFK's family (that uphold his values and beliefs) have stayed in the Democratic party and have not been thrown out or become unwelcome.
Unions have become the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. Do you suppose that represents conservative union members?

Enforcement arm?

That's rich.

What do they do? "Send a coupla knuckle busters to ya house.."?

"Some guy named Vinny"?

SEIU Thugs Beat Up Town Hall Protester | Sweetness & Light

Union Thugs Break Law, Helped by DC, MD Cops - LFTC - Letter From The Capitol

Shocking! Bat-wielding Union Thugs Attack Non-union Workers - Big Government

I campaigned for the Kennedy family. Most all held true to the memories and values of JFK. They were all mostly liberal to moderate depending n the issue. Some were more conservative than others on how fiscal issues.

I've always believed oversight and regulation of government programs, as well as business practices, should minimize the abuse that follows human nature.
Kennedy was further right than today's Democrats.

Kennedy was not further right than the Democratic party, he was further right than the left wing fringe, of today and yesterday. Liberals are NOT left wing. They are n the left of conservatism.

I posted a link to JFK's speech on what a liberal is in his eyes.

I see no one on the right ever attack or debate what JFK ever said about being a liberal. I see the types of arguments you are trying to make.

Now, I believe JFK was more of a moderate than many of the Democrats people like to attack for being leftists, but like Clinton and the DCL, Kennedy was a common sense liberal.

but we digress, JFK's values would be anathema to the GOP of today. JFK's family (that uphold his values and beliefs) have stayed in the Democratic party and have not been thrown out or become unwelcome.
I disagree.
He was right about civil rights.

Unions have become that which they were created to protect against: Organizations that exploit workers for money and power.

They also protect the lazy and incompetent.

That is an unfair opinion but it is a popular one. Depending on what union people look at and at what actions, unions can be a godsend. Many places I worked at as I traveled around had dumb union rules. Many were well meaning protections that ended up getting abused.

Unions pay out retirement benefits. Many companies like Polaroid stole people's retirement benefits. Many previously good companies became just as bad or worse, than the worst unions. What changed?

Corporate raiders. The investors, the wealthy, the private wealth firms cannibalized good companies and not only threw people out of work, they killed companies and stole the pension plans of generations.

Go to Massachusetts and meet people who worked for Polaroid.
Sure, there have been some corporate abuses. There have also been union abuses.

Unions have become the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. Do you suppose that represents conservative union members?

A union cannot represent every individual or group view. There are unions that are conservative in membership that keep liberal members out on the outside -- Teamsters and Police unions.

Most unions back the Democrats because Democrats are friendly to labor. Labor vs corporations. Pointing out the flaws in unions is no argument for getting rid of unions.

Saying unions mostly back Democrats says more about what Democrats believe in and do than it says about unions.There are unions that have backed Republicans. But reality says that since the implementation of unions in the USA, the GOP has been hostile to every union demand. Why would unions back the GOP?

note: gotta run...pick up later
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